James, the Fourth of that Name (1488-1513), King of Scotland, pp.214-238.


PRINCE James, about the 16 zeir of his age, his father being killed, as a formerly shew, wes solemly crouned at Kelso or Calcow abbey, in Ao 1488.

Imediatly after the Kings coronatione, this same zeire, a conspiracey of some malcontents bursts furthe aganist the Kings persone; the ring leaders quherof was the Earle of Lennox and Lord Lyle, quho betooke them to armes, bot wer ouerthrowen in a conflicte, neir Touche, in Streuelin shyre; maney beinng killed, and maney of such that wer takin prissoners, wer presently hanged; amongest wich was the Laird of Kilcreuche, chieffe of the Galbraithes.

The King calls a parliament, this same zeire, at Edinbrugh, the 6 of October, quherin the King pardones all thesse that partied his father, and grants the wardes to the minors of them that wer killed at that wnhapey batell of Bannockburne; as also hes generall reuocatione, bearing dait at Scone, this same zeire, is by the 3 estaits ratified and confirmed; that new gold be coyned of the fynnes of the Rosse noble, and that siluer be coyned of the fynnes of the old English groate; as also, that quhatsomeuer clerck purchesses aney benifice at the Courte of Rome, the presentatione quherof belongs to the King, comitts lesse maiestie aganist the Kings persone, and that proscriptione, rebellione and tressone, be execut vpone them.



In the begining of this zeire, 1489, the King calls a parliament of his estaits at Perth, quherin, by ane acte, the slaughter of the Kings father, K. James the 3d, is layed one himselue and his eiuell counsellers, and the present King and his adherents liberat of the same; of wich particular acte all forraine princes, allayeis of this croune, by ambassadors are aduertissed offe, namely, the Pope, Emperour, Kings of France, Spaine and Denmarke, for clering the asspertione fame had blundered both King and kingdome with, of paricide and killing of ther King.

In this same parl: of the 15 of Februarij, lykwayes, it wes enacted, that the King and his counsell, by his authoritey, should make all persons and parties within his realme, to be at frindschipe and concord; anent new money to be coyned, and the pryce of the wnce of the same, diuers statutes wer enacted; as also, that the free tenants that holds of the Prince, Duck of Rothesay, and Steuarte of Scotland, shall be haldin to compeire in the parliament and justice aires, with ther suttes and presences, ay, and quhill the King haue a sone that should be immediat betuix the King and them, to anssuer for them in the said parliament; and lykwayes it was statute, that the Kings maiestie, once a zeire, (health seruing) should visit eache pairt of his realme; and all noblemen, and wthers bearing publick office, gaue a soleme othe, eache of them, to administer justice deulie within his auen jurisdictione, see the Kings peace keipt, and malefactors put to trayell and executione.

Immediatly after the parliament, this same zeire, the King, by his proclamatione, recalls all pensions giuen to quhatsomeuer persone by his father, to the diminutione of his reuenew.

The King, this same zeire, lykwayes, takes especiall caire for the good educatione of hes tuo zoung brothers, Alexander, Duck of Ross, and Jhone, Earle of Mar, and that the superplus of ther reuenew might zeirlie accres to them; for ther father, befor his death, had endewed with riche patrimonies.



In the begining of this zeire, 1490, King James, by adwysse, of hes counsaill, sends diuers noblemen ambassadors to France, Spaine and Denmarke, for renewing the ancient leauges and alliances betuix thesse crounes and this. The Archbischope of Glasgow wes sent to France; the Earle Bothuell to Spaine; and Sr James Ogiluey of Airlie, knight, to Denmarke; quho did so brauly carey himselue ther, and with suche dexteritey and wisdome performed his bussines, to the Kinges heigh contentment; so that for his good seruice, at hes returne, he was created Lord Ogiluey.



This zeire the King, in the begining of Maij, 1491, makes choisse of a selecte nomber of the nobilitey and gentrey to be of his priuey counsaill, and did solemley promisse to doe nothing in the gouerniment without ther counsell and adwisse.

A grate contrauersey arrosse in Junij this zeire, betuix the Archbischopes of St. Andrewes and Glasgow, anent the auctoritey and exercisse of ther functions, wich made a grate rent; each of them drauing a grate maney of the nobilitey to partey them: bot the King wysley did represse ther insolencey, and commandit them, wnder the paine of treassone, to submitt all ther contrawersies to the decisione of the canon law; so was the bussines betuix thesse ambitious pralats, for this tyme, packt vpe.

This same zeire the King calls a parliament at Edinbrughe, the 18 day of Maij; the first acte of wich was, the confirmatione of the alliance and confæderatione with France, concludit in the former zeire; with diuers vther actes and statutes of lesse consequence, being for administratione of justice especialley.



The King all this zeire, 1492, bussies himselue, nobilitey, gentrey, and comons, for riging out of shipes and busches to fishe, (wich proued a grate good to this comon wealthe;) the King himselue, and most of the nobilitey, to encourage others, became themselues aduenturers. So that all this Kings raigne, and his sones lykwayes, the fishing so incressed, that by that pice of industrey, accompanid with peace, the stocke of the kingdome was tribled, and all degrees of peopel gratumley enriched; till the cormorant Hollander, learning from ws in the rainge of Queine Marey to feeid one our bread, hath so dexterously handled the bussines, and grouen to such perfectione in this trade, that now a dayes, by this only meine, they are become mightey, riche, and opulent, zea formidable to the quhole world, and no good neighbour to Scotland, quhence they first had the sinuees of all ther gratness.



This zeire, 1493, the King calls a parliament, to be haldin at Edinbrughe, the 26 day of Junij, quherin, amongest other quholsome lawes, the eldest sons of barrons and gentlemen are, wnder a grate penaltey, ordained to studey the lawes of the land.



This zeire, Pope Alexander the 6, sent his Legat, Formaules, to Scotland, quho arriued at Edinbrughe 6 of Junij, 1494, to confort the King, quho wes become werey melancholey and pensiue, in that he had contenanced thesse that had killed his father. Bot the nuntio, by the pouer giuen him by the Pope, enioyned him a pennance, wich was to weare a chyne of irone about his midle all the dayes of his lyffe, wich he did; and by his apostolick pouer absolued him.



This zeire, 1495, King James the 4, makes hes progresse throughe all the north pairts of Scotland; and without respecte of persons, executtes justice one all offenders, to the grate quyett of the realme, and easse of the subiecte; he causses re-edifie such ruines as warre had formerly made in borrowes, and his auen castells; wich he caused to be weill furnished with all necessarey prowisions and amunitione for defence.



In the begining of this zeire, 1496, the French King, Lewis the 12, seing the Englishe redey to warre one him, by his ambassadors shewes to K. James for ayde, and discouers to him ane (notable peice of apocrapha,) called Eduard, Duck of Zorke, the sone of K. Eduard the 4, quho now is said to haue escaped the butcheries of K. Richard the 3d. This masked comædian proued a notabell counterfait, and wrought much trouble to K. Henrey the 7. He was forged, and so sett out one the publick stage, by Margarett, Duchesse of Burgundy, sister to King Eduard the 4, a subtile and politick woman; and so is this mushrome Ducke of Zorke sent by Lewes, the Frenche King, to Scotland; he craues aide aganist King Henrey the 7, and calls him ane vsurper, a traitor and intruder.



This zeire, 1497, the counterfait Duck of Zorke, Richard, is married to the Earle of Huntlies daughter, and getts a good armey of Scotts for his aide; they invade the English border.

K. Henrey prepares a grate armey to inwade Scotland, this zeire, wnder the commande of the Earles of Surrey and Northumberland, bot no blood was spilt one ather syde. Ferdinand, K. of Spaine, by his ambassador, Don Petro Hiela, mediats a peace betuix the Scotts and Englishe Kinges; and how soune he fand the Scotts Kinges pulsse, with possible diligence he adwetisses K. Henrey to haiste ane ambassador of hes auen to the Scotts King, quho might realley enter in a trettey one some solide groundes.



In the begining of this zeire, 1498, K. Henrey the 7, of England, sent Richard Fox, Bischope of Dunelme, to joyne with the Spanishe ambassador, instructed with werey ample comissione to treat of peace, and in his name to conclude it. They wer mett by the Scotts comissioners at Melros abbey, one the border. Ther first demand is, that the counterfait Duck of Zorke, by them named Perkin Werbecke, that had so troubled the quyeit of England, should be deliuered in K. Henreyes hands; wich K. James all to gider refusses to doe such ane acte, so dishonorable and præjudiciall to his honor: alwayes, by the wisdome of Fox, the peace is concludit; and the King promisses fairly to dismisse him, and heirafter hold him for quhat indeid he was. At last, this zeire, he departed Scotland to Flanders, (wich was hes sactuarey) ther to be better instructed by Margarett, the Dutchesse of Burgundy, and learne hou to acte the nixt scheme; from quhence shoe sendes him ouer to Walles, to tray ther credulitey; bot finding the Welshe faith lyke ther leeikes and tostit cheisse, by them he is deliuered to be a sacrafisse in K. Henreyes handes; quho, after he hed expossed him to publick scorne, being led with a halter about his necke, and a paper hate on his head, through London, he was at last condemned to turne the spitts in K. Henreies kitchin.

The Ladey Cathrin Gordon, quho was maried to Richard, the conterfait Duck of Zorke, was, after her husbands apprehensione and disgrace, sent by K. Henrey to his Queine; quho, for her excellent beutey, much esteeimed her, and for her birth honored her. Sho was, by the Queine and courte, named the Whyte Rose. Sho liued in England all her dayes, weill and plentifully, by the munifence of K. Henrey and hes Queine.



This zeire, 1499, some broyles did arrysse in the borders betuix the Scotts and Englishe, anent the seidge formerly layed to Norhame castle; bot by the wisdome of Richard, Bischope of Dunelme, quho wreat to K. James, and showed the castell was his, and quhat wrong was done to ainey of his subiects, it should be repaired at his maiesties auen arbitriment; desyring the King not to esteime aney thing was done a breache of peace, or by the knowledge or approbatione of K. Henrey, bot onlie a foolishe insolence of the stipendiarey shouldiours wich quartered one the border.



In the letter end of Februarij, this zeire, K. James comes to Melrosse abbey; and with 7 dayes therafter, ther comes lykewayes Richard, Bischope of Dunelme, in Ao 1500, betuix quhome all bussines wer amicabley composed; and at the Bischopes departur, K. James whispers him softlie in the eare, that the only way to England to haue ane perpetuall and lasting peace with Scotland, was to moue K. Henrey to giue his eldest daughter, the Ladey Margarett, to him in marriage. The wysse prelat desyres the King to keipe himselue closse, and he wold with all speid tray K. Henreys mynd; wich with all convenient diligence he did. Finding K. Henrey to relishe that motione extremly weill, directs a priuey post to King James, and intreats him without aney delay, to haist his ambassadors to K. Henrey, for the iron was hotte, and best it was to stricke the same.



K. James, aduertissed by the Bishchopes secrett posts, sends Robert Blackader, Archbischope of Glasgou, and Adam Hepburne, Earle of Bothuell, Lord Hailles, his ambassadors to England, to treat of the marriage betuix him and the Ladey Margarett, eldest daughter to K. Henrey the 7; and to that effecte, a saue conducte, wnder the broad seall of England, is presently sent to the Wardens of the Borders, to be deliuered to the Scotts ambassadors, in Aguste, 1501.



The 25 day of Januarij this zeire, 1502, K. James ambassadors finish the tretty of the marriage, and solemley marey the Ladey Margarett of England, as the Kings procurators, in Pauls churche of London, wich therafter was solemley published, with grate ioy and triumphe at Pauls crosse this same day, to the grate joy and contentment of K. Henrey and the Ladey his daughter.



The King calls a parliament to meitt at Edinbrughe, the 11 day of Marche this zeire, 1503; quherin it is ordained, that ther should be a daylie counsell of judicature, to sitt at Edinbrughe, to deceid ciuill matters and complaintes, and shall haue the samen pouer as the Lordes of Sessione. That justices and shriffes be made for the Iles. That Dowarte, Glentowarte, and the lordschipe of Lorne, ansuer and vnderlay the law at the justice aire of Perth; Mawmor, Loch-aber come to the aire of Innernesse; and Argyle (quhen the King pleases) shall ansuer at the justice aire of Perth; and that that pairte of Cowale that is not within the bounds nor lordschipe of Argyle, and all the inhabitants therof, come to the aire of Dunbartane; as also that the aire of Bute, Arran, Knapdaile, Kintyre, and Meikell Cumray, be haldin at the brughe of Aire of Rothesay, and the inhabitants therof come ther at the Kinges plesaure.

It was also statute in this parliament, that shriffes be made in Rosse and Cathnes for administratione of justice; that zeirlie musters be keipt in eache brughe and shyre; that all the Kings leidges be reuelled by his lawes; that all officers within brughe be changed zeirlie; that Scotts merchants persew one ane other bezond sea befor aney judge bot the conseruator, and that the said conseruator come home zeirly, or send ane procurator; that all meassures and waightes be offe one quantitey; and to conclude this parliament, the King solemly reuokes al done by him in parliament, counsell, or wtherwayes in prejudice of the churche or croune.

Queine Margarett is conwayed by the Earles of Surrey and Northumberland, then Wardens of the Englishe Marches, attendit by maney of the English nobility and ladeyes to Beruick, and from thence to Lambert churche, in Lamermure, quher the King mett her, and receaued her with great ioy from the tuo Earles. From thence they went the first night to Dalkeith, and nixt to Edinbrughe, quher, with grate triumphes, the marriage was solemley accomplished; and the Scotts and Englishe nobilitey feasted togider, with mutuall showes of loue and amitey, for the space of 14 dayes. From the first propositione of this marriage, to the nou accomplishement therof, wer almost 3 quholl zeires.



Thesse marriage triumphes endit, the most pairt of the English lordes, ladeyes, and knights, returned home, with great commendatione of ther royall and magnifiq: wssage and intertainiment in Scotland; K. James suffring none of them to depairt without some tokin of his favor and loue. This happey marriage brought with it a continuall peace betuix Scotland and England all K. Henrie 7. dayes.



That acte called the Acte of Recognitione, bred a grate sture and hatred this zeire, 1505, in the hartes of all sortes of people aganist the King; wich he wysly perceauing, made the executione of the same to ceasse and take no effecte during the remander of his rainge. Bot the conceaued furey and spleene was wented aganist thesse counsellers quho had adwyssed the King to the making and executinng so vniuste and rigise a law, as thesse tymes named it.



This zeire, 1506, the King in persone holdes justice courtes in diuersse pairts of the kingdome; quherin, to the grate ioy and contentment of his people, he showes maney actes of a prudent King and a wysse justiciar, without partialitey: among wich, the Laird of Thornton, for murthering his wyffe, had his head struke from his bodey, by the stroake of ane axe, at Edinbrughe crosse.

This zeire, also, the King buldes a grate shipe, and Androw Bartan is made capitane of her, and imployed against the Flemishe pyratts, that had spoyled maney Scotts marchents; aganist quhom he so preuailled, that he not only made the costs cleire of them, bot sent the King 3 barrels full of ther heades.

The 10 of Agust this same zeire, a fearfull comett appeired in Scotland. Its coursse was obserued to be from the northe to the southe, with a suifte and violent motione.

Sr Antoney Darcey (therafter named Monseur de la Bauty) cam this zeire from France, through England, to Scotland, to tray his walor in armes, quherof he much bosted offe. Betuix him and the Lord Hamiltone, (a most gallant man at armes as aney thesse tymes had,) wer diuers notoble rancounters, without aney certaine wictorey to aither; only the lord Hamiltone, one day, at Falkland, was judged to haue the honor; wich La Bautey did impute to hes auen indispositione of bodey that day.



The 21 of Februarij, 1507, the Queine is brought to bed of a sone, quho was christned James. The gossepes wer Robert, Archbischope of Glasgou, and Patrick, Earle of Bothuell, Lord Hailles; and the Countes of Huntley was godmother to this young Prince.

The Queine, after her deliuerey, was dangerously seicke; and the King, for her recouery, went this zeire in pilgrimage, one hes foote, to St. Ninians, in Galloway: and sho beinng recouered, bothe K. and Queine went ther in Julay, one pilgrimage, this same zeire.

Pope Julius the 2d sends his Legat to Scotland, this zeire, with a halloued suord and cape to the King, and a bull of the tytill, Defender of the Faithe.

This same zeire, lykwayes, the King goes in pilgrimage to S. Duthus, in Rosse; such a haud had superstitione gottin ouer him.

In September this zeire,also, the Archbis: of St. Andrewes, and the Earle of Arran, wer sent ambassadors to France.

This zeire the King makes ane Italian montebanck, a professed buffone and alchimist, Abbot of Tungeland. Lesley, in his Historey, does record some of his chettings and trickes.



This zeire, 1508, Prince James, the Kings only sone, deyes, the 27 day of Februarij; and after him the holy Bischope of Galloway, his tutor and gouernour.

This zeire, Cockburne, Bischope of Ross, and Monseiur de la Bautey, comes this zeire to Scotland, from France.

This zeire, also, Bernard Steuart, Viceroy of Nadles, and the President of Tollousse, comes ambassadors from Lewis the Frenche King. The sume of ther ambassey was, to consult with K. James, as with one of the sheiffe allayes of the Frenche croune, wither or not he should marey his daughter one Francis of Valois, the Dolphine of Viennois, Duck of Angolseme, ore one Charles, King of Castile; bot in the mounthe of Junij, this same zeire, the Lord Bernard Steuarte, one of the Frenche Kings ambassadors, departed this lyffe at Corstorphin, neir Edinbrughe, in his returne from Streueling to France. He command, one his death bed, to enbalme his heart after his death, and send it to S. Ninians, in Galloway, in performance of a wow wich he had made quhill he was Viceroy of Naples.

This zeire, the King, in Maij, sends the Archdean of St. Andrewes, and Sr Antoney Darcey, his ambassadors, to France.

This zeire, lykwayes, the Bischope of Murray is sent ambassador to England for reneuing of the peace and leauge betuix the kingdomes, wich had begune to stager, and weare weake; wich he ratified and assurid to the grate contentment of both Kinges.

The 15 day of Julij, this zeire, the Queine was brought to bed of a daughter, wich deyed immediatley after sho was christned.

About this tyme, Robert Blackader, that wysse, learnid, and religious Bischope of Glasgow, depairts this lyffe, wich stoped his wowed pilgramage to Jerusalem.

This zeire, at Drumfreis, ther was a grate feight betuix the Lords Maxswoll and Sanquhare, and ther frindes and followars; quherin the Lord Sanquhare wes ouerthrowen, and maney of his frinds killed.

The 10 of September, this same zeire, a dreadfull earthquack in Scotland and England, wich lasted the 10 pairt of ane houre, to the grate terror and astonishment of all the inhabitants.

About this tyme, K. Henrey the 7, of England, sends goodly horses, with werey riche caparisons and sadells, to his sone in law, K. James, and his daughter; with maney wther rich propyns and gifts.

The Archdeane of St. Andrewes, quho was ambassador in France, in his returne home, suffers shipewracke one the cost of England; he was detained ther, bot how soune K. Henrey hard of it, he was sent home.

The 17 day of October, this zeire, Adam Hepburne, Earle of Bothwell, Lord Hailles, depairts this lyffe at Edinbrughe; and to him succidit, in the earldome, his sone Patrick.



The 22 day of Appryle, 1509, deyes K. Henrey the 7, at Richmond; to him succidit his sone, Henrey the 8: to congratulat the begning of quhosse rainge, King James sends a soleme ambassey.

Johne and Androw Bartans, this zeire, had letters of markq: giuen them by the King aganist the Portugalls, for spoyling ther father and diuersse other merchants, his partiners, of ther ships and goods; takes maney of them pryces.

The 8 of Maij, this zeire, a parl: haldin at Edinbrughe, quherin the King and hes estaits grants the ward and marriage of them that deyes in the armey to ther heires.

This zeire in the garden of Craigmiloler castle, in Louthean, ther was tuo scorpions found, one of them dead, and the other aliue.

In Scotland, this same zeire, ther raged ane epidemick seiknes, that killed only braue and able men; this the comons (being wntouched themselues) named it Stoupe Gallant.

This zeire, the King entertained one Robert Borthwick, quho foundit and caste maney pices of brasse ordinance of all sisses, in Edinbrughe castle, all of them hauing this inscriptione:

Machina sum Scoto Borthwick fabricata Roberto.

The 20 of October, this same zeire, the Queine was brought to bed of a sone, christned Arture; about wich tyme the Frenche King sends in a propyne to K. James, tuo goodly shipes full of all kynds of ammunitione for warre.



This zeire, 1510, the Archischopeprick of St. Andrewes beinng waccand, is by the King giuen to his basse sone, Alexander Steuarte, quho then was a student in the Netherlands, with Erasmus of Roterdam.

The Laird of Fastcastell, a grate traueller, returnes home this zeire, being in grate crydit with Sultan Selymus, Emperour of the Turkes, and one quho attendit his persone at the batell of Cayro. Eight neirest to the housse being all dead since his deperture, the inheritance fell to him as neirest of blood, quherof he being adwertissed, choysed to leaue all the pleasurs of the caste, and returne home to liue and dye a good christian. At hes deperture from the tyrant Selymus, he receaued maney rich reuardes; so that he returned home with grate riches, more then triple the heritage he succidit too.

This same zeire, also, the Kings eldest sone, Prince Arthure, departes this lyffe, the 14 day of Julay, at Edinbrughe castle, and wes interrid at Holyrudhousse.



The King, this zeire, 1511, applays himselue quholly to the suppressing of rebells, and the administratione of justice one robers, outlawes, and such lyke.

Androw Bartan, this zeire, in his returne home from taking order with the Portugalls, is ouerthrouen and spoyld in the road of Dounis, by the admirall of England; being betrayed wnder the color of amitey and frindshipe, notwithstanding of the peace betuix the kingdomes.



This zeire, 1512, K. Henrey the 8, of England, denuncis warre to the Frenche King; and the King of France, by his ambassador, seues for aide at K. James handes.

This zeire, a generall synod was held in the abbey of the Dominicans, at Edinbrughe, of all the bischopes, priors, and abbots of the kingdome. Of this synod, the Popes Legat, Baioman, was president. In this synod, all ecclesiasticall benefices, exceiding 40 lib. per annum, wer taxed in the payment, of 10 lib. to the Pope, in name of pensione; and to the King such a taxt as he should be constrained to imposse. Of all the ecclesiasticke benefices of Scotland, ther was a roll at this tyme made, to this day called Baiomonts Roll.

Androw Forman, Bis: of Murray, arriues this zeire from Rome, with the recommendatory letters of diuersse princes to the King.

The 5 day of Appryle, this same zeire, the Queine is brought to bed of a sone, christned James, quho, after his fathers death, was King of Scotland.

The 5 day of Maij, this same zeire, the Lord Dackers, and Doctor Westone, ambassadors from K. Henrey the 8, cam to Scotland and deceauid the King with false flourishes of reparing of damnages.

The Lord de la Mote arriues in Scotland this zeire, ambassador from the French King, inuitting the K. to inwade England; and in his woyage heir, he sinks 3 Englishe shipes, and takes 7, and brings them to Leithe.

James Ogiluey, Abbot of Dryburgh, come from France, with earnist letters to sollicit the King to warr aganist the Englishe.

Robert Bartan, this zeire, brings to Leithe 13 Englishe pryces, some quherof were ladin with rich commodities.

The Laird of Drumweiche, this zeir, killed at Edinbrughe by the Jardans, quho escaped by takinng sanctuarey at the Abbey of Holyrudhousse.

The 29 of Nouember, this same zeire, the ancient leauge and amitey renewed and confirmed betuix the crouns of Scotland and France; at wich tyme, the Lord ambassador de la Mote, from his master the French King, presents K. James with a grate shipe of 35 pice of ordinance, ladin with wyne and ammunitione of all sortes, for warre,

This same zeire, lykwayes, K. James sends Vnicorne Pursuewant to France, and Ila Heraulde to England, quho returned from the Englishe King without audience, or deliuery of his message.



The zeire 1513, King James sends a nauey of 47 shipes to the Frenche Kings aide, aganist the Englishe; quherof James Gordon, sone to the Earle of Huntley, was made admirall.

K. James, this zeire, sends Lyone K. of Armes into France, to K. Henrey the 8, then beseidgeing Tornay, with letters, and a soleme message, aither to desist from troubling and molesting his allayeis of France and Gulders, and to repaire suche wronges his subiects had susteined by the English on the seas and borders, wtherwayes to denunce warre to K. Henrey. Lyone getts audience of the Englishe King, and his anssuer, and is dismissed; and from Tornay goes to Flaunders, to seike passage home: bot ere he could come by it and returne, the batell of Floudoun wes foughten, and the King killed.

The Earle of Surrey, declared generall aganist the Scotts, with all possible diligence lewies ane armey; K. James commands the Lord Home, his Camberlane and Warden of the Borders, to arme and stand to the defence of the borders, wich he does. The borders brack lousse, and the warre begins.

K. James lewieyes ane stronge armey, and one 22 of Agust, this same zeir, marches to the border, layes seidge to Norhame castle, and takes it; stayinng some 18 dayes in England, wssing all actes of hostilitey ther, sparinge none saue the Ladey Furde, with quhome it was rumored he was too familiar; aganist the will of all his nobilitey, and most of the armey, prouokes the Earle of Surrey to batell, and appoynts him a day, and sends Ila Heraulde to Surrey with a letter, quherin he purges himselue from breache of faithe in keiping the peace, and accussis his master K. Henrey. Both armies meitt at Floudon hill, the 9 day of September, quher the Scotts losse the field, and the King is killed, in the 39 zeire of his age, and 25 complleit of his rainge, in Ao 1513.

In this batell of Floudon hill, altho the Englishe had the wictorey, zet had they no grate resson to want of it, in respecte of the grate slaughter of ther men; wich made Scotland haue a peaceable winter. It was no meruaille the Scotts had the losse, for of 48,000 men, not aboue 12,000 stayed with the King; bot all of them vent home 4 or 5 dayes befor the batell, and wold not stay, becausse the King wold not follow the counsell and adwysse of his nobilitey and best capitanes, bot scorned and mocked them with idle reproches, wich was his ruine.

6 thoughts on “James, the Fourth of that Name (1488-1513), King of Scotland, pp.214-238.

  1. Just love the exquisite detail! 1494: a cure for the melancholey; to weare a chyne of irone about the midle all the dayes of lyffe! Would surely take the mind off other things, unpleasant. Might not be too far, off the mark, considering our modern apothecary, leaves many morbidly forlorn.

    1. The wee turns of phrase are super cute, “and so is this mushrome Ducke of Zorke sent by Lewes, the Frenche King, to Scotland;” the counterfeit Duke of York is here called a mushroom. When he’s sent in to fool the Welsh it’s said that, “bot finding the Welshe faith lyke ther leeikes and tostit cheisse,” it’s very strange to me to consider toasted cheese existing in the 15th century.

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