James, the Third of that Name (1460-1488), King of Scotland, pp.189-214.


THIS same zeire, imediatley after K. James the 2ds deathe, his sone, Prince James, was crouned solemley in the abbey churche of Kelso, in the 7 zeire of his age, and of our redemptione 1460.

In September this zeire, Warke castell takin from the Englishe and dismantled.

The tutorey of the young Kings persone is comited by the estaits to the Queine mother, with hes tuo brothers, Alexander, Duck of Albaney, and Johne, Earle of Mar, and the tuo young ladeyes ther sisters.

The estaits elects 6 Gouernours this zeire, for the gouerniment of the realme during the Kinges minority, viz. the Bis: of Glasgow and Dunkelden, Lord Chanceler, the Earle of Orknay, with the Lordes Grhame and Boyde.



This zeire, 1461, King Henrey the 6, of England, by hes ambassadors, begges peace of the 6 Regents of the kingdome, in respecte of the tragidies betuix him and the Duck of Zorke; wich they granted for a zeire.

Donald, Lord of the Iles, this zeire takes the castell of Innernesse, burnes and spoyles Athole, and leads the Earle therof and his Ladey prissoners to the Iles; and robes all the churches he can. God punishes his sacraledge; for, first he is takin with madnes, and shortly hauing recouered therof, he is killed by a harper in the castell of Innernesse.

This zeire, K. Henrey the 6, of England, being ouerthrowen in diuers batells by the Duck of Zorke, fleis to Beruick, and from thence for shelter to Scotland, accompanied with his Queine and eldest sone, with his vnckels, the Duckes of Somerset and Glocester, persewed of Eduard, Duck of York, and the Earles of Penbrock, Waruick, and Hungerford. They wer welcomed by the young King and his Regents; and then is the toune of Beruick deliuered by K. Henreies command to the zoung King James the 3d, one promisse to suplie K. Henrey with certaine forces for inwading of England, wich therafter was performed, altho with small succes to infortunat Henrey.



In the begning of this zeire, Queine Margarett, wyffe to Henrey the 6, of England, from Scotland sailles with her eldest sone to France for aide, 25 Januarij, 1462.

This zeire, Peiter de Bressey, the Senescall of Normandey is sent by K. Charles, of France, to K. Henreyes aide. He landes in Northumberland, and takes the castell of Bamburge, and from thence marches to Alnuick, and takes it; bot was therin straitly beseidged by the Englishe fauorers of Eduard, Duck of Zorke, till he was releiued and reskeued by George, Earle of Angus, Lord Warden of the Marches, with 13,000 men.

K. Henrey, from Scotland, this zeire inwads Ingland with ane armey of auxiliaries, Scotts, Frenche, Englishe, &c.; and being rancountred by the armey of Zorke, commandit by the Marques Montegu, at Hexam, in Zorkeshyre, he is ouerthrowen, his armey routted, and himselue escapes saue to Scotland.



This zeire, 1463, one the 16 day of Nouember, the Queine mother depairts this lyffe at Edinbrughe, and was solemly interrid in the Collegiat Churche ther, foundit and bult by herselue.



This zeire, 1464, Alexander, Duck of Albaney, the Kings brother, in his woyage by sea from his wnckell, the Duck of Gelders, towardes Scotland, is takin by the Englishe; bot by counsell of James Kennedey, Bischope of St. Andrewes, he is sett at libertey, quho sent a herauld to England to denunce warre in caisse of ther refusall.

This same zeire, also, the Lords Verenis and Turhon comes to the King, ambassadors from Charles, Duck of Burgundy, to ratifie the leauge formerly contracted; as also to offer Charles, hes neice, in marriage to the zoung King. The first poynt of ther ambassey was concludit; bot anent the Kings marriage the Regents anssuered the ambassadors with a delay, in smouth tearmes, in respecte of the Kings non age, as zet no wayes fitt for marriage: and so dismissed them honorably.



This zeire, 1465, K. Henrey the 6, of England, hauing lurked long wnder the Scotts Kings winges as a priuat man, resolues in a disgyssed habit to enter England, quhill he should come quher his frinds wer, in the harte of the kingdome, and in the southe and west; bot being discouuered, he was takin prisoner, deliuered to K. Eduard, and imprissoned in the Touer of London; and by his frinds and fauorers (wich wer fewest in nomber), againe restored to liberty, wich, notwithstanding, he shorte quhyle inioyed.



The Regents call a parliament of the estaits of the kingdome, to be haldin at Edinbrughe, the last day of the mounth of Januarij this zeire, 1466. The cheiffe bussines in this parliament treatted offe and enacted, chieffly did concerne maters of trade and comersse with France and Flanders, and annent the Scotts staple ther.

This zeire, James Kennedey, Bischope of St. Andrewes, that wysse and religious prælat, nephew to K. James the 1, departis this lyffe at St. Andrews; and wes interred in staitly monument in the churche of St. Saluators colledge, foundit and bulte by himselue in that citey.

The King being now past tutorey, in his auen name cals a parliament of the estaits of the realme, at Edinbrughe, the 9 of October this zeire; quherin, amongest maney other actes, ther wer thre that manlie concerned the stait: 1. that no Englisheman haue aney benefice in Scotland; 2d. that cooper money be coyned, called black fardinngs; 3d. that all hospitalls within the realme be reformed and reduced to ther first fundations, and that they produce ther euidences befor the Lord Chanceler and his deputts, with the Ordinarey of the shyre.



The 12 of October this zeire, 1467, the King calls a parliament of his thre estaits, to be holdin at Edinbrughe; quhrin the walew of money was heighted, not only the Kinges auen, bot forraine also; and this ordained to be pubished at the crosses of the head burrowes of the kingdome by opine proclamatione.



This zeire, according to the ordinance of the last parliament, the Bischopes of Glasgow and Orknay, the Lord Chanceler, and Thomas Boyde, Earle of Arrane, are sent ambassadors to Denmarke, for procuring the Ladey Margarett, eldest daughter to Christierne, first of that name, K. of Denmark and Nouruay and Suethland, in marriage to the King. Her they brought home to Scotland, in the sext of the mounthe of Julay, 1468, accompanied with a royall traine of Lordes and Ladeyes, quher sho was solemly married to the King in the abbey churche of Holyrudhous, 10 day of Julij, with werey grate state and triumphe. Amongest the conditions of this marriage, one was, the Danishe Kings renunciatione of all right and claime that he or hes successors could claime for euer to [the] Iles Orcades and Zetland, in fauors of King James and the heires of this marriage, quhilks falzing, in fauors of K. James and hes heirs, Kings of Scotland.

This zeire Thomas Boyde, Earle of Arrane, for feare of his lyffe, is forced again to flee to Denmark for sauetie of his lyffe; and no souner is he gone, bot he is forfaulted and declaired a traitor; hes wyffe, the Kings sister, takin from him, and married to James, Lord Hamiltone.



The King calls a parliament this zeire, 1469, of his estaits, at Edinbrughe, the 29 day of Nouember; during wich the solemitey of the Queins coronatione wes performed, with all ceremoney requisit, in the abbey churche of Holyrudhousse. In this parliament was enacted a law that none vnder the degree of knight, wnles worth of zeirly reuenew a 100 lib of old extent, except heraldes and musitians, should weare clothes of silke. As also that all notaries, in tyme to come, shall be made be King, and not be the Emerour. That the Kings rolls and registers be put in bookes; and that no forraine blacke money, of quhatsomeuer natione, with aney coursse within this kingdome.



This zeire, 1470 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — [Lacuna] — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —



This zeire, 1471, ther appeired a fearfull comet, with fyrrie torches hanging at it, in the southe betuix the Pole and the Pleiades, from the 27 of Januarij to the 8 of Februarij.

The sext of Maij this zeire, the King holdes a parliament at Edinbrughe; quherin, amongest other lawes, it was enacted that na clergey men puches benefices of office of collectorie at the court of Rome, the quhilk was not therat befor; that merchants bring in no speares to the countrey, without they be sex ells of lenthe, wnder paine of confiscatione of the same; and that eache zeoman that can not handell the bow, that he haue ane good axe and targe of lether. As also that the nobility, barrons, and burgesses, with riche kirkemen, ships, pinkes, and busches with netts and all necessars perteining for fisherey.



This zeire, 1472, that grate shipe, but by James Kennedey, Bischope of St. Andrews, laded with riche merchandize, coming from Flanders, perished by tempest, neir Bambrughe one the cost of England; all perishning except some few that saued ther liues in the ships baote, amongest quhom was the Abbot of St. Columbane.



This zeire, 1473, deyes Nicolaus Tronus, Ducke of Venice; to quhom, by electione, succeidit Nicolao Marcelli.

This zeire, S. Francis de Paula, a Calabrian borne, institutes the order of Minine Friars, wich order was ratified and confremed by Pope Sixtus the 4.

This zeire, also, Mahumet, the Turkishe King, with a grate armey, rancountred Vssancassanes, the Persian Monarche; the Turke hauing past his armey ouer the riuer Euphrates, giues the Persian batell, routtes his armey, and kills 10,000 Persians dead one the place.


This zeire, 1474, deyes the Abbot of Dumfermling, and theafter the mounkes chosses one Alexander Thomsone, of ther auen housse, to be ther abbot: bot the King annulls that electione, extruds Thomsone, and promotts Henrey Crightone, Abbot of Pasley, to Dumfermlinge; and Robert Shaw he makes Abbot of Pasley. At this tyme did the King quyte abrogat that custome of choysing the abbots by the mounkes, and toke the electione of them to himselue, with the nominatione also, wich he procured to be confirmed by the Pope.

Patrick Grhame, Bischope of St. Andrews, this zeire created Archbischope and Metrapolitane of all Scotland, by the Pope, Xistus the 4.

This zeire, the pestilence raged in Scotland most fearfully; and the parliament called in Marche, wes prorogat till 9 of Maij, then holdin at Edinbrughe, quherin, amongest maney other statutes, it was enacted that all merchants should bring in bulzeon zeirly, wnder a pecuniall fyne, to be exacted to the Kinges wsse, of the contraueniers; also anent the stealling of haulkes, houndes, partriches, and duckes, and that none should kill dae, rae, or deare, in tyme of storme, wnder the paine of 10 lib.; lykwayes, this parliament sett doune the pryce of fraughts to be payed by all the leidges of the kingdome, at Portincraige, Queinsferrey, and Kingorne.



This zeire, 1475, the King, for the wrgent affaires of the kingdome, calls a parliament, to be holdin at Edinbrughe, the 20 day of Nouember; quherin it was enacted, that ciuill complaints be first persewed befor the Judge Ordinar; that bulzeon be brought in; and that no coyned money ordand to passe, be putt to the fyre and made bulzeon offe, or zet broken or melted be goldsmiths, without the Kings especiall licence. In this parliament it was ordanid that the price of gould be heighted – viz:

The Rose noble to

The Henrey noble to 


The Angell to 


The French croune to 

13sh. 4d. 

The Demy to 

13sh. 4d. 

The Scotts croune to 


The Salute to 

15sh. 6d. 

The Lewes to 

17sh. 6d. 

The Rydar to 

15sh. 6d. 

At last this parliament did conclude with ane acte, that no Guerra Courts should be haldin be Shriffs, Steuarts, Balzies, or vther inferior judges.



This zeire the King leuies a grate armey of lande shouldiours, wnder the command of his wnckell Johne, Earle of Athole, in the mounthe of Maij, 1476; and a grate fleitt of ships, wnder the comand of the Earle of Craufurd, to reduce Johne, Lord of the Lisles, to bedience: bot befor the armey did marche, the generall, Johne, Earll of Athole, by his wisdome and industrey, one certaine conditions caussed Johne submitt himselue in the Kings will, vpone wich submissione the King calls a parliament, to be holdin at Edinbrughe, the 4 day of Julay; and in it, first ratifies his generall reuocatione, and then annexis the earldome of Rosse to the croune; and, lastly, causses the Lord of the Isles quhyte all his right to the said earldome of Rosse and Iles, reseruing to him the tytill of Lord of them, and for his maintinence in honorable conditione, the King giues to him and hes, heretably, the prouinces of Knapdaile and Kintyre: and in this sorte was Johne, Lord of the Iles, reconceilled to the Kings fauor, being glade of his attoinment, returned home.



In the zeire 1477, arriues heir, in grate pompe, Husman, the Legat of Pope Xystus the 4, and executtes the sentence of depreuatione and imprisoneement pronounced by the Pope and colledge of Cardinalls, aganist Patrick Grhame, Archbischope of St. Andrewes; in quhosse place was substitute William Scheuesse, Archdeane of St. Andrewes, to quhosse faith the punishment of hs deposed predicessor was comitted: quho first sent him to a cell in St. Columbans Abbey in the Isle of Emona, and shortly therafter did remoue him to the monastarey of Dumfermling; bot finding to aime agane at the world, shutts him closse vpe in the castell of Locheleuin, quher he deyed, and was interrid in St. Seruans Ile ther.

Against the 6 of Agust in this zeire, the [King] calls a parliament of the estaits of the kingdome, to be haldin at Edinbrugh, quherin merchand strangers wes ordained to be honorably receaued and fauorably treatted, for encouraging them to trade and comerce with this kingdome; that the acte anent crue fishing, made be K. James the First, be obserued also; that the quantitey of sallmond barrells for packing, in all tyme coming, be of the measure of Hambrughe, wnder paine of tinsell of the fishe be the first seller, and 5 lib. to be payed by the delinquent couper, maker of the barrells, to the King; and that the Kings customers be shearchers heir vpone, in each toune.



In the begining of this zeire, 1478, is William Shewes consecrat Archbischope of St. Andrewes, by the Popes Legat, in presence of the King, in the abbey churche of Holyrudhousse, and from his hands receaues a paill, the ensynge of Archiespiscopall dignitey, and is declared, with grate solemitey, Primat and Legat of the realme of Scotland.

In Februarij, this zeire, the King, one the sinistrows informatione of wicked persons, committs his brother Alexander, Duck of Albaney, to prissone, in Edinbrughe castell; and from thence he escapes to hes auen castle of Dumbar, wich he wictualls and furnishes with all maner of amunitione, and so from thence, by sea, he sayles to France, quher he was welcomed by Leues the 11, the French King.

In the mounthe of Maij, this zeire, the King raisses ane armey, and beseidges Dumbar castle, wich keipt out for hes brother, the Duck of Albaney; the 2d day of wich seidge, with a canon ther wer killed one the Kings syde, the Lairds of Luss, Sauchie, and Craigey Wallace, all three knights; and Johne Ramsay, a gallant gentileman, wes also killed with stones from a batlemeut of Castle gait: bot thesse within the castle, being weiried with toyle and labore, not being able to hold out aney longer, by boate in the night escaped all of them to France; and so was it entred by the beseidgers the next day, non being to defend it.



This zeir, 1479, John Irland, doctor of theologie, and the Kings professor in the Vniversitey of Paris, a Scottsman by brith, was sent ambassador be Lewis the 11, to King James, to moue him to inwade England, fearing, fearing lest the Englishe should assist the Duck of Burgundy aganist the Frenche; as also to intreat the King to receaue his brother, the Duck of Albaney, in fauor againe; bot he was returnid back without aney satisfactorey ansswer at all.

About this tyme, also, Johne, Earle of Mar, the Kings zoungest brother, wes takin out of hes bed in the night, and sent prissoner to Craigmiller castle; and shortly therafter, being accussid by the Kinges wicked parasitts of consulting with socerers and witches to take the Kings lyffe, he was sentenced to haue a waine in his lyge oppinid, and in a bathe to blood to death; wich was execut in the Chanongat, neir Edinbrugh, this same zeire.



About the midlle of the zeire 1480, King James sends ambassadors to England, to demand King Eduards daughter, the Ladey Ciceley, in mariage to his sone Prince James, wich was granted, quhen he should be of zeires fitt for marriage; in hope of wich bargaine, (wich so weill pleased K. Eduard,) he lent K. James a good round soume of money, wich, vpone the not accomplishing of the marriage, was againe repaied; and by the subtle meines of Lewis, the Frenche King, quho made coysse rather to disbursse the money, then to haue aney sure fundatione of ane amitey layed betuix the crounes of Scotland and England.



King Eduard the 4 of England, this zeire, 1481, herinng that King James had leuied a grate armey, and was entred the Englishe borders, wsses a werey cuning tricke; he trimns vpe a knauishe mounke in the habit of the Popes Legat, sends him to the Scotts campe, and ther, in the Popes name, thunders out excommunicationes and cursses aganist the King and his haill armet, if they should at this tyme proceid aney further in hostile maner aganist England, and hinder so religiousse and pious a worke as the inwasione of the enimes of the crosse of Christ, Turkes and Mores; wich croysaid (as he affirmed) he had nopw about him to publishe troughe Cristendome, at least in Scotland and England. The facill King tooke all this trumprey for good coyne, and presently, without more enquyrey, licentiats his armey. Quhill the rougeishe mounke wes acting this pairt in the Scotts campe, King Eduard detaines K. James herauld, sent to him befor the Scotts entred England by the King, with faire wordes, bot wnder hand treacherously sends a fleeit of ships to the Edinbrugh firthe, quher they tooke 8 good ships, and brunt the castle of Blacknesse in Linlithgow shyre, and then makes home for England. Bot God rewenged their perfidey, maney of them being brokin and drounid by tempest, ere they could gaine home.

This same zeire, also, the Englishe beseidge Beruick, and beat doune most of the new bult wall; zett the Scotts within so walliantly defendit the same, that they were forced to reteire with sore bones.

A parliament haldin at Edinbrughe, the 2d day of Aprill, this same zeire, quherin the King was ordanied to present to all vaickend benefices within the kingdome.



This zeire, 1482, Alexander, Duck of Albaney, beinng nou a widouer, finding himselue in small respecte with the Frenche King, passes ouer to England, quher he was welcomed by K. Eduard, quho promissed to doe his wttermost to sett him inn the Scotts throne; and so raisses a grate armey of 40,000 men, wnder the command of his brother the Duck of Glocester, and of the Duck of Albaney, and enters Scotland. K. James, to opposse the Englishe, convenes his nobilitey, and appoynts the randezvouze of his armey at Lauder, quher the haill armey encamped; bot furder aganist the Englishe wold not the nobilitey moue one foote, till they had the misgouerniment of the estait repaired. So that Archbald, Earle of Angus, George, Earle of Huntley, Johne, Earle of Lennox, James, Earle of Buchan, Androw, Lord Gray, Robert Lord Lyle, with a grate maney wthers of the nobilitey and barrons, come to the Kings tent, all of them armed, and ther vpbraide him to his face, for hes misgouerment of the realme; for hes conteming his nobility, and giuing eare to sicophants and parasits of basse conditione; that he had most creuelly and inhumanly caussed hill his brother Johne, Earle of Mar, and banisht his other brother the Duck of Albaney; that he had addicted himselue totally to the counsell of Thomas Cochrane, William Rodger, and James Hommile, musroomes sprung vpe out of the drege of the comons, quhom he had raissed to ouertope his nobilitey, misgouerne the countrey, and foster him in his lusts, ryotts, and wicked courses. Thomas Cochrane, now being created Earle of [Mar] the Kings cheiffe minion, and reuler of all hes counsells, they take, and in his auen scarffe hanges him ouer Lauder bridge, with Roger and Hommille, one the comon gallows. Johne Ramsay they spaired, at the Kings earnist sollicitatione, being bot a zouthe of 18 zeires of age, and a courte pimpe. This tragidey acted, the haill armey incontinent dislodges, and brings the King prissoner with them to Edinbrughe castle, and comitts him to the custodey of Johne, Earle of Athole. The Englishe armey non opposing them, marche almost to Edinbrughe. The Scotts armey being betuix them and the toune, they begin to treat of ane peace with the Englishe, and so, one the second day of Aguste, they send the Duckes of Glocester and Albaney commissioners to treat with them of peace, viz. the Archbischope of St. Andrewes, the Bis: of Dunkelden, Coline Earle of argyle, and Androw Steuart, Lord Auendaill, Lord Chanceler of Scotland. At last, after some small difficulties, peace was concludit one thesse conditions: 1. That the Kings brother, the Ducke of Albaney, should be restored. 2d. That Dumbar castle, with the counties of Mar and Marche, should be giuen to him. 3d. As also that he should be the Kings Leiuetenant of the realme. 4. and astly, That the toune of Edinbrughe should obleige themselues for repayment of that money K. James had borrouid from K. Eduard, quill that Prince James marriage was in treatting betuix them. So depairts the Englishe armey; and in ther marche homewardes takes Beruick, after the Scotts had possesed it 21 zeires by compositione, Sr Patrick Herburne of Hailles being capitane thereof, 23 day of Agust, this same zeire, 1482.

This same zeire, Alexander, Duck of Albaney and the Chanceler gouerning all the realme, he, accompanied with diuers of the nobility, goes to Streueling to wisit the Queine and Prince; and after his returne he layes seidge to Edinbrughe castle, and at last takes it, and setts the King, with suche seruants as  attendit him, at liberty: bot the Chanceler, Argyle, and Archbischope of St. Andrewes, bering thesse newes, depairted eache to his auen countrey, grateumly dismayed.

This zeire, also, the Archbischope of St. Andrewes, fearing some mischieffe, did woluntarley reseinge his sea for that of Murray; and Andrew Steuarte, the Kings wnckell, was created Archbishope of St Andrewes, and solemly consecrat.

The King, thus liberat by his brother, is so in loue to him, that now one table, zea one bed, must suffice them both; wich did not long so continew.

Touards the end of this zeire, ciuill discords did againe burst furth betuix the King and his nobility, with neglecte of republicke and gouernment; quherone did arrysse thifts, depredations, and oppressions of the comons.



In the zeire 1483, from Charles the 8, the Frenche King, came Bernard Steuarte, Lord Aubigney, Marishall of France, and Peitter Mallart, a doctor of the ciuill and canon law, to K. James, to renew the ancient leauge and amitey betuix bothe realmes, wich was accordit, and by the suorne and subscriued the 22 day of Marche.

The Frenche ambassadors hauing thus effectuat ther bussines, takes with them 18 companies of Scotts foote, wnder the command of Donald Robertsone, ane expert and walliant commander, one quho had purchassed muche renoune wnder the Frenche King, in the warrs of Italey.

This zeire, K. Charles the 8 sends Bernard, Lord Aubigney, with ane armey to England, to the aide of Henrey, Earle of Richmond, aganist Richard, the wsurper, quhom they killed at the batell of Bosworthe, and Henrey euer therafter loued and honored the Scotts. This hapened in Ao 1486.

This zeire, new hearte burninges and discords burst furth betuix the King and his brother, the Duck of Albaney, quhom the nobilitey parties.

The King fearing the nobilitey all the rest of this zeire, in effecte keeps himselue closse tin Edinbrughe castle; and his brother, the Duck of Albaney, returns to France, quher he is kyndly welcomed by K. Charles the 8, the Frenche King.

The keipers of Dumbar castle, at the Duck of Albaneyes command, rander it in the handes of the Englishe, quho keipt it some few zeires therafter.

The 23 of Februarij, this zeire, the K. calls a parl: of his estaits, to be haldin at Edinbrughe; quherin diuers actes past anent bulzeon, goldsmiths worke, and the craying doune of the new plackes.

This zeire, in Nouember, Alexander, Duck of Albaney, depairts this lyffe, by the strocke of a splinter of ane lance which strocke him in the face, he beholdingg a tornament betuix the Duck of Orleans and ane other knight, leuing issew behind him, 2 sone: Alexander, his eldest sone, gottin one the Earle of Orknayes daughter, his first wyffe; and Johne, Duck of Albaney, his only sone of his 2d marriage, Gouernor of Scotland during the minority of K. Ja: 5. Alexander, his eldest sone, was Bischope of Murray, and Abbot of Scone.

This zeire, also, K. James sent the Archbischope of St. Andrews to Rome, anent the procuring of some particular dispensations and preuiledges to him, wich were granted.



This zeire, 1484, Pope Innocent the 8, sent James, Bis: of Imola, his Legat to Scotland, to mediat a peace betuix James, King of Scotland, and Richard, K. of England, wich he effectuat to indure for 3 zeires.

This zeire ther was grate famine in Scotland, and 3 moones appeired in the firmament, about 2 in the afternoone; the 25 of September this same zeire also, with much fryre, thunder and raine, for 3 quhole dayes therafter.



This zeire, 1485, after the death of Johne Mocenigi, Duck of Venice, Marke Barbarico wes elected in his place; his coronatione was performed with grate solemitey.

This zeire, lykwayes, the first of Junij, Mathew, King of Hungarey, takes Vienna, the cheiffe toune of Austria, notwithstanding all that the Emperour Frederick could doe to the contrarey.



In this zeire, 1486, wes King Richard, of England, killed by Henrey, Earle of Richmond, (as I have hertofor wrettin,) the 22 of September.

Henrey, Earle of Richmond, this zeire, being crouned King of England, by the name of K. Henrey the 7, imediatly sent his ambassadors to Scotland, to K. James, the principall of quhom was Richard Fox, Bischope of Excester, quho concludit a septeniall peace betuix the tuo kingdomes; assuring K. James, in his masters name priuatly, that he wold during his lyffe tyme obserue and keepe a perpetuall peace with the Scotts croune, and wold renew the same euery 7 zeires; wich leauge coming to the knowledge of the nobility and gentrey, incenssed them aboue all measure against the King, as if he had concludit the most vniust peace that could be imagined.



This zeire, K. Ja: hauing peace with England, betakis him to a priuat miserable lyffe, wnworthey of a King, and by all possible meins giues himselue ouer to be counselled by fellows of basse conditione, and to gather money, wich procurid the implacable hattred of his nobilitey; so that the Earls of Angus, Argyle, Lennox, with the Lords Hailles, Home, Dromond, Lyle, Gray, and diuers more, conspyre against him, (since they saw no appeirance of amendiment in him, bot to grow daylie worsse and worsse,) and leuies a grate armey, making Prince James, a zouth of 16 zeires of age, ther leader aganist his father and souerainge, in Ao 1487.

This zeire, the Franche and Englishe Kinges, by ther ambassadors, labor in vaine to mediate a peace and reconceillement betuix the King and his nobility; they sueare and protest neuer to lay doune armes, wnles the King will reseing the gouerniment to the Prince his sone; and with bitter reproches lyes to his charge, all the mischeiues the kingdome hes beine redacted too, and that alenerly by his misgouerniment.

The 1 of October this same zeire, K. Ja: calls a parliament, at Edinbrughe; quherin were enacted maney lawes anent the office and deutey of shriffs, crouners, and inferior judges; against delinquents, and such as refusse obedience to the lawes of the land; as also that all actions be perseued befor the Judge Ordinar. In this same parl: also, in respecte of the forfaultrey of Alexander, Duck of Albaney, Earle of Marche, Mar and Garioche, Lord of Anandaile and Manne, the said lands and lordschipes are annexed to the croune.



In the begining of this zeire, 1488, the nobilitey deall with the Earle of Douglas, now a shorne mounke in Londors abey, quherin he was as in a prisson, (by the King condemid during lyffe) to cast off his coull, and come out of his cell, and joyne with them to suppresse so wicked and insolent a King (as they called him,) and they wold againe restore him to all his former dignities and reuenewes; bot he being brokin with age, and weiry of the world, denayed ther sute, and exhorted them to peace and concord, bot one no tearmes wold aney more tray his auen hard fortune.

K. James then seinng no way to pacifie his enraged subiects, now vpe in armes aganist him, all in a furey marches from Streueling, contrair the adwysse of thesse with him, till that the Earle of Huntley should haue come vpe with his forces. So accompanied with the Duck of Montrois, the Earles of Glencairne, Athole and Menteith, with the Lordes Ruthuen, Boyde and Maxswoll, quher they rancounter the adwersse partey at a willage, within 2 myles of Streuelin, called Banockburne; betuix quhom ther was a creuell batell, the 11 day of Junij this zeire, 1488, quherin K. James the 3d was killed, in the 29 zeire of his rainge. After the batell, his bodey wes caried to the monastarey of Cambuskenneth hard bay.

The Prince his sone, befor the batell, commandit that non should put wiolent hand one the King his father; zet was he inhumanly killed by some treacherous willanes, his enimies, in Bannockburne mill, quher he had fled for shelter.

The Popes Legat, in his iorney to Scotland, this zeire, to doe his endeuore to reconcile K. James and his subiects, by the way hering of the batell and Kinges death, stayes in England.