King James the Sixth (continued) (1604-1625), pp.1-107.

[Historical Works Contents – Original]


THE parliament that wer indicted one the 23 of Januarij, this zeire, to begin the 10 of Appryle therafter, in Ao 1604, was prorougeud till the 24 day of the said monuthe first, and then wntill the 18 of Junij; and at last ordanid, by proclamatione, to be holdin at Perthe, the 3d day of Julay, this same zeire. 

The 12 of Marche, this zeire, seuine of the Mackgregor and Armestranges wer hangett at the crosse of Edinburgh. 

In Julay, this zeire, the plauge of pestilence raged extremley in maney pairts of the kingdome. 

The 10 of September, this same zeire, Naper, Laird of Merchistone, generall of the cunzie housse, went to London, to treat with the Englishe commissioners anent the conzie, quho, to the grate amazement of the Englishe, caried hes bussines with a grate deall of dexteritey and skill; and hauing concludit the bussines he went for, he returned home in December therafter. 

In October, this zeir, the haill magistrats of Edinbrughe wer chosen and elected by wertew of hes maiesties commissione, quherin the persons to be elected was named. 

The trettey of the vnione of both kingdomes was sett a footte by his Maiestie this zeire, and for that effecte the Earle of Dumfermling, Lord Chanceler, tooke hes jorney to London, in October, this zeire; bot the tretty being delayed, and the poynt aggried one, he returnid. 

Hes Matie, by proclamatione of the last of October, inhibit the ministers to assemble themselues togidedr, without his expresse warrant, wnder the pains contained in the actes of parliament. 

The parliament haldin by hes Maiestie and estaits of England at Westminster, wes continewed till the 7 of Julay this zeire, and then prorouged till the 7 of Februarij following. 

The 12 of Junij, this zeire, Sr Thomas Smythe, alderman of London, was by K. James sent ambassador to the Emperour of Russia. 

Sunday the 5 of Agust, this zeire, a lionesse in the Tower of London brought fourthe a lions whelpe, wich liued only till the nixt day. 

About the begning of this summer, ther arriued at London, commissioners from the King of Spaine, and the Archduckes, to treatte of a peace; viz. from Spaine came,

Johne de Velasco, Constable of Castile; 

Johne Baptiste de Tassis, Earle of Willa Mediana; 

Alexander Rouidius, Professor of the Law, and Senator of Millane. 

From the Archdukes came, 

Charles, Prince and Counte of Aremberge; 

Johne Richardot, knight, President of the Counsaill of Estait; 

Ludouick Verreiken, Principall Secretarey of Estait. 

For hes Maiestie of Grate Brittane mett, 

Thomas, Earle of Dorsett, Lord Thesaurer of England; 

Charles, Earle of Nottinghame, Lord Admirall of England; 

Henrey, Earle of Northampton; 

Robert, Viscount Cranburne, Principall Secretarey of Estait. 

This trettey was concludit at London, the 18 day of Agust, this zeire, and drawin vpe in 34 artickells, which were seignnd and subscriued by all the commissioners, and then solemly proclamed at Chepesyde Crosse by the herauldes. His Maiestie did solemly sueare and subscriue this leauge, one Sunday the 19 day of this same mounthe, in his chapell at Whytehall. 

The 24 day of October, this zeire, K. James was solemnly proclaimed by the herauldes, at all the publicke places of the citties of London and Westminster, King of Grate Brittaine, France and Irland, Defender of the Faithe. 

The 16 day of Nouember, the commissioners for the standard of coyne of both nations, hauing concludit a proclamatione, wich issewed from them this day, of certaine new pices of coyne, both of gold and siluer, with the trew walluatione and weights of them, according to the mint of both nations, Scotland and England. 


Fryday the 4 of Januarij this zeire, 1605, Charles, Duck of Albaney, being aged foure zeirs, second sone to K. James, the first monarche of Grate Brittane, with his knights of the Bathe, wer lodget at Whytehall; and one Sunday, the 5 day, they wer knighted, and he created with grate solemtey, Ducke of Zorke. 

The 26 of February, this zeire, the lionesse in the Touer, that had broughte furthe a whelpe in the former zeire, broughte fourthe ane other now; bot it deyed also within 16 dayes therafter. 

The plauge of pestilence raged most fearfully throughe all England, this zeire, so that ther deyed of the same in London, in one weeke, 3094 persons. 

The 4 of Marche, this zeire, Alexander Settone, Lord Fyuie, was creatted Earle of Dumfermlinge; Alexander, Lord Home, was created Earle of Home; and James, Lord Drummond, was creatted Earle of Perthe, with grate solemitey. Eache of them had 4 knights. 

This same day, lykwayes, the new coyne was proclaimid to haue passage as in Londoin, in Nouember the preceding zeire. 

One the 4 day of this same mounthe, by his Maiesties especiall comissione, Alexander, Earle of Dumfermling, Lord Chanceler of Scotland, in the counsell chamber, solemly knighted the Lairds of  


Nisbet, and 

Gedeon Murray. 

The 25 of Marche, Charles, Earle of Nottinghame, Lord Admirall of England, being accompanied and attendit with one earle, three lordes, and 30 knights, forbay gentlemen of qualitey, one herauld, and 2 doctors of phisicke, was sent by K. James ambassador to Spaine, to take the Spanishe Kings othe, for obseruatione of leauge laitly concludit at London by hes commissioners; and for the same effecte, one the 19 of Appryle, this zeire, Eduard, Earle of Hartefurd, was by his Maiesty sent ambassador to the Archduckes, Albertus and Isabella, to Bruxells, accompanied with tua lordes and 16 knightes, and a grate maney gentlemen of note and qualitey. 

The 8 of Appryle, this zeire, the Queine was brought to bed of a daughter, at Greinewitche, aboute 12 a clocke at night; for ioy quherof ringing of bells, shotting of canons, and bonefyres wer in London the day follouing. 

K. James keipt S. George feast at Greinwitche, this zeire, quher the gentlemen and wthers that of longe continuance had wssed to attend the Lordes, in honor of that seruice, in ther gold chaines, and liueries, wer now quholly omitted, and the Kings gaurd commandit to supply ther places. Bot the subsequent zeire, blew cottes, chains of gold, and fethers, begane againe to flourishe, and euer since hath continwed according to the ancient custome of that order; and, at this feaste, the King made tua new Knights of the Garter, viz. Vlrickius Ducke of Sleswick, the Queins brother, and Henrey Howard, Earle of Northamptone. 

One Saterday the 4 of Maij, this zeire, in the hall of Greinwitche, being ordred for that solemitey, his Maisty created 

Thomas, Lord Burgly, Earle of Excester; 

Philipe Herbert, Earle of Montgomerey; 

Robert Sidney, Lord Penhurste, Wiscount Leslie; 

Sr Johne Stanhope, Lord Harringtone; 

Sr George Carew, Lord Cloptone; 

Thomas Arrandaill, Lord Arrandaill of Warder; 

William Cauendishe, Lord Cauendishe of Hardwicke. 

One Sunday, his Maiesties second daughter was christned, and named Marey. 

The 17 day of Junij, a combat betuix the Lairdes of Edzell and Pittarrow, one the Heighe Streite of Edinbrughe; the fight lasted from 9 in the night till almost 2 in the morning, befor they wer separated. In this fight diuers wer hurte, and one only killed; they wer sumond to compeire befor the Lordes of hes Maiesties priuey counsaill, and wer both of them committed to prissone. 

Saterday, 1 Junij, this zeire, Vllrick, Duck of Sleswicke, accompanied with the Kings Maiestie, Prince Henrey, and diuers of the nobilitey, went to Rochester, quher the said Ducke tooke shipinng for Denmarke. 

The 22 of the mounth of Junij, this zerie, hes Maiestie, by his proclamatione, commandit all dukes, marquisses, earles, viscounts, lordes, to produce ther euidences and patents of creatione befor certaine commissioners, at Edinbrughe, to the effecte that all such contrawesies as had formerly arrissin anent places of precedenncey, might be reconceilled and takin away; and eurey one to haue that place dew to him, both in parliament and otherwayes. As also, that all the saids lordes compeir the 1 day of Nouember nixt, and ther, befor the saids commissioners, produce (as said is); as also, that each nobleman within the kingdome of Scotland, aganist the first parliament, be prowydit with robes of scarlet, doubled with whyte taffta, and barred with ermins, with hood therto belonging, redey to attend his Maiesty and hes commissioner. Thesse wer the first parliament robes that euer wer wssed in this kingdome. 

The 1 day of Julay, this same zeire, Sr George Home, Lord Thesaurer of Scotland, came to Edinbrughe, and vpone the second day of the same mounthe, he was solemly, by his Maiesties commissione at Holyrudhousse palace, in presence of the Lords of his Maiesties priuey counsaill and nobility, ther solemley created Earle of Dumbar, and Lord Beruick one Tueid. 

Saterday the 15 of Junij, Thomas Douglas was comitted to the Tower of London, hauing irons one him, quho arriued ther some 3 dayes befor, sent prissoner by the Prince Elector Palatyne of the Rhyne; and one Wedinsday the 26 of the same mounthe, he was brought from the Tower to the Sessions housse without Newgait, and ther arrained and condemned of heighe tressone; and one the nixt day was drawin from thence one a hurdle to Smithfeild, and ther hanget and quartered. At his deathe he acknowledged all hes indytement to be trew, and did professe befor God, that none bot himselue was accessorey to his tressons; the abstracte quherof I haue heir sett doune. 

Imprimis, Quheras the last zeire, James Steuarte was execute for counterfitting the Kings hand, thinking therby to haue procured the grate seall of England wnto forged letters patents for conwaying a 100 merkes landes by the zeire, of croune land, to himselue: this Douglas was hes counseller and coaiutor; quho seing Steuart apprehendit, presently prepared himselue to gaine wealthe or preferment by deuice of forraine imployment. 

And quheras, at first he pretendit to haue obteined the Kinges priuey seall or signet from the Lord Secretarey of Scotland, by meins of his brother, quho did then serue the said Lord Secretarey. The said Thomas Douglas confessed, after his conwictione, that he caussed the said signett be courtefaitted, and therwith sealled sex letters to sex seuerall Princes of Germaney. 

1. To the Archbis: of Collen; 

2. To the Prince Elct: Palatyne; 

3. To the Archbis: of Triers; 

4. To the citey of Collen; 

5. To the Duck of Cleaue; 

6. To the Archbis: of Mentze; 

in which he styllid himselue Robert Gray of the priuey chalmber. 

The 2d of Julay, this zeire, the ministers held ane Assembley at Aberdeine, for wich, contrair the Kings command, they wer convennd befor the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, wich acte of thers they defendit as aggreiable to the word of God; for wich, and denaying of the Kings supremacey in matters ecclesiasticall, (as then the tenor of ther censure went) sex of the ringeleaders, the 10 of Januarij follouing, wer arraind at Blacknes castle, and condemned of heigh tressone; bot none of them did suffer more for it then banishement. 

Ludouick, Landgraue of Luchtenburge, arriues in England, with aboue a 100 in traine, ambassador from the Emperor Rodolphe the 2d, to King James; and one the 12 of Julay, this zeire, he had audience of the King at Whytehall. Amongest others matters of hes ambassey, thesse wer the 3 prime artickells: 

Imprimis, A gratulatorey complement from the Emperour to his Maiestie, for the peacefull obtaining and enjoying of the kingdomes of England and Irland, his lawfull inheritance; and for the preseruatione of the amitey that hath beine betueene the said Emperour and Queine Elizabeth, of good memorey laitly deceassed. 

Secondly, For the continuatione of the trettey begune in the citey of Breame, a litle befor the Queine deyed, concerning the Hansse Tonnes and ther preuilidges. 

Thridly, For ayde and assistance aganist the comon enimey of Christendome, the Turke. 

This ambassador depairted the 22 day of Julay, this zeire; and when he tooke his leiue of his Maiestie, he propynnid him with a cupeborde of siluer plate, walurid at 1500 pounds starling. 

About the 5 of Nouember, this zeire, that execrable pouder plote was discouered, quherin the conspiratours intendit to blow vpe the parliament housse at Westminster, (with gun pouder) with the King, Prince, Ducke of Zorke, and the quholl nobility of England; with the commissioners of the shyres and brughes of the same. Maney of the conspirators being apprehendit, wer arrained at Westminster, the 27 of Januarij, in the follouing zeire, befor certaine commissioners appoynted by his Maiestie for that effecte. The partties indycted wer: 

Thomas Vinter of Hoddingtone, in Warwickshyre; 

Guydo Faukes of London; 

Robert Keyes of London; 

Thomas Battes, yeoman. 

Thir 4 wer arrained for 

1. Plotting to blow vpe the parliament housse with gune pouder. 

2. For taking othe and sacrament for secrecey. 

3. For hyring a housse neire the parliament housse. 

4. For diging a myne, and finding that faultey, for hyring a seller wnder the parliament housse. 

5. For bringing of pouder, matche and touchewood into the seller, to effecte ther tressone. 

Robert Winter, Thomas brother, 

Jo: Graunt of Zorkeshyre, and 

Ambrosse Rockewood, of Staringfeild, in Suffolke, 

wer all three indytted one thesse poyntes: 

1. For being acquanted with the tressone afterward; 

2. For giuing ther assents therto; 

3. For taking ther soleme oath and sacrament for secrecey.

Sr Euerard Digby of Goth-hurste, in Buckinghame-shyre, 

being arrained, was indicted, 

1. For being made acguant with the said tressone; 

2. For zeilding assent; 

3. For taking his corporal othe for secrecey. 


The 29 and 30 dayes of Marche this zeire, 1606, the wind so extraordinarey tempestuous and violent, that it caussed grate shipwracke in Scotland, England, France and the Netherlandes. It blew trres by the rootes, ruind quholl willages, and caussed the sea and maney riuers so to ouerflow ther wountted limitts and bounds, that maney people and chattels wer drouned and perished. 

Hes Maiesty this zeire, in Appryle, for composing of some difference betuix hes subiects of Northe and Southe Brittane, trauelling by seas, anent the bearing of ther flages, and for awoyding all such contentions heir after; by his proclamatione of the 12 of this mounthe, ordannid the shippes of bothe nations to carey one ther maine topes the flages of St. Androw and St. George interlaced; and thesse of Northe Brittane in ther sterne that of St. Androw, and thesse of South Brittane that of St. George. 

The 24 of the mounthe of Appryle this zeire, Don Jhone de Mendosa, Marquesse of St. Jermaine, Capitane Generall of Portugall, accompanied with Don Jhone Blasco de Arragon, of the counsaill of Millaine, with vthers, arriued at London, from the King of Spaine, to congratulat the King of Englands happey deliuerance from the lait gun pouder tressone. He brought a present from the Queine of Spaine to the Queine of Grate Brittane, viz. a roabe of murrey sattin, imbrodred ouer with amber lether, and vpone the lether one euery seame and skirt, twysse imbrodred about with gold; the forepairt quherof wes adorned with 48 tagges, 3 inches longe, of beattin gold, hollow within, and filled with ambergreisse. Two large chaines of ambergreisse. Tuo carcanetts of ambergreisse; and a weluet cape, with gold buttons curiously inameled lyke the tages; a girdle suttable to the buttons. Eurey of thesse seuerally inclossed in ane ouall boxe of gold. Thesse wer presented all togider in a large weshell of gold, in forme of a bason. He came to London one Tuesday; had audience one Saterday; the nixt day the King feasted them royally; one Monday he deliuered his presents, and returned wpone the Wedinsday. 

The Ladey Sophia, daughter to the Kings Maiestie, was borne at Greenwitche, vpone Sunday the 22 of Junij, at 3 a clocke in the morninge, and deyed the nixt day; and one Thursday follouing, was solemly interrid at Westminster. 

In this same monnithe of Junij, Mr Jhone Forbesse, quho had traduced the Lord Chanceler Dumfermling, as one that had approued the lait assembley haldin by the ministers at Aberdeine, quher at the King was heighly offendit. The Lord Chanceller denayes it altogider, as ane vniust calumney layed one him, and humbly, by his letters, intreattes his Maietie that it might be put to a trayell; for wich the King wreatts to the counsaill. They ceitt Mr Johne; he, to verifie his assertione, produces as wittnes, Mr Walter Balcanquell and Mr James Balfour, ministers, and the Laird of Layes, Burnett, quho all of them being examined, cleired the Lord Chanceler of that asspertione, as the Lordes of priuey counsaill, with ther depositions sent to his Maiestie, did wreat of the dait the 14 day of Junij, 1606. 

The King of Denmarke arriues at London, the 18 day of Julay this zeire; and one Thursday, the last of Julay, the Kings of Grate Brittane and Denmarke rod throughe the cittey of London in triumphe; and in Agust therafter they returned home. 

The so often prorouged parliament satt doune at Perth, the 9 of Julay this zeire, quherin Johne, Earle of Montrosse, was commissioner for hes Maiestie. In this acte passed the acte for restitutione of bischopes; and a taxatione was granted to defray hes Maiesties debts, by the estaits, of 4 lib. one the pound land; with the comformable proportione to be payed by the prælats and broughes. This was to be payed in foure zeires compleitly, and the first termes payment to begin at Candelmisse nixt. This taxt was a large double of the greatest taxatione that euer was granted to aney King of Scotland heirtofor. 

During this parliament, ther fell out a grate sturre betuix the Earles of Eglinton and Glencairne, and ther frindes. Maney wer hurte one both sydes, and one only man of the Earle of Glencairnes killed. Bot this, with the olde feeid betuix thesse tuo families, by his Maiesties especiall commandiment, was submitted to sex of either syde, to reconceill all matters, wich if they could not be reconceilled by the mediatione of frinds; then did thesse Lordes absoutly submitt all ther debaitts and contrawersies to the Kings Maiesties decisione; wich his Maiestie and counsaill fully composed and aggried by the industrious negotione of the Earle of Dumbar, hes Maiesties commissioner for that effecte, in the mounthe of Februarij, in the follouing zeire; the Earle of Eglintone himselue being dead, and Alexander, the Lord Settons 3d sone, hauing succidit him. 

George, Earle of Dumbar, hes Maiesties commissioner for ordering the borders, tooke such a course with the brokin men and forners in the borders of both kingdomes, in September, that in 2 justiciarey courtes haldin by him, he condemnd and caussed hange aboue 140 of the nimblest and most pouerfull theives in all the borders, and quha wer most obnoxius to the publicke peace; and fully reduced the other inhabitants ther to the obedience of hes Maiesties lawes. 

The plauge of pestilence raged so extremly in all the corners of this kingdome, this zeire, so that nather brughe nore land in aney pairt was free. The brughs of Aire and Streueling wer almost desolat; and all the judicatories of the land wer deserted, except the mettings, now and then, of the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, and only for a day at most, to keipe some face and countenance of order and gouerniment; – thesse are the Lord Chancelers auen words to his Maiestie, by his letters of the 30 of October this zeire. 

Johne, Earle of Montrois, quho, in the begining of the preceidinge zeire, had demitted hes office of Lord Chanceler, was made Viceroy of Scotland, with a good pensione, and 6000 merkes per annum, conferrid one him and hes, heritably. In his place of Chanceler succidit Alex: Earle of Dumfermling, President of Colledge of Justice; and to him, in that place, succidit Sr Johne Prestone of Peneycuke, knight, one of the Senators of the said Colledge. 

In December, this zeire, a Generall Assembly of the church was haldin at Linlithgow; quherin, amongest other bussines, hes Matie, by his letters to the said Assembly, (wich they ordanned ther clercke to record,) recomendit to the Assembly, with taking stricke order withe papists, jesuits, and semenarey preists, without exception of persons; and that they should take head that people should not chocke the good seeid of the euangell. Diuersse of the more preceisse amongest the ministry tooke this pious and religious admonitione of the Kings as creame and oyle, to softin and smouthe hes misterious desainges, and daylie adwancing of the estait of bischopes, with new preuildges, wich daylie encrotched more and more, to the suppressing of the free liberties of this churche; as was signified to hes Maiesty, the 16 day of this mounthe, by the letters of his Viceroy, Montrois, Menmure, Blantyre and President Preston, quho assisted at this Assembley. For it was notoriously wnderstood, and manifestly knowen to the wyssest, that the Earle of Dumbar, his Maiesties Thesaurer of Scotland, distributted amongest the most neiddey and clamorous of the ministrey, to obteine ther woyces and suffrages, (or ells moue them to be neutralls,) 40 thousand merkes of money, to facilitat the bussines intendit, and causse matters goe the smouthlier one. Wich misterey of stait came therafter to light, by the wiew of the Lord Thesaurer Dumbar, his comptes; a grosse fault in him, wich, if reueilled in his lyffetyme, might haue cost him his head, for his small prudence, and litle circumspectione, in leauing suche an item one record to be looked one by posterity; wich compte wes showen to Kinge Charles at the trettey of the Birckes, long therafter, in Ao 1639. 


The Lordes of the priuey counsaill, by ther letters to his Maiesty, of the 27 of Januarij this zeire, 1607, that his thesaurer of England, contrarir  the trettey of the vnion, had takin certaine wynes from a Scotts merchant named Geddes, one that only pretext, that he was not a natiue of England; wich was a werey dangerous preparatiue for hes Maiesties Scottes subiects in matters of commersse, putting them in a vorsse estait, then they wer in beforr the vnion laitly tretteatted off, and quherat hes good subiects heir vniversalley greiud at. Therfor they humbley intreated his Maiesty to causse his Englishe thesaurer restore the samen, or the pryce, to the marchant; wich his Maiesty caussed speidily to be doune, conforme to his priuey counsaills letter. 

The 7 day of this same mounth, Chanceler Dumfermling wretts to his Maiesty, that ther was not so meikell as the least talk or discoursse at this tyme, in Scotland, of aney matter concerning the stait, except some litle of churche matters, and of ther differences; wich notwithstanding wer laitly maruolously settled and quietted, and by all appeirance wold shortley weare to full conformitey, ansuerable to his Maiesties princeley and pious desainges. 

Archbald, Earle of Argyle, by his letters to his Maiestiey, of the 28 of Februarij, this zeire, showes that according to his Maiesties command, he had contracted his eldest daughter, the 24 of this same mounthe, to George, Lord Gordone, the Marques of Huntleyes eldest sone; and therfor besought his Miesty to releasse Huntley for a tyme, and licence him to come to the southe, for accomplishing that marriage. 

The ancient lawes of Scotland, collected by Sr Johne Skeene, Clerke of register, one of the Lordes of the priuey counsalls recommendatione to the King, by ther letters of the 4 of Marche, this zeire, wer ordainnd to be publisht and printed one hes Maiesties charges. 

The 26 of this mounthe, the Clandonald of the Iles, that had shaken offe the yoke of obedience, and committed maney villanies and outrages, wer, by the Lordes of hes Maiesties priuey counsaill, declared rebells; and George, Marquis of Huntley, employed against them, to reduce them to their deutey: wich imployment he tooke to be adwyssed with, wntill the mounthe of Appryle follouing. 

The parliament wich was called to sitt doune at Edinbrughe the 18 of this mounthe, was continwed till the 11 of Agust follouing. 

This same mounthe, Alester dow Mackgilleycallum, a notorious theiffe and murther, was takin by the Laird of Lesse-more, Gordon; his brother Jhone was hurt, and 5 of his men killed. He was presented to the Lordes of counsaill, and therafter arrainged and execute. 

In Maij, this zeire, the deadly feud and inimitey betuix, and Home of Eccles, by his Maiesties especiall command, was reconceilled by a comittee from the counsaill table. 

The stricke proclamations that had issewed fourth in the begininge of this zeire, inhibitting all hes Maiesties subiects, saue hes gaurd, to weare guns or pistolls, was deulie put in executione, this mounthe, by the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, with imprissonement and fyning of the transgressors of this edicte and proclamatione. 

A parliament holden at Edinbrughe, this zeire, quherin Lodouick, Duck of Lennox, satt as hes Maiesties commissioner, 11 of Aguste. The 1 acte of it was aganist sayers and heirers of messes; bot with all ther was ane other acte giuing pouer to Mr George Gledstains, Archbis: of St. Andrewes, to make choysse of 7 persons, beneficed within his diocey, to be his chapter and counsaill, and so consequently to all the bischopes of the kingdome to doe the lyke; wich indeid was the werey restitutione of bischopes, anent forme of chapters. 

The synode of Clydsdaill was holding the 18 of this same mounth of Agust, quherat, by wertew of his Maiesties commissione, the Earle of Abercorne assisted; and by his minaces and threatts, caussed the said synod conforme themselues to the acte of the Generall Assembley of Linlithgow, and choysse Johne Spotswood, Archbischope of Glasgow, ther moderator; wich electione, diuers of the ministerey did opposse, bot wer so delte with by the Earle, that they woyced. Not onlie tuo of them mainly oppossed, and wold neuer condescend, bot spake publickly aganist it, in bitter tearmes, wich were Mr Will: Symsone, minister of Drimin, as the said Earle witnessed to his Matie by his letters of the 26 of this Aguste. 

This same mounthe, Sr Beuysse Bulmer, that had beine employed by his Maiesty for the siluer minnes of hillderstanehill, not being able to manteine the charge of thesse workes, in respecte of ther small returne, did by his bond and dispositione, quyte the saids workes to Sr Thomas Hamiltone, his Maiesties adwocat, ther first auner. 

The 6 of September, this zeire, betuix 3 and 4 in the morning, the north quarter of the palace of Linlithgow fell, rouffe and all, to the ground. It was therafter repaired and a new bult, by his Maiesties directione; Sr Gedion Murray of Elibanck, knight, being Thesaurer Deput, in Ao 1616. 

The 16 of Nouember, proclamatione was made at Whytehall, concerning the suddaine flight of the Earles of Tyrone and Terconnell, quho had fled out of Irland, in the mounthe of September last, wnto Spaine. In this proclamatione was declared the fugitiues purpois and practisse, to extirpat the Englishe natione out of Irland, and to zeilde and conferre the kingdome of Irland wnto the Pope; and the Earle of Tyrone sollicitting forraine princes to attempte to conqueste theroffe. 

I will not omitte how, one the 16 day of September last, the Kinges daughter, the Ladey Marey, departed this lyffe, and was solemnly interrid at Westminster, in the sepulture of the Kings. 


In Januarij, 1608, George, Marquis of Huntley, was commandit to prissone, in Steweling castle, this zeire, for refussing to conforme himselue to the orders of the churche; lykwayes, he was commandit by hes Maiesties letters of the 15 of Februarij, to send his eldest sone to London, to attend his Maiesty, wich he willingly obayed. 

The 9 of Februarij, this same zeire, Johne Ramsay, Viscount Hadingtone, married Elizabethe, eldest daughter to Roberte, Earle of Sussex. 

By the craftey deallinng of Mr Johne Spotswood, Archibischope of Glasgow, in Februarij, this zeire, the new takesmen of the customes augmented ther deutey, and payed 35,000 merkes more than euer was payed for them in former tymes. 

Vpone his Maiesties letters to the counsaill, this zeire, Mr Johne Murray, minister, wes questioned befor the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, for preaching a sermon, at Leith, and pubishing the same, quherin some heads of it seimed to implay ane censure of his Maiesties gouerniment of the stait; of wich imputatione he cleired himselue by the explanatione of hes auen wordes to the Lordes of the priuey counsaill; and by his humble supplicatione to the Kings Maiesty, wnder his auen hand, in Marche. 

The 19 of Appryle, this zeire, at Whyehall, deyed Thomas Sackweill, Earle of Dorsett, Lord Thesaurer of England, suddainly at counsaill table; and in that place succidit to him, one the 6 day of Maij therafter, Robert, Earle of Salisburrey. 

In this same mounthe, Odochartee burnes the toune of Derrey, in the prouince of Vlster, in the kingdome of Irland; quherof the inhabitants adwertisse the Lord Chanceler of Scotland, and he, the Kings Maiestie, by his letters of the 28 of Appryle this zeire. 

The olde feids of blood and slaughter betuix the Laird of Lusse and the Mackfarlans, was, in this mounth, by the counsaills, mediatione, absolutly submitted to the Kings Maiesties determinatione. The Mackfarlans had killed the Laird of Lusse brother, with maney of his frindes and follouers; castin doune some of his housses, cuttit his woodes, spoyled his landes and tenants, for wich he had obteinid decreitts aganist them for grate soumes of money, and had declared them rebells by law. 

The 20 of Maij, at Vindsore, in England, this zeire, George Home, Earle of Dumbar, and Philipe Herberte, Earle of Montgomerey, wer enstalled Knights of the Garter; and Mr Alexander Hay, secretarey of the Scotts affairs, was knighted by his Maiesty. 

One this same 20 day of Maij, ther was holdin a conventione of the estaits at Edinbrughe, anent the affaires of the Iles, quherin the estaits absolutly refussed to giue aney taxatione for that purpois; bot condescendit to serue his Maiesty in that warr, conforme to the ancient forme and lawes of the land; wich coursse was not followed. 

Howsoeuer, the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill tooke ane other coursse to lewey 500 men, wnder the name of a Guard to the Kinges Leiuetenant, to be designed for that seruice, by his Maiesty; wiche was the Lord Ociltrey, hes Maiesties comptroller, to pay them 10,000 merkes for the first mounthes wages, and the fynnes of the rebells, to defray the rest of the charges. 

And with all, the Lordes of the counsaill did wreat to his Maiesty, intreattinng him to send 3 or 4 of his shipes with all speed to the Ile of Tranternesse; and to command the capitans of them to obey his leiuetenant; and the randezwous of the shouldiours to be at Illa. 

In this same mounthe of Maij, Johne Buchanan and his wyffe, Margarett Hartesyde, that had laynn longe in prissone heire, for the alledgit stealling some of the Queins jewells (bot the courtiers talked, that it was for reuelling some of the Queins secretts to the King, wich a wysse chalmbermaide wold not haue done,) was, by ane sentence, condemned to perpetuall exyle in the Iylandes of Orknay, and declared to be ane infamous persone, in Aguste, this zeire. 

The 21 of Agust, this zeire, his Maiesty, by hes letters to the Lordes of hes priuey counsaill, ordains them to requyre the Marques of Huntley, with the Earles of Angus and Erole, to reenter ther persons in prissone; and that heirafter, they haue noe releessement nor liberty, for so much as a day, with hes Maiesties especiall command. 

In Junij, this zeire, the King commands his adwocat criminalley to persew Sr Robert Gordon of Lochinwarre, for killing off hes auen seruant, of quhom he was too jelous, as beinng too familiar with his ladey, (wich by all was esteimed a most wicked calumney,) and only by him forged to staine the honor of his auen ladey, to the end he might emptey his auen bed, to giue ane other roume, of lesse worthe then her, of quhom he wold haue beine most willingly reed offe. 

His Maiestie, this same zeire, did wreat to the commissioners of burrowes was conveined at Edinbrughe, with Sr Johne Drumond, that they wold inhibit ther merchants to giue aney charitable releiffe or suplie to the banisht Scotts ministers that ware in the Netherlandes; and that they should not make choysse of a minister for the Scotts marchants in Campweer without hes adwisse; also, that they confirme all the former actes of burrowes, anent the sellinng the Scottes factorey and staple at Campweer; and, lastly, that they take especiall notice of the conseruator of ther preuilidges, Sr Roberte Denistone, quhom he, by hes auen experience, had found to be a most faithfull seruant to himselue and to the quhole natione. 

The 23 of Junij, this zeire, Thomas Garnett, a Jesuit, was execute at Tyburne, neire London, hauing fauor offred him of lyffe, if he wold haue taken the othe of allegiance, wich was proclaimed the 29 of Appryle this same zeire, to be ministred to all persons that should come from beyond the seas; only to distinguisse honest subiects from traitors, and not for any poynt in religion. All knowen merchants, and others of honest qualitey, wer exeimed from taking this othe. This edicte was made by resson that maney supitious persons of basse sorte came daylie from beyond seas, and refussed to take this othe. 

The 14 day of Julij, this zeire, James Douglas of Torthorwall was killed one the Heighe Streeit of Edinbrughe, betuix 6 and 7 houres in the morninge, by William Steuart, sone to Sr William Steuarte, quho escaped. 

The Generall Assembly holdin this mounthe, ordaines the Earle of Angus to be excommunicat; he being since Maij last a prissoner in Glasgow, as he himselue shewes hes Maiesty, by hes letters of the 10 of Agust this zeire, crauing his liberty from prissone, and that hes Maiesty wold be pleassed to permitt him to depairt the realme to France. 

In the mounthe of October, this zeire, Alex: Earle of Dumfermling, Lord Chanceler of Scotland, by the people of Edinbrughe was elected and chosen prouest of the said citey; of wich electione the toune excuses themselues to his Maiesty, as doune out of necessity, and for aduancement of his Maiesties seruice; quherat the King was extremily incencessed, and the toune, to pleasse his Maiestey, wer forced in Nowenber, follouing, to electe a new Sr Johne Arnott, ther prouest. 

In Nouember, this same zeire, the Marques of Huntley, and Francis Hay, Earle of Erole, Grate Constable of Scotland, for not satisfing the churche for ther intertaining of messe prists and jesuitts, and not receauing the sacrament of the Lordes supper, wer commandit, the one of them himselue prissoner in the castle of Dunbartan, and the other to Streuelinge; and the Earle of Angus, quho had beine longe a prissoner in Glasgow for the same causse, (with his Maiestes permissione) woluntarly exyles himselue to France, this same mounthe. 

In this same mounthe of Nouember, James Elphingstone, Lord Balmerinoche, principall secretarey of estait to his Maiesty for the kingdome of Scotland, being this zeire challenged in England anent some letters wrettin by him in his Maiesties name to Pope Clement the 8, befor the King did atteine the croune of England; bot he confessed (simulatly, as was thought by thesse that best wnderstood the courte, and hou matters then went) to liberat the King of suche grossnes, being examinnd by some priuey counsellors of bothe kingdomes: that in Ao 1598, he had wrettin to the Pope in his Maiesties name, for a Cardinalls hate, to be bestoued one Chisolme, a Scotts man, then Bischope of Weasone in France, brother to the Laird of Crounerigges in Perthshyre; in wich letter (he hauing gottin the Kinges hand to it) he styles the Pope Beatissime Pater, with wther such phrases, wich almost wronged the Kings honor and reputatione with all the protestant princes and states in Europe. His trayell and punishment (he being a Scotts nobleman) was remitted to the Justice of Scotland; and he sent home thither wnder gaurd, from shyre to shyre, of all wiche the King adwertisses his priuey counsaill of Scotland, the 21 of the mounthe of Nouember, by Spotswood, Archbischope of Glasgow. 

After his arriuel in Scotland, he was first imprissond in Edinbrughe castle, and from thence remoued to the Touer of Falkland, and arraind at St. Andrewes in the subsequent zeire, and sentenced to losse his head; bot by the Kings secrett commands to the Earle of Dumbar, he was againe remitted to the custody of the Lord Scone, as a closse prissoner, to be keipt at Falkland; and from thence was enlarged and confyned to his auen housses in Angus shyre, and Balmerinoche in Fyffe shyre, quher he deyed of a feuer and waicknes in his stomache, some few mounthes after the death of his arch-enimey and competitor, Ceicill, Earle of Salisburrey, (after quhome) if aney tyme he had surwiued, (as was talked by them that best knew the Kings mynd) he had beine in gater crydit with his master then euer. 


In Januarij this zeire, 1609, ther was a conventione of the estaits haldin at Edinbrughe, to wiche his Maiestie sent 27 artickells concerning the gouerniment of the churche and stait, heir to be traitted one; all of wich wer receaued except tuo, wich wer remitted to the enseuing parliament. From this conventione of the estaits they sent a letter to his Maiesty of humble thankes, for hes graite caire for their weill and peace, of the dait 28 of this mounthe. 

The Lordes of piuey counsaill, by ther letters of the 16 of Februarij, this zeire, randred hes Maiesty humble and hartty thankes, for his grate fauor, respecte and loue to thesse of this natione; especially for that sentence pronounced in fauors of the Lord Collueils grandchyld, in the questione of post nati, agitat befor all the learnid judges in England, and decreited by the pryme judicatories ther. 

Alexander, Earle of Dumfermlinge, Lord Chanceler of Scotland, made a priuey counseller of England, this zeire, the 8 of Februarij. 

The Lordes of his Maties priuey counsaill, by ther letters of the 1 of Marche, this zeire, intreattes his Maiesty to adiorne the parliament called to be holdin in Appryle follouing, in respecte of seedtyme, wntill the 24 day of Junij therafter; to wich his Maiesty condescendit. 

The 8 of Maij, this zeire, the King by his proclamatione, prohibits all forraine nations to fishe vpone aney of the costs of Scotland, England, Irland, or the Iles adiacent, without esspeciall licence from the commissioners in that behalffe ordained. 

The 29 of Junij, this zeire, the parliament formerlie adiornnd, satt doune at Edinbrughe, quherin George, Earle Marishall of Scotland, was his Maties commissioner. In this parl: were maney actes of grate importance concerning both churche and stait concludit:- 

As, that no nobleman nor wther shall send ther children affe the countrey, with a pedagoge, wnles he haue the bischopes testificat of hes religione and manners, befor he shall concrydit his chyld to his education:- 

That the parents of such children out of the countrey, quho haue left the protestant religione, and turned papists, shall not giue ther children aney mantinence, or acknouledge them in more then in brinnging them backe to Scotland; and that the parents enacte themselues in the bookes of priuey counsaill for this effecte:- 

That excommunicat persons shall not enioy ther landes, roumes, offices or possessions:- 

That bischopes send the names of excommunicat persons to the Thesaurer and Director of the Chancelarey:- 

That none resait jesuitts, semenarey prists, sayers of messe, wnder the priuey consaills censor, conforme to the lawes formerly made theranent; and that all judges of the land, and grate and small, professe the reformed protestant religion:- 

The jurisdictione giuen to the archbischops and bischopes anent the spirituall judicatories and comissariattes:- 

Anent the establishment of the comissioners and justices of peace, first in this kingdome:- 

Anent the apparrelle to be worne be judges, magistrats and kirkmen:- 

Anent scandalous speiches aganist the King, his counsellers and noblemen:- 

Ratificatione of forfaultries of the Lord Maxswoll and Laird of Rastalrige: with diuers others of lesse notte and consequence, as, namely, of 6 elections of churche liuings in temporalities to particular men. 

In Nouember, this zeir, Mr Johne Fairfull, a minister, was punished by the Lordes of priuey counsaill, at his Maiesties command, for praying for the banisht ministers. 


In Januarij this zeire, 1610, 4 extraordinarey Lordes wer remoued from offe the Sessione, and vthers put in ther places. 

In Februarij, this zeire, the Marquis of Huntley, prissoner in Streueling castle, and the Earle of Errole, prissoner in Edinbrughe castle, by ther letters, humbley beseiches his maiesty for some inlargement, bot in vaine; for the King (as the treuth was) thought that he could not preserue the publicke peace better, then be keiping thesse birdes of prey so caidget wpe. 

In Junij, this zeire, his Maiestey intendit to haue imployed the master of Tullibardin aganist the Clangregor; bot he hauing drawin vpe suche ane extraordinarey draught of a commissione, that rather or his Matie should condescend to suche a one, the Lordes of his priuey counsaill, by ther letters, humbley intreatted the King to take some other course aganist them, then to giue way to that wich might alienat the hearts of his best subiects, and wrong hes auen royall authority so muche. 

One Wedinsday, the 30 of Maij, this zeire, Prince Henrey was creatted Prince of Walles; and 25 knights of the Bathe was made at this solemitey, all of them being Englishe, except 5; viz. 

William, Lord Hay, eldest sone to Francis, Earle of Errole; 

Johne, Lord Erskyne, eldest sone to Jhone, Earle of Marr; 

Francis Steuarte, 2d sone to James, Earle of Murray; 

William Steuarte; and  

Eduard Bruce. 

In Julij, this zeire, the Lordes of counsaill adwertisse hes Maiestey, that they heiring that some pyrates wer be northe the Scotts firthe, sent out 3 shipes immediatley to searche them, quho fand them neire the maine land of Orknay; with quhome they had a bloodie feight. One of them they tooke of 200 tuns, and in her 30 able men, and 4 prissoners; bot a pinnace of 100 tuns escaped them. They deliuered them to the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, quho caussed arrainge them, and 27 had sentence to be hanged; and amongest them one named Perkins, the other Randell; 3 of them wer keipt till furder trayell, and his Maiesties pleasure was knowen; for they had reweilld some thinges of especiall men of qualitey, that had resait them, to quhom they sold ther spoyles. 

In September, this zeire, his Matie sent the Lord Volton ambaddasor to France, to take the othe of that King, and of the Queine Regent, his mother, for the obseruatione of the leauge newly concludit betuix them; he returned home the 7 of October. 

Sunday, 21 of October, this zeire, by commissione from the Kings Maiestie to the Bischopes of 



Worchester, and 


they did consecrat in the Bischope of Londons chapell, 

Ja: Spotswood, Archbis: of Calgow; 

Cauin Hamilton, Bis: of Galloway; 

Androw Lambe, Bis: of Brechin; 

this consecratione was performed, mutatis mutandis, according to the churche of England. 

In this mounthe of December, Henrey, Prince of Walles, keipt hes courte in werey princely maner, at his housse of St. James, neire Charing Crosse; setled his household, and ordained his officers; the names of the cheiffe wer:- 

Of his Heighnes reuenewes: 

Sr Eduard Philips, Chanceler; 

Mr Adam Neuton, Secretarey; 

Sr George Moore, Receauer Generall; 

Sr William Fleitwood, Surwayer General; 

Sr Augustine Nicolas, Serieant; 

Mr Thomas Stephins, Atturney; 

Mr Richard Conock, Auditor. 

Of his Heighnes houssehold: 

Sr Tho: Chatenor, Chamberlaine; 

Sr Charles Cornewallace, Thrs: 

Sr Jo: Hollis, Comptroller 

Sr Dauid Fouills, Cofferer; 

Sr Dauid Murray, Gentleman of his Bed Chalmber. 


Thursday the last of Januarij this zeire, 1611, Thomas Erskyne, Viscount Fenton, Lord Dirletone, was suorne a priuey counsellour of England, being then capitane of his Maiesties gaurd. 

One Easter day, in the mounthe of Marche, this zeire, his Maiestey creatted Sr Robert Ker, at Whytehall, Lord and Viscount of Rochester. 

The 30 day of Januarij, this zeire, deyed George Home, Earle of Dumbar, Lord Beruick, Thesaurer of Scotland, and Knight of the Garter, at Whytehall, and hes funeralls wer solemly performed at Westminster, in Apryle following; bot hes corpes wer imbalmd and coffinnd in lead, and interred at Dumbar churche in Scotland, wnder a staitly monument. 

In Maij, this zeire, a proclamatione issewed furthe at London, after a consultatione wich hes Matie had had ther in the starr chalmber, with his priuey counsaill and judges, anent the standard walow and preseruatione of moneyes; and this order, by the said edicte, was established, that the 

   Pice of golde, called the Vnitie, should passe at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 shillings Starling. 

   The pice of golde, called the Double Croune, to passe at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 shil: Starling. 

   The pice of gold, called the Brittane Croune, to passe at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 shill: 6d. 

   The pice of gold, called the Thissell Croune, to passe at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 sh: 4d. 06. 

   The pice of gold, called the Halffe Croune, to passe at . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 sh: 9d. 

   The pice of gold of Scotland, called the 6 Penney pice in England, to passe at . 11 shill: 

All other pices of gold, of the coyne of aney former Kinges of that realme, at this tyme currant, to beare the lyke increase of pryce, in proportione with thesse alredey specified. 

   Eurey pice of 30 sh. to be now currant, and to haue heirafter coursse throughe Brittane, for . . 33s. 

   The 20s. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22s. 

   The 15s. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16s. 6d. 

   The 10s. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11s. 

   The 5s. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5s. 6d. 

   The 2s. 6d. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2s. 9d. 

Vpone Vitson-monday, the 13 day of Maij, at Vindersore, Charles, Ducke of Zorke, his Maiesties 2d sone, Thomas Howard, Earle of Arrundaill, and Robert Kerr, Viscount Rochester, wer installed Knights of the Garter. 


In Marche this zeire, 1612, the Frenche Kinges officers heights ther customes one the Scotts marchantes, wnder pretext that the ancient leauge betuix the tuo nations was not ratified since the deathe of the late Kinge, Henrey the 4; of wich innowattione the burrowes of this kingdome did adwertisse the Kings Majesty, by ther letters of the 25 of this mounthe, and humbley desyres that his Maiesty wold be pleased to wreat to his leiger ambassador in France, for that effecte. 

The 22 of Appryle, Robert Ker, Viscount Rochester, was suorne a priuey counseller of England. 

Thursday the 25 of Junij, Robert Crightone, Lord Sanquhaire, was indicted at the courte of King’s Benche, by the grate inquyst of the countey of Midellsex, for counselling, abetting and procuringe Robert Carleill to murther Jhone Turner, a master of fence, quho at play had strucke out one of the said Lordes eyes; for wich he was convicte and execute, one Monday the 29 of this same mounthe, at Westminster hall gate, and deyed werey penitent. 

In Julij, this zeire, the corpes of Marey, Queine of Scotland, was translated from Peeiterbroughe to St. Peiters churche at Westminster; and ther, in the mounthe of October follouing, layed wnder a staitley monument bult ther, quher shoe now rests, by her only sone, K. James the 6, and first of Grate Brittane. 

In the mounthe of Julij, this same zeire, the Scottes staple was remoued from Midelbrughe to Campweer, and that by his Maiesties especiall recommendatione to the burrowes of this kingdome. 

Fryday the 16 day of October, this zeire, aboute a 11 a clocke at night, arriued at Grauesend, Frederick, 5 of that name, Count Palatyne of the Rheine, Prince Elector, &c. being werey princeley accompanied. 

The 6 of Nouember, this zeir, betueen 7 and 8 a clocke at nighte, deyed the famous, hopefull prince, Henrey, Prince of Walles, at his courte of S. James, (not without suspitione of poysone,) bot as it then went, of a malignant purpeur feuer. His corpes wer magnificently interred at Westminster, in a werey soleme funerall, the 7 day of December, this same zeire: Prince Charles, his only brother, being cheiffe mourner, assisted by the Prince Elector Palatyne. This noble prince departed this lyffe about the 18 zeire of his age, and some 8 mounthes and 17 dayes more; quhosse death was lamented by the most generous princes of christindome. 

The 27 day of December, this zeire, Fredericke, Prince Palatyne, wes betrothed to the Ladey Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Grate Brittanes monarche, K. James. 

Ao 47 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1613. 

Vpone the 14 day of Januarij, this zeire, James, Marques of Hamiltone, according to his Maiesties direction, wes admitted and suorne a priuey counseller of England. 

This same mounthe, ther was a complaint exhibit to the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, and by the haill inhabitants of the coste syde of Fyffe, complaining vpone ane new impositione layed vpone them this zeire bypast, and put in practisse and executione by one Capitane Maisone, ane Englishman; viz. the deutey of excisse heringes, quherwith they not zet they predicessors wer euer at any tyme formerly burdined; wich complaint the Lordes of priuey counsaill hauing taken to ther consideratione, by ther decreit they did exonere them from furder payment of that deutie; becausse it was by the Lordes weill understood, that the compleiners wer not able to beare that burden, and that they had fully resolued to leaue that trade rather than be subiect in the payment of that new exactione. 

In the mounthe of Appryle, this zeire, Alexander Mac-loyde, brother to Mac-loyd of Harries, did apprehend 4 of the principall rebells of the Lewis; and was sumond to exhibit them wnder the paine of tressone, befor the Lordes of hes Maties priuey counsaill, befor he wold doe it. 

One Monday the 6 of Maij, this zeire, ther was a proclamatione at Edinbrugh crosse, discharging the coursse and passage of all and quhatsomeuer cooper coyne, except the proper coyne of this kingdome, hauing coursse by his Maiesties varrand, and actes of counsaill. 

The 18 day of this same mounthe, the Lord Ochiltrie solemlie, by his grate othe, purged himselue (in presence of the Lordes of his Maties priuey counsaill), in being airte or pairt, ore aney wayes accessorey, to the murther of the Lord Torthorells father; and so thay wer reconceilled by the Lordes, hartily chapen hands, and mutually embracing one ane other. 

The 21 day of this mounth, Johne, Lord Maxswoll of Caerlauerock, was takin from the tolbuith of Edinbrughe, to the mercat crosse of ther same, quher, one a scaffold, he had his head chopped offe from his bodey, for the slaughter of the Laird of Jhonstone. 

The Laird of Kilsythe, one his Maties letter, is made Vice Chamberlaine of Scotland, by acte of counsaill, the 18 of Maij, and suorne a priuey counseller. 

The 19 day of this same mounth, all his Maiesties leidges ar prohibit, by proclamatione, to transporte out of the kingdom, aney iron vre in preiudice of Sr George Hayes workes. 

In the latter end of this same mounth, the merchand aduenturers to Pomerland and Prussia, did petitione the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, that they wold be pleassed to vreatt in ther fauores to the Duck of Vallegast, quho had prohibite ther trade and trafeque in the toune of Tralesound, and in others his territories; for recalling that edicte and mandate, wich they [did] effectually; ther letters procuring the reopning of that trade to the Scottes traders ther. 

The 15 of Junij, this zeire, the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, being informed of a werey griuous oppressione generally committed by the landlordes, spirituall and temporall, of the realme, aganist ther tenants, fermoures, and labourers of the ground, by exacting of them, without varrand of law, grate soumes of money for ther releiffe of the taxations imposed vpone them. The Lords of priuey counsaill, by ther proclamatione, did straitly inhibit all suche burdening of fermours and laborers of the ground with aney taxations, in all tyme coming, wnder grate penalties. 

The 29 Julij, this zeire, Sr Johne Ker of Litleden is sentenced and inhibit by the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, for taking and assuming to himselue the tytill of a lord and baron of parliament, (without aney varrant ore allouance from his Matie) in all tyme coming, wnder the paine to be holdin and esteimed ane vsurper of his Maties authoritie, if heirafter he shall presume to attempt the lyke. 

One the 15 of September, this zeire, James Steuart, called of Jerusalem; and Mr Robert Philpe, a preist, the one for saying messe, and the other for heiring it, are both of them sentenced (according to the lawes of the land) by the justice generall, to losse ther heades. 

In Nouember, this zeire, Sr Robert Ker of Ancrum, in presence of the Lordes of his Maties priuey counsaill, dimits the captane-shipe of his Maiesties gaurd in fauors of Sr Androw Ker of Oxenhame, quho was preferred to the same. 

The 1 of December, this zeire, Roberte Erskyne, was beheadit at Edinbrughe crosse, for the prectisse of poysoning, quherin he was a counseller and consenter aganist his auen nephewes, the tua brethren of the housse of Dyn, in Forfar shyre. 

About this same tyme, a shipe of his Maiesties, 48 guns, of wich one Mr Woode was capitane, was by negligence blowen vpe in Leith Road by gun-pouder, and aboue 60 men lost in her, and the 63 that escaped wer shiped and transported to London. 

Much bussines, this zeire, hapnd anent the setling of the children of the Clangregor, quhosse parents wer ather execute, killed or banisht; and anent ther educatione by ther landslords, for wiche the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill tooke a werey pious coursse. 

This zeire, the most pairt of the barns and garners of Drumfreis, being full of cornes, wer burned. It was thought that one Archbald Harries, sone to Harries of Terraughlie, was the committer of that villaney; bot being accused, he compeired befor the Lordes of priuey counsaill, and solemly cleired himselue. Since no euidence could be brought aganist him to proue him guiltey, he was dismissed. 

The 14 of Februarij, being Shroue Sunday, and St. Walantins day, was the Ladey Elizabeth maried to the Palsgraue, in the chapell at Whitehall; the brydegroome being then attendit and accompanied with the nobility and diuersse of the gentrey of Scotland and England, diuersse bischopes, with his auen nobility and gentrey, besydes otheres. The King being ther also in person, the Earle of Arundaill bearing the suord, they proceidit from the Kinges chamber of presence, and in staite and order marched throughe the grate chamber, and so alonge the olde gallerey, throughe the new bult roume towardes the Banquetting housse; and then discendit to the louer new bult gallery in the first courte that led wnto the grate hall, and from thence wnto the chapell; so as maney people might weill behold them. After them came the bride, led by tuo batchlers, viz. her brother, Prince Charles, and the Earle of Northamptone, Lord Priuey Seall. Shoe was attayred all in whyte, hauing a riche croune of gold vpone her head; her haire hanging doune in tresses at full lenthe, besett with riche pearles and stones; her traine supported by 12 virgins in whyte garments. All the gallant ladeyes in the court, and maney others attendit the bride; the Queine was also ther in persone; the King gaue her in marriage; the Archbischope of Canterburrey married them; and the Bischope of Bathe preached the brydill sermon; wich endit, they returnid from churche in that same royall order they went, the bride beinng then led by tuo married men, viz. the Duck of Lennox and the Earle of Nottinghame, Lord Admirall. The bride and bridegroome, Prince Charles, Counte Henricke, with other noblemen, strangers; all the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, the cheiffe ladeyes of the courte, and otheres, dynnd that day in the new large roume bult for that purpois; wiche roume was adornid with staitly hanginges, curiously wroght, representing the sea fight betueen the Englishe and Spanishe fleetts in, Ao 1588. 

The turnaments, maskes, reuells, fyre workes and triumphes that was at this marriage, I willingly omitt, as not pertinent to a Annall. 

Saterday the 10 of Appryle, the King, Queine, Prince Charles, Palsgraue and the Ladey Elizabeth, went by barge from Whithall to Greinwitche; and the nixt Tuesday they all accompanied the Palsgraue and the Ladey Elizabeth to Rochester, quher the nixt morning they tooke ther leiue of the King, Queine and Prince, and then roade thence to Conterburry, and so to Margate, in the Ile of Tannet, quher the Lord Admirall in persone, withe 9 of the Kinges shipes and pinaces, attendit ther coming, to receaue them, and conwey them and ther traine ouer. They embarqued one Fryday, being St. George day, intending to sett saille for Flushing, bot were put backe againe by contrarey windes; and one Sunday, aboute noone, the 25 of Appryle, they embarqued and came to Flushing, the 29 of Appryle. The Admirall hauing brought them to Campheere, in Zealand, then he with the fleeit returned to England. 

The King sent with them 4 principall commissioners to conducte them to Backcharack, a citey of the Palsgraues; viz. the Duck of Lennox, Arundaill, the Viscount Lislie, and Lord Haringtone, quho at the Palsgraues earnest intrettey, did accompaney him into his cheiffe citey of Hedilberge. 

Ther was lykwayes ane other commissione giuen wnto the Lord Harringtone, Mr Henrey Martiene, his Maiesties aduocat and doctor of the law, and Mr Leuinus Mounke, one of the clerkes of the signett, and thesse wer to see the Ladey Elizabeths ioynture, formerly in quantitie agreid vpone, to be accomplished, and assured in forme of law; and possesione to be takin according to the same; all wiche was weill performed, to the good content of his Maiestie; and in ther returne homeward, the Lord Haringtone deyed at Vormes, a citey imperiall, and his corpes wer brought ouer and interrid in England. 

Monday, 25 of October, this zeire, Sr Eduarde Cocke, knight, Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Courte of Comon Pleas, wes remoued to the Court of Kinges Benche, and was made Lord Cheffe Justice of England; and the nixt day, Sr Henrey Hobart, knight, made Lord Cheefe Justice of the Courte of Comon Pleas; and Sr Francis Bacon, the Kinges Sollicitere, was made the Kinges Atturney Generall; and Mr Henrey Yeluertone, Esqure, was made the Kinges Solliceter. 

Thursday the 4 of Nouember, Robert Ker, Viscount Rochester, was creatted Earle of Somerset, and Baron of Branspethe; and one the 10 of Julij, in the follouing zeire, was made Lord Chamberlaine of the Kings housse. 

The 26 of December, this same zeire, Roberte, Earle of Somersett, married the Ladey Francis Howard, daughter to the Earle of Suffolke, the diuorced wyffe (by a trick of leiger demaine) of Roberte, Earle of Essex. This wedding was solemnized at the courte, at Whithall, and was honored with the royall presence of the King, Queine, and Prince Charles, and most of the nobilitie. 

As 48 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1614. 

The 11 of Januarij this zeire, 1614, ther was ane commissione of justicirie past aganist Johne and Donalde Cadells, tuo notorious rebells, for flaughter, fyreraissing, and others mischeiffes and willanes committed be them, wpone Sr Johne Campbell of Caldell, knight; and proclamatione was directed, prohibitting aney of his Maiesties subiects the resait of them, wnder the paine of heighe tressone. 

The 18 of Jarij, this zerie, Heu Weire of Cloburne, quho was takin out of the toune of Edinbrughe from his mothers frindes, a zoung boy of 14 zeires of age, and carried ouer to Irland, and ther married vpone the Laird of Carhousse daughter, was, by Sr James Hamiltons meins, apprehendit in Irland, and sent backe to Scotland, and presented to the counsell. He was imprissoned in the tolbuith of Edinbrughe, in a roome nixt the Laird of Blaickwood, by quhosse meines the boy was takin away, and sent wnto Irland. 

The toune of Perth hauing woodsett ther comon-good for fortie thousand merkes, and hauing no meins to releiue the same, bot by selling a 19 zeire take of some pairte of ther comon-good to certaine of their auen tounsmen; the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, wpone the said touns humble suplicatione to them, did interpone their authority, and giue ther consent to the said take. 

Patrick, Earle of Orknay, being now longe a prissoner in Edinbrughe castle, (the reuenewes of the earledome being sequestrat) vpone his petition to the Lordes of hes Maiesties priuey counsaill, hes allowed to him, the 28 of this same mounth, 4 lib. Scotts per diem. 

This same day ther was a proclamatione published, that none of the name of Mack-gregor wsse or carey aney other vapone, except ane poyntles knyffe, wnder the paine of death. 

In Februarij, this zeire, the Lairdes of Gighte and Neutone, bothe Gordons, are sentenced by the Lordes of priuey counsaill to perpetuall exyle, during all the dayes of ther lyffetyme, neuer to sett foote in Scotland, wnder the paine of death, wnlesse they submitt themselues to the orders of the churche. 

The Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill past ane acte of the 3d of Marche, this zeire, wpone a motione made by Mr Johne Spotswood, Archbischope of Glasgow, quho affirmed his Maiesties command and his warrant to that effect, wich he should produce; ordaining ane generall celebratione of the sacrament of the Lordes supper, vniversally throughe the haill kingdome of Scotland, vpone one day, viz. the 24 day of Appryle nixt to come; the absents are ordaned to be notted, and therafter persewed and punisht, according to the lawes made theranent. 

The Lordes of secrett counsaill, after much tampring with the officers of the mint, ordains 500 stone weight of cooper to be coynned in Turnois, and to passe his Maiesties armes; and that ther shall be 25 pennies in the vnce weight. 

The 29 of Appryle, this zeire, Thomas Jhonstone, that abussed the Bischope of Brechin, had sentence pronunced aganist him, conforme to his Maiesties especiall direction, to be banished his Maiesties dominions, and neuer to returne within the same during his lyffetyme, wnder the paine of death; lykwayes to lay in prissone in the comon jayle of Brechin, for the space of 3 mounths, and to be brought to the mercat crosse of Brechin vpone 3 seuerall mercat dayes, and ther to be layed in the stockes for certaine houres during the tyme of the mercat; and that vpone eurey one of thesse dayes, he giue ane publicke declaratione and acknowledgement of the offence committed be him aganist God, the Kings Matie and the Bischope; and that he is wortheley punished for the same; and that his offence deseruid a far more rigorus punishment nor is inflicted one him. 

About this tyme, Ronald Oige, quho called himselue the basse sone to Angus Mack-oneill of Duneywege, surprisses the castell of Dunewege in Ila, being keipt by a garissone of the Bishcope of the Iles, and fortifies the same, aganist his Maiesties authority. 

The north seas and costes of Scotland, about this tyme, wer muche infested with 8 Englishe pyrates; to restraine quhome, his Maiestie sends doune 4 of his royall nauey, to be commandit and directed by the Lordes of his priuey counsaill of Scotland, quho this mounth did prowyde them with all necessarey prowisions, also with skilfull pilots. 

In May, this same zeire, Patrick, Earle of Orknay, is transported from Edinbrughe castle to Dumbartane, and ther imprissoned; and Robert Steuarte, his basse sone, contraire to his othe made to the priuey counsaill, depairts secretly to Orknay, and becomes the causse of much trouble in thesse pairtes. 

This same mounthe of Maij, 2 of the Englishe pyrattes wer takin in Orknay, and the 2 capitans wer sent to Edinbrughe. 

James Lyone, basse sone to the Master of Glamisse, for wenting some speiches, that he wold kill the Earle of Kingorne, is sentenced for euer to be banished the kingdome, and not to returne wnder the paine of deathe; and becausse he was poore and naked, the Lordes ordained the Earle of Kingorne to giue him some money to clothe him, and put him off the countrey. Bot the Earle, out of his miserable peueishnes, did often and still refusse, at the counsells desyre, to giue so muche as one penney, for wich the Lordes did repeall ther former sentence aganist James Lyone, and sett him at libertie; being enacted wnder the paine of 10 thousand libs. not to wronge the said Earle. 

Angus Oige Mac-oneill, brother to Sr James Mac-oneill, takes the castle of Duneywege from Ronald Oige, and wold keipe the same for his Maiesties seruice, as he auerrid; bot being requyred by the Lordes of priuey counsaill to deliuer it to the Bischope of the Iles, he not only refussed so to doe, bot kills Ronald Oiges 4 men, keips himselue prissoner, and furnishes the castell with all sorts of ammunitione and prouisione aganist the stait. 

In Junij, this zeire, Gauin Drumond of Kildres, kills Mr Johne Murray in the toune of Dumblaine, wich was lyke to make a grate stur betuix the Murrayes and Drumonds; bot by the wysse prouidence of his Maties priuey counsaill, and the redey obedience of ther cheiffes to quyete matters for the publicke peace, bussines wer remitted to ane ordinar coursse of law. 

The 24 of this same mounthe, the 3 sisters of the housse of Dyn, wer sentenced this day to losse ther heades at Edinbrughe crosse, for poysoninge ther tuo cousinges, wich was accordingly put to executione. 

In this mounthe, Robert Steuarte, basse sone to the Earle of Orknay, quho had come to Orknay, (contrair his faith,) couertly raisses souldiers, and surprisses the castells of Kirkwall and Birssa, and fortifies the same with all sortes of amunitione, and a garisone, aganist the Kinges authority. 

In the end of this mounthe, some discontents wer lyke to breed a grate deall of mischieffe betuix the Marques of Hamiltone and the Mr. of Ogiluey, anent the preuilidge of halding of Balzie courtes within the regality of Aberbrothe; wiche the Lordes of priuey counsaill wyssly preweined, by causing them both find souertie for keiping the public peace. 

The 24 of Julij, this zeire, Robert Douglas, sone to the persone of Locarmains, shottes the Laird of Wachton through the hatt with a fooulling peice, and with that same shott kills Mr Francis Bothuel dead, and Waughtone kills Roberte Broune, seruant to Mr Richard Douglas, quho accompanied Robert Douglas. 

This same day, the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, by ther acte, ratifies the acte of the synode of St. Andrewes, aganist drunkcards and drunkennesse, and ordaines the same to be published at all the mercat crosses of the kingdome. 

At this same tyme, lykwayes, the confyned ministers of Fyffe, quho opposed the bischopes, vpone ther humble submissione, wer, at his Maiesties command, by the priuey counsell releassed. 

In Aguste, this zeire, the Earle of Cathnes, by his Maiesties commissione, is sent Leiuetenant Generall to suppresse the rebellion in Orknay. He setts sayle with 2 shipes, weill prowidit, from Leith, the 20 of this mounthe, with all necessars for the varrs. 

The haill cheiffemen of the Iles presented themselues befor the Lords of the priuey counsaill, and wer dimitted wnder bandes for ther zerlie compirance in the mounth of Julij, for euer heir after, befor the saids Lordes. 

In September, this zeire, the castle of Kirkwall, in Orknay, was randred by Robert the Bastard, and Patrick Halcro, to the Earle of Cathnes, his Maiesties leieutenant, after it had beine longe battred with the cannon; and the cheiffe of the rebells wer sent to Edinbrughe. 

The 26 of October, the Earle of Cathnes hauing performed the seruice in reducing the rebells of Orknay to his Maiesties obedience, one his Maties letter to his priuey counsaill, is this day admitted and suorne a priuey counseller. 

In this same mounthe, commissione is granted to the Earle of Argyle, as his Maiesties leiuetenant, and in his absence, to the Laird of Cadell, for reducing the rebells of Ila; and Angus Oige, capitane of the castle of Duneywege, to ther obedience, with pouer to them to raisse the inhabitants of the neighbour ilands, with the shriffdomes of Argyle and Tarbett, for ther assistance in the seruice. 

Sunday, 2d of Jarij, this zeire, betueen the houres of 12 and 1 in the morning, Henrey Frederick was at Hedelberge, in Germaney, the 1 borne sone of the heighe borne Princesse, the Ladey Elizabethe, eldest daughter to K. James, Grate Brittans Monarche. 

Tuesday, 29 of Marche, this zeir, Sr Ralffe Vinwood, knight, Master of the Requyste, was suorne Principall Secretarey of Estait. 

In Julij, this zeire, the King of Denmarke, with 3 shipes, arriued at Yairmouthe, being royally attendit with his Lord Chanceler and Admirall of Denmarcke, with diuersse others his officers and seruants, and about 20 of his gaurde. He cam from Yarmouthe by land, in werey priuat maner, acompanied only with the Lord Chanceler and Lord Admirall, not being knowen be aney, till he was in Somersett housse, in the Queins priuey chalmber, quho was not a litle ioyfull to see her royall brother, quhosse suddaine and wnexpected coming was cheifflie to see her. He came to England the 20 of Julij, and depairted thence the 2d day of Agust; and altho he stayed shorte tyme ther, zet his princely bounty was royall to all persons, according to ther degrees, that did him aney seruice or attendance. 

The 26 of October, in the preceiding zeire, ther arriued at courte, Olexese Euanoweiche Izuzen, leiuetant of Shatskey, ambassadore from Michaell Pheodoroweiche Vrione, the new young Emperour of Russia, wnto the King of Grate Brittane, to congratulate with his Maiesty, and to desyre hes continuall loue and amitey, and to intreat his Maiesty to be mediator for a peace betuix the said Emperour and the King of Sueden; and that it wald pleis his Maiesty to send ane ambassador to his master, the Russian Emperour. This ambassador returnid in Junij, this zeire, and with him Sr Johne Mericke, sent ambassador from his Maiesty to Mosco, werey honorably attendit. The Russian ambassador was verey honorablay intertained quhill he remainid in England, and his presents of furs wich he gaue to the Kinge, Queine and Prince, wer gratiously accepted. 

Vedindsday, the 13 of Julij, this zeire, Thomas, Earle of Suffolke, lait Lord Chamberlaine of his Maiesties Houssehold, wes made Lord Thesaurer of England. 

As 49 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1615. 

In the preceiding zeire, 1614, K. James and hes Englishe counsaill hauing sett out ane proclamatione, inhibitting aney goodes ather to be imported or exported England, bot in Englishe bottomes, wich moued the Frenche King, in Januarij, this zeire, to emitt ane edicte, that no goodes should be exported or zet imported within his dominions, bot in Frenche bottomes, to the grate preiudice of the merchant estait of the kingdome of Scotland; wiche edicte being complained off by the Scottes factors ther, to the courte of parliament of Paris, as ane acte of stait destructiue to the ancient alliance betuix the tuo crounes of Scotland and France, inviolablie keipt thesse 800 zeires bypast; and that the Frenche had euer free libertie of trade and trafeq: in all the ports, heauens and places of Scotland; wich complaint the said courte hauing takin to ther serious consideratione, fand that the said edicte did no wayes extend towardes the subiectes of the kingdome of Scotland, ther ancient frinds and allayes; bot that they wer als free within the realme and dominions of France, as at aney tyme heirtofor; and for that effecte ordained the courte of admiralty to see this sentence put in executione, to the end that no Scotsman receaue aney preiudice, vronge or displeasure, within aney port, heauen or harbour belonging to the croune of France, 4 February, 1615. 

The 25 of Junij, this zeire the young Laird of Cullmalindie, Bruce, in Perthshyre, killed Toschole, Laird of Minewaird, sister sone to Sr James Campbell of Lawers, in the toune of Perth. Cullmalindy, the committer of the slaughter, fled. 

In this same month of Junij, Sr James Macdonald, and his complices, takes the castell of Dunewege, in Ila, and kills the capitane and souldiers; and so againe enters in open rebellione. 

The 20 of Julij, this zeire, the Lordes Lauderdaill, Erskyne and Fleiming, with Sr Archbald Naper of Merchiston, wer suorne and admitted priuey counsellers. 

The 17 of Jarij, this zeire, began a froste, with extreame snow, wich continewed till the 14 of Februarij; and albeit the violence of the froste and snow abbated some thinge, zet it continewed still snowing, muche or lesse, till the 7 of Marche, quherby much catell perished, alsweill olde as young; and in some places diuers dewised snow ploughes to cleire the ground and fodder catell. This snow was werey dangerous to all trauelers. 

Sunday, 23 of Appryle, this zeire, George Villiers, Esqure, was suorne Gentleman of the Kinges Bed Chamber, and the nixt day he was knighted. 

The 29 of Junij, the Lord Hay was creatted Barron Sawley. 

Friday the last of Junij, Sr Robert Dormer, knight and baronett, was created Lord Dormer. 

The 27 of September, deyed Ladey Arabella Steuarte, daughter to Charles, Earle of Lennox, vnckell to K. James the 6, in the Tower of London, and was royally interrid at Westminster. 

Monday the 23 of October, this zeire, Richard Weston, yeoman, was indicted and condemned in Guildhall, in London, for poysoning of Sr Thomas Ouerberrey, knight, and was execut at Tyburne. 

Ther was also condemned and execut, this same zeire, as accessorey to the murther of Sr Thomas Ouerberry, at diuers tymes, viz. Anna Turner, 9 of Nouember; Sr Jerwaisse Flowesse, Leiuetenant of the Touer, 16 of Nouember; and James Frankleine, gentleman, the 9 of December. 

As 50 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1616. 

In Januarij, this zeire, the Earle of Argyle, his Maiesties leiuetenant aganist the rebellious Ilanders, hauing gained from them the castle of Dunewege, in Ila; and ather takin, expellid, banisht or killed the most pairt of them, and the remnant reduced to his Maties obedience, went vpe to courte to giue ane accompt of his seruice. 

In Maij, this zeire, his Maiestie giues a patent of the fishing of whalles, for 35 zeirs, to Sr George Hay, and Mr Thomas Murray, his seruants, quho sett out 2 shipes for that purpois, this zeire. 

The 19 of September, this zeir, Lord Ker of Cessfurd was solemly creat Earle of Roxbrughe; the solemity being assisted by the Marques Hamilton, the Earles of Vinton, Mar, Eglintone, Perth, and Tullibardin; the Lordes Scone, Buccleuche, Colueill, Burle, and Madertie. 

In October, this same zeire, Walter Scott, 2d sone to Harden, was creuelly murthered by Scott, Laird of Boniton, and hes brother; the murthers escaped. 

One Fryday the 24 of Maij this zeire, 1616, Ladey Francis, Countesse of Somersett, was brought to Westminster Hall, and the nixt day Robert, Earle of Somersett, was brought thither lykwayes, and had ther seuerall tryalls by ther peers, touching the bussines of the poysoning of Sr Thomas Ouerburrey; and then returnid againe to the touer, and ther remained. 

In the begining of this same zeire, Sr George Williers, knight, was made Master of the Horsse. 

The 20 of Junij, this zeire, the King in persone, accompanied withe Prince Charles, and the Lordes of his priuey counsaill, sate in the star chamber, and made ane oratione to the judges, by way of charge and instructione. 

Sunday the 7 of Julij, this zeire, wer installed Knights of the Garter, 

Francis, Earle of Rutland, 

Sr George Williers, Mr. of the Horsse, and Viscount Lislie. 

The 9 of Julij, this zeire, Sr Jhone Hollis, knight, was created Lord Houghtone, and Sr Jhone Rooper, Lord Tenhame of Tenhame, in Kent. 

At Woodstork, on Tuesday the 27 of Agust, Sr George Williers, Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horsse, was creatted Lord Waddon and Viscount Villiers. 

Vpone Monday the 4 of Nouember, this zeire, at Whithall, Prince Charles wes invested and crouned Prince of Walles, by his Maiestie. At this solemntie, most of the nobility of the land wer present. In honor of this coronation wer made 25 knights of the Bathe, quho performed all ther ceremonies in the vpper parliament housse; and the nixt Sunday, with magnificence, being brauely mounted, from Vestminster roade to Whithall, quher they wer knighted by the Kinges Maiesty, viz. 

James, Lord Mattreuers, 

Algernonn, Lord Percey, 

James, Lord Wriothesley, 

Eduard, Lord Clinton, 

Eduard, Lord Beuchampe, 

Lord Barcley, 

Lord Mordant, 

Sr Alexander Erskyne, 

Sr Henrey Howard, 

Sr Eduard Sackweill, 

Sr William Howard, 

Sr Eduard Houard, 

Sr Montegu Barley, 

Sr William Sturton, 

Sr Henrey Parker, 

Sr Dudley North, 

Sr Spencer Compton, 

Sr William Spencer, 

Sr William Symor, 

Sr Rowland St. Jhone, 

Sr Jhone Candishe, 

Sr Thomas Newill, 

Sr Johne Rooper, 

Sr Johne North, 

Sr Henry Carey. 

Thursday the 7 of Nouember, Thomas, Lord Elismeere, Lord Chanceler of England, wes creatted Viscount Bracley; William, Lord Knouills, was creatted Viscount Wellingford; and Sr Philipe Stanhope, knight, was creatted Lord Shelford. 

Saterday, 16 of Nouember, Sr Eduard Cooke, knight, was discharged from his office of Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Kinges Benche; and in his place was installed Sr Henrey Montegw, knight, the King Seriant at Law. 

Monday the 16 of December, Marke Antonius de Dominis, Archbischope of Spalato, in the territorie of Venice, was werey honorabley intertained and receaued, at Lambeth, by the Archbischope of Canterburrey, with quhom he remained, and wrote a breiffe declaratione of his reassons for leauing the Roman kirke, and his natiue countrey, wich was immediatly therafter published in 8 languages; he was therafter made Deane of Vindesor and Mr. of the Sauoy. 

Monday the 22 of December, Sr Thomas Edmonds, ambassador leiger in France, was made Comptroller of the Kinges houssehold; and the Lord Wotton was made Thesaurer of the Kinges houssehold. 

As 51 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1617. 

The 27 of Februarij, this zeire, George, Marques of Huntley, was admitted and suorne a priuey counseller, conforme to the order. 

About this same tyme, Dauid, Lord Carnegey was suorne and admitted a priuey counseller, conforme to the order. 

The 4 of Marche, this zeire, ther was a conventione of the estaites haldin at Edinbrughe, quherin was granted a taxatione of 300,000 libs. for defraying the charges of hes Maiesties receptione and progres in Scotland. 

The 26 of Appryle, this zeire, the Queins Maiestie, by her commissione wnder her hand and seall, makes choysse of 4 to be offe her counsaill, in place of thesse 4 last decessed, and to be addit to the 3 that are aliue; 7 in all to manage her haill rents in Scotland, and affaires; 4 of them to be a coram, the Lord Chanceler alwayes being one. The Queins counsellers wer: 

Alex: Earle of Dumfermling, Lord Chanceler of Scotland; 

Thomas, Lord Binning, Secretarey of Estait; 

Sr George Hay of Netherliffe, Clercke of Register; 

Sr Peiter Young, Elimosiner; 

Sr William Oliphant of Neuton, his Maties Aduocat; 

Sr Alexander Drumond of Medope, one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice; 

Sr William Setton of Kylsmore. 

This same zeire, in Maij, the 2 Maissers of Counsell, and 4 of Sessione, hes modifiet to them for fees, by his Maiesties grant in all tymes coming, for ane earle, at his creation, 120 merkes, ane viscount 100 merkes, ane lord 80 merkes, and at the dubing of eache knight 20 merkes, Scotts money. 

The 3d of this same mounth of Maij, the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill setts doune orders for taking vpe of his Maiesties housse, wich wes appoynted to be taken vpe the 7 of this same mounthe, and that hes Maiesties 6 master housseholds, viz. 

Lord Colueill, 

Lord Burlie, 

Sr Michaell Elphinston, 

Sr Androw Malweill, 

Sr William Setton, and 

Sr James Dundas, 

waitt and attend his Maiestie per wices, according to this order; after that Sr James Dundas hes endit hes 24 houres seruice, the Lord Colueill againe to begin. 

The 2 of Junij, this zeire, ther was a proclamatione publisht at the mercat crosses of all the cheiffe burroghes of this kingdome, declaring at lenth his Maiesties earnist desyre to visit this his ancient kingdome, and the naturall longing that hes Maiesty hes had thir many zeires bygaine to come heir; and how now all the impediments that hes hindred his Maiesties resolutione anent his heir coming being remoued, hes Matie hes begun and almost accomplished his jorney and progresse, with most confortable and happey succes. And therfor commanding all his Maiesties good subiects of this kingdome to be thankfull to God for the good succes hes Maiesty hes had in his iorney; and nixt to be thankfull to hes Maiesty for the pains and trauells he hes takin, in his auen persone to come to this kingdome, and in manifestatione of ther thankfullnes to his Maiesty, to shew all tokins of courtisie, cordiality and humanity to the noblemen and others of the kingdome of England that are to come heir with hes Maiesty; and to offer no maner of offence or reproche to them, in vord, deid, countenance or wtherwayes; and that all the subiects of this kingdome conteine themselues in quietnes and comlie societie, eurey one of them with ane other; and in no wayes to persew one ane other by word or deid, wnder the paine of death. 

The 28 day of this same mounth, his Maiesty held a parliament at Edinbrughe, quherin ther was concludit by acte, 2 maine bussines, viz. anent the electione of archbischopes and bischopes; the restitutione of chapters, and the plantatione of kirkes; and a ratificatione of the authority and preuilidges of the justices of peace and ther constables; with diuers others good actes and lawes, wich are to be read amongest the constitutions of this parliament. 

Hes Maiesty, in his progresse this zeire, came from Beruicke to Dunglas, then to Setton, and from it to Edinbrughe; he wisitted Linlithgow, Stirling, Dumfermling, Falkland, Perth, Couper, St. Andrews, Dundie, Monrosse, Pasley, Glasgow, and so returned to England be Dumfries and Carleill. 

The 20 of Agust, this zeire, the Lordes Sanquhare, Buccleuche, Cranstone, Sr Johne Ker of Jedbrughe, Sr Androw Ker of Oxenhame, Johne Murray of Lochemaben, and William Douglas of Cauers, Shriffe of Teuiotdaill, landeslordes of the west and east marches, compirit personaly befor the Lords of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, and acted themselues to make ther haill men, tenants and seruants anssuerable and obedient to justice; and that they shall satisfie and redresse parties wronged, conforme to the lawes and actes of parliament, and general band made in Ao 1602; this band being the best and most strait band that euer was made in the borders, (wich was made by his Maties informatione and directione,) he being at Drumfreis in the zeire 1602, was then subscriued by a grate number of the landslordes of the west and midle marches. 

The 10 of September, this zeire, in presence of the Lordes of priuey counsaill, his Maiesties sentence and decreitt being read concerning all feeds and matters of blood betuix the Hayes and Gordons, (wich was submitted to his Maiesty,) the Marques of Huntley and Earle of Erole hauing notice by the Lord Chancler, that it was first (befor all) his Maiesties pleasur, that they tuo should chope handes, and embrace one ane other, wich by all appeirance they werey cordially did. 

Sunday the 5 of Januarij, this zeire, the Lord Viscount Villiers, at Whitehall, was create Earle of Buckinghame, and suorne a priuey counseller. 

Shrouffe Tuesday, the 4 of Marche, maney disordred persons, of sundry kyndes, spoyled maney housses about London, namlie, new bulte aile howsses and play housses. 

The 7 of Marche, this zeire, the grate seall of England was deliuered to Sr Francis Bacon, knight, the Kinges Atturney, quho was made Lord Keiper of the Grate Seall. 

Quhen Bacon was made Lord Keeper, Sr Henrey Yeluerton, knight, the Kings Sollicetor, was made the Kinges Atturney, and Mr Thomas Couentry, Esquyre, Recorder of London, was made the Kinges Sollicetor, and was knighted the 16 of Marche. 

Sunday, 23 of Marche, this zeire, at Burlie one the hill, in Rutlandshyre, Sr Eduard Noell, knight and baronett, was creatted Lord Noell of Ridlingtone. 

Tuesday the 4 of Nouember, this zeire, ther arriued at the courte, Stephan Euanowiche, Leiuetenant of Rasco, and Marck Euanozin Posdieof, one of the 3 chancelers of Russia, ambassadors to his Maiestie, from Michaell, Emperour of Russia. They had audience the nixt Sunday, and they and ther cheiffe followers wer feasted by the King at Whithall, being 50 in nomber. Ther quholl traine was 75. 

Thursday the 6 of Nouember, the Lord Hay married the Ladey Luce, daughter to the Earle of Northumberland. 

Monday, 29 of December, this zeire, Charles Lodouick, second sone to the Ladey Elizabeth, was borne at Hedelberge, about 4 a clocke in the morninge, and was christnnd in Marche following. 

As 52 Ja: 6 et Sal: 1618. 

The Kinges Maiestie, in Marche, this zeire, commandes the Lordes of his priuey counsaill to interrupte the Hollanders from fishing in the Scotts seas, within sight of land. 

The 20 of Aguste, this zeire, Mr Thomas Rosse, a brother of the housse of Cragey, in Perthshyre, was sentenced by the Justice Generall to losse his head at the crosse of Edinbrughe, and therafter the same head to be affixed one the jayle, for proposinge certane villanous and opprobrious theses in defamatione of his auen natiue countrey and countreymen, and affixing them one a churche dore in Oxeford, before sermon one a Tuesday, offring them to be publickly dispute, and himselue (miserable wretche) to defend them. This sentence was put in executione within 2 dayes therafter. 

The 1 of Januarij, this zeire, being Thursday, George, Earle of Buckinghame, was creatted Marques of Buchinghame, at Whithall. 

Thursday the 8 of Januarij, Sr Robert Nanton, knight, was suorne the Kinges Secretarey. 

Sunday, the 12 of Julij, at Otlands, Sr Francis Bacon, knight, Lord Chanceler of England, was creatted Lord Verulam. 

Sunday the 19 of Julij, in the afternoone, the King tooke away the staffe from the Lord Thesaurer. 

This sommer the King created 4 Earles: 

Viscount Lislie was creatted Earle of Leicester; 

Lord Comptone, Earle of Northampton; 

Lord Riche, Earle of Waruicke; 

Lord Candishe, Earle of Deuonshyre; 

and the Marques of Buckinghames mother, Ladey to Sr Thomas Comptone, was created Countesse of Buckinghame. 

The 17 of October, this zeire, Vzahyne Chiaus, attendit with 12 persons, cam ambassador from Sultan Osman, the Turkishe Emperour; he had audience one Tuesday the 3d of Nouember. 

About the 28 of October, being Vedinsday, Sr Walter Rauleighe, hauing bot laitly returned from his Guiana woyage, and sacked the toune of St. Thome, was brought from the Touer to the Kings Benche barre, and by the Lord Cheiffe Justice was asked, quhat he could say for himselue, quhy he should not suffer executione of death, according to the judgement of death, for his tressone in the first zeire of the King; quherwnto he coulde make no sufficient anssuer. And from thence being caried to the gatehousse, and the next morninge about 8 of the clocke, he was brought vpone a scaffold in the parliament yaird, quher for more then ane houres space, he made sundrey speiches, as appologies to sundrie imputations formerly layed wpone him; and about 9 a clocke hes head was strucke offe. He was a werey gallant man, and deyed resolutly; his head and bodey wer buried at hes wyffes discretione. 

Immediatly after his executione, ther was a booke published by authoritie, concerninge the manifestatione of his offence in the breache of peace with Spaine, and his exceiding the tenor of his patent. 

Vedinsday, the 18 of Nouember, a blazinge star begude to be seine in the southe easte, about 5 a clocke in the morning, the flame and streame therof enclynd towards the west. I can not bot make posterity pertaker of the exacte descriptione of this so prodigious a star to all Europe, descrived to K. James by a werey profound and learnid mathematiciane of this iland. 

The motion of this comet, (sayes he,) from my first obseruatione, was one Vedinsday morning, the 18 of Nouember, 1618, to Vedinsday the 18 of December; the wiche whirled aboute the earthe eurey 24 houres, and declynned 12 degrees touardes the southe, making his diurnall gyve ouer that terrestrial circkell quherin layes Noua Guinea, the Iles Timor and Jaua, in the easte; the north pairt of St. Laurence, Mosambiq: in Africa; the midele of Brasilia and Peru, in the vest. 

About the 22 of Nouember, it entred the equinoctiall plaine ouer the Molluocas, Mallacca, Summatra, Abassia, S. Thomas, Guyana, eurey day ascending towardes our pole articke; about the 27, entring the tropicke of cancer; afterwardes passing ouer all the regions of the earthe, euen ouer the vtermoste limitts of the Brittishe empyre. 

About the 11 of December, his declinatione was 81 degrees and a halffe; and therfor passed ouer London in the morning, and so hasted more northwardes, euen als far as the Orcades. 

I may not forgett, that the comet, in the latter pairt of his period, was northwest after sune sett, wich gaue to some, not skilfull in astronomey, to affirme a second comett; bot in the beginning I fortold, (wich was no grate matter for to doe) that if the comett continwed a whyle, it wold aduance neire the taile of Vrsa Maior. 

He sayd that this comet was als far aboue the moone, as the moone is from the earthe; and that the comets distance from the earthe was not lesse than 2,300,000 Englishe myles; wheras the moone (quhen shoe is neirest) is litle more than 2,000,000, wich is nothing to the suns eiaculatione of his beames wpone the earthe, more then 6,900,000 myles. 

The comets bulke was at least 1/27 of the quhole earthe, and not fully twysse gratter than the moone; bot the comet compared to the sune, was scarsse 1 to 8000. So litle is this grate comet in respecte that glorious lampe. And zet the sune bot a poynt to the immesse spheure of fixed stars: and all this nothinge in comparisone of that infinite circkell, cuius centrum est ubiq: circumferentia nusquam; the center of quhosse presence and prescience is eurey quhere, and his limitts no quhere. 

Bot quhatsoeuer was the materiall of this comet, howsoeuer compacte and desolued, I am enforced, in conclusione, to lay prostrat at the Almighties pouer; in the globositie therof, to admire his wisdoome in the motione, and adore his goodnesse in the present apparitione. 

Quhatsoeuer eiuell this new comet may presage, the seinge be to them that hate ws, and the interpretatione therof to our enimies. Bot quhatsoeuer good it can promisse, the God of Heauen (quho ther placed it) confirme them all to his royall Maiestie, and Grate Brittans Monarchie! Amen. 

Since wich tyme, euen from the nixt zeire after, ther begane grate varrs in Germanie, betueen the Emperour and some German Princes, and the Prince of Transiluania; betueen the K. of Denmark and the Emperour; betueen the K. of Suden and Polland; betueen the K. of Polland and the Turke; quher it pleassed Almighty God to giue the King of Polland a grate victorey, wich caused the Turke to enter in leauge with the Pollonian. The Frenche King made a longe, feirce and terrible sedge vpone the citey of Rochell, diuersse zeires; wich at lenthe, through extreame famine and misserey, zeildit wnto the King. 

The Emperour made sharpe varres in Italie, and woune Mantua, and assayled diuersse others prouinces. The Frenche King taking pairt with Mantua, inwadeth Sauoy, and made grate spoyle therin. The King of Sueden, with a weill appoynted armey, stoutly invadit the empyre. Ther also followed, in diuersse others places, sundrie attemptes, batells, assaults in sundry other prouinces, especially betuix the Turke and Venetians; betuixe the K. of Grate Brittane and his subiects; the grate and creuell massacker of the Scottes and Englishe protestants, by the inhumane and bloodie Irishe, in Irland; wich wnnaturall warre, in all the 3 kingdomes, after innumerable batelles, continewes to this day, the 2 of October, 1648, bot aney appirance of peace. 

The 25 of Nouember, Sr Jhone Digbey, knight, Vice-chamberlaine to the King, was created Lord Digby of Shirburne, by patent to him and his heirs mailes. He had beine formerly 3 tymes ambassador to the King of Spaine from his Maiesty. 

Fryday, 27 of Nouember, the Ladey Elizabeth, daughter to the Palsgraue and the Ladey Elizabeth, was borne at Hedelberge, betueen 1 and 2 in the afternoone. 

As 53 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1619. 

The 15 of Julij, this zeire, deyed Sr Alexander Drumond of Medope, one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice, a werey learned judge. 

The 12 of Marche, this same zeire, Thomas Erskyne, Lord Fenton, one of the gentlemen of his Maiesties bed chalmber, wes created Earle of Kelley. 

And one the 16 of this same mounth, lykwayes, Walter, Lord Buccleuch, was creatted Earle of Buccleuche, and Lord Scott of Branxholme. 

One the 20 of this same mounth, also, Thomas Hamilton, Lord Bininge, Principall Secretarey of Scotland, and President of the Colledge of Justice, was creatted Earle of Melros. 

In Maij, this zeire, Williame Rige of Ederney, one of the balzies of Edinbrughe, for censuring some of the ministers of Edinbrughe, and not communicatting conforme to the actes of the assembley of Perth, wpone the Bischopes suggestione, and clamor to the King, he was imprissond, and put in a grate fyne. 

In October, this zeire, Margarett Hartesyde was reponid and restored to her fame and crydit, against the sentence pronouncit aganist her, for stelling the Queins jewells; and her proces ordained to be delait out of the recordes of the justiciarey generall. 

This same zeire, throughe all this kingdome, ther was a voluntarey contributione giuen to the distressed protestants of France (wich Lewes the 13, ther King, prosecutted with fyre and suord); it amounted to a grate soume of money. 

The 12 of Januarij, this zeire, the faire banquetting housse at Whithall was burnid. 

And about the end of this same Januarij, the Marques of Buckinghame was made Admirall of England. 

Vedinsday, the 17 of Februarij, Sr George Caluert, knight, one of the Clerkes of the Counsell, was suorne Secretarey of Estait. 

Tuesday the second of Merche, about 3 a clocke in the morninge, died Queine Anna, at Hampton Courte; and vpone Tuesday the 9 of Marche, her corpes wer brought to Denmarke Housse, in the Strand, and ther remaind wntill Thursday befor Witsonday, viz. the 13 of Maij, and then was werey royally and solemly interred in the chapell royall at Westminster. Prince Charles was cheiffe mourner; and the Archischope of Canterburrey preached the funerall sermon. 

Monday the 3d of Maij, one Mr Williams, a barrester of the Midle Temple, was arrainned at the Kinges Benche, for lybelling and wretting of bookes aganist the Kinge; and vpone Vedinsday follouing, he was hanged and quartered at Charing-crosse. 

In Junij, this zeire, Sr Johne Villiers, knight, Gentleman of the Princes Bed Chalmber, and brother to George, Marques of Buckinghame, was creatted Viscount Purbeck. 

The 31 of Julij, this zeire, 1619, ther was a proclamatione publisht by his Maiesties especiall command, for reformatione and alteratione of diuersse coynes of gold, with directions therin for weighing the same, and other pices of gold, therafter to be coyned. The names of the peices, ther weightes, remedies and abattements, doe follow:- 

 33 shillings.  4 gr: and a halffe. 
 22 shill:  3 graines. 
In eurey peice 16 sh: 6 pence. The abattment 2 gr: and a halffe. 
of gold current 11 shil: shall not exceid 2 graines. 
 5 shill: 6 pence.  1 graine. 
 2 shill: 9 pence.  halffe graine. 

And all other pices of gold heirafter to be coynned, wich shall be lighter then accordinng to the remedies ore abattements, heirafter enseuing, that is to say:- 

 30 shiling.  3 graines. 
In eurey new piece 20 shiling. The remedy and  2 graines. 
of gold current for 15 shilling. abatement shall  1 gra: and halffe. 
 10 shilling. not exceid 1 graine. 
 5 shilling.  halffe graine. 

As 54 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1620. 

The first tanning of lether in Scotland begane this zeire, by his Maiesties especiall directione. The tainned lether, by the Lordes of priuey counsaill, wes ordained to be sealled; and eache hyde so tainned for the first 21 zeires, shall pay foure shillings, Scottes money, and therafter bot 12 pennies Scottes. 

In the mounthe of Appryle, this zeire, 120 of the broken men of the borders wer apprehendit by the landslords and vardens of the midell marches, at the command of the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, and sent to the Bohemian varres, with Colonell Androw Gray. 

The 10 of this same mounthe, his Maiesties letter, by wich hes Maiesty wes gratiously pleased to committ to his darrest sone, the Prince, the full administratione and gouerniment of hes auen affaires, and liuing of the principalitey, was presented this day to the counsaill, and by them allowed, with ther earnist wishes and suplicationes to God, to blisse hes heighness in that gouerniment; and that he may imitat hes darrest Lord and Father, in the most blissed and happey coursse of hes gourniment. 

Hes Maiesty, the 8 of Junij, this zeire, did wreat to his priuey counsaill, commanding them to causse publishe a proclamatione, and print the same, tuoching obedience to be giuen by all his Maiesties subiectes to the actes of the Generall Assembley of Perthe; wich command of his Maiesties, the Lordes of secrett counsaill hauing takin to ther serious consideratione (the actes of the said Assembley being produced to them be the Archbischopes of S. Andrewes and Glasgow); it was found that only tuo of the saids actes concerned the subiectes in ther obedience; to witt, the actes anent the commemoratione of the birth, passione, resurrectione and ascentione of Jesus Christ, and sending doune of the Holy Gost, vpone the dayes appoynted to that effecte; and the repairing to church for heiring of sermon vpone thesse dayes: and the other acte concerning the reuerent receauing of the communion with kneeiling. The rest of the actes, with thir tuo, concernit the ministers in ther obedience. The counsaill ordained 13sh. 4d. to be payed by eache of the comons that came not to churche vpone thesse dayes; and the ministers to doe ther dewties vpone the same, wnder the paine of the ecclesiasticke censures of suspensione, depriuatione and confynement; and tuoching geniculatione at the receauing of the sacrament, thesse pains wer ordained, by acte of counsaill, to be exacted offe the delinquents, viz. offe ane earle, 100 lib. Scottes money, ane lord 100 merkes, a baron or laird 50 libs. and all other persons of quhatsumeuer rancke 20 libs. toties quoties, or lesse, at the discretione of the judges, according to the quality and conditione of the offender; wich proclamatione concerning the premisses, wes publist at Edinbrughe crosse, by a herauld, the 14 day of Junij. 

Sr Henrey Carey, Lord Deputie of Irland, was, the 7 of Aguste, this same zeire, created Viscount of Falkland, and naturalized a Scottsman, by letters patents, bearing dait at Newmarket, 7 Agust, 1620. William, Lord Constable of Halsham, in England, was lykwayes created Viscount Dumbar, by letters pattents, bearing dait at Newmarket, the 5 of September this same zeire, 1620. 

Vedinsday the 3d of Appryle, this zeire, arriued at London, Count Suatsenberge, ambassador from the Emperour Ferdinando, accompanied with one earle, 6 barons, and 60 others in his traine; braue in apparell, and riche in jewells. They wer lodgit in Denmarke Housse, in the Strand; and one the nixt Sunday he had audience in the vper parliament housse, quher he made ane excellent oratione to his Maiesty, signifing the Emperours grate loue and hartey desyre of lasting amitey with the King of Grate Brittane, for the wniuersall good of christiandoome. And vpone Sunday the 14 of Appryle, the King feasted him and all hes companey, in the same place. In the nixt weeke therafter, they returnid; and in a few weekes therafter, Sr Richard Weston, Chanceler of the Exchequer, was by the King sent to Bruxells, in Flanders, to meitt with others, ambassadors and commissioners of the Emperour, the K. of Spaine and of Isabella, the Infanta. 

Tuesday the 27 of Junij, this zeire, Sr Henrey Yeluertone, knight, the Kinges Atturney Generall, was sequestrat from his office; and the 10 of Nouember nixt following, he was sentenced in the star chalmber to losse his office, to pay 4000 lib. starling, and imprissonement in the Touer during the Kings pleasur, for adding new preuilidges to the charter of London, without hes Maiesties allowance. 

Monday the 4 of December, this zeire, Sr Henrey Montagu, knight, Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Kings Benche, was made Lord Thesaurer of England, at Newmarket; quher the King gaue him the staffe, and created him Lord Montegu, Baron of Kimmoltone, and Viscount Mandeueill, and not longe therafter, Earle of Manchester. 

Fryday, 29 of December, this zeire, arriued Monseur Cardonet, Gouernour of Callice, from the Frenche King, being accompanied with maney grate marquisses and counts; and the nixt Sunday therafter, the King gaue him audience in the vpper parliament housse; and one the Thursday therafter, his Maiesty feasted him in the grate chamber of the courte of requystes, both wich roumes wer werey staitley adorned with riche hanginges. 

As 55 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1621. 

The cole masters one both sydes of the riuer Forthe, (for the crydit of the countrey and saftie of strangers,) trading to them for cole and salte, does freelie wndertake, in Junij, this zeire, to put markes and becons one all the craiges and blind rockes within the Firthe, aboue Leith roade, wpone ther auen charges. 

The 21 of Junij, this zeire, the Kinges Maiestie, wpon the humble supplicatione of the merchants, aduenterurs to France, in this kingdome, to the Lordes of his priuey counsaill, and ther letter of recommendatione to his Maiestie, wretts to his leidger ambassador in France, that he effectionally deall with the Frenche Kinge, that the Scotts merchants trading in France, and ther factors, may haue free trade, as formerly, in his dominions, bot aney harme; and that they may demand ther debts, conforme to the lawes, notwithstanding of the present troubles betuix him and thesse of the reformed religione; wich was granted by the Frenche King, (as himselue did declare to his Maiesties ambassador,) for the loue he carried to the Scotts nation, the most ancient allayes of the French croune. 

In this forsaid mounthe of Junij, tuo staitsmen of warre, in Leith road, sett wpone a grate warre shipe of Dunkirke, belonging to the King of Spaine, and after a longe fight, and maney men killed and woundit, they forced her to rune one the sands at the entrey of Leith heauen, and therafter sett her one fyre, and brunt her. Shoe was commandit by Don Pedro de Vanvornc, a Spanishe capitane. 

The 4 of Aguste, this zeire, ther was a parliament holdin at Edinbrughe, quherin James, Marques of Hamiltone, Earle of Arrane and Cambridge, &c. was commissioner; in wich parliament, amongest 117 actes and ratifications, thesse of most importance and gratest concernment wer:- 

The ratificatione of the 5 artickells of the Generall Assembley of the Kirk, haldin at Perth in Ao 1618. 

Also, anent a taxatione granted to his Maiestie, for assisting his sone in lau, the Prince Elector Palatyne, in his warres, of 30sh. termley, vpone the pound land, wich amounted to the soume of 400,000 lib. Scottes money, payable at 4 termes, and in three zeires; as also the 20 penney of all annuall rents, wich extendit to aboue tuysse als muche more; the gratest taxatione that euer was granted in Scotland heirtofor in aney age: with diuers others actes in fauors of bischopes, merchants, and some for easse of the subiects; as aganist the immoderat vsse of banquetting and prodigality in apparrell. To this parliament his Maiestie did wreat a werey eloquent and lowing letter, wich I thought not wnfitting to be heire inserted, that postritie might behold from himselue the grate caire he euer had for the mantinence of the publicke peace of christiandoome; and that zeall that the Defender of the Faith did beare to the reformid protestant religione, and the professors of the same. 

     James R. 

   Rt reuerend fathers in God, our Rt trustie and weill beloved counsellers, and others our trustie and weill beloued subiects, commissioners for the small barons and burrowes in our parliament now assembled; wee greeit you hartlie weill. 

   Our longer exercisse in the scoule of experience nor aney Christian prince now liuing, hauing teached ws that the licentious lyffe of man, doeth not breid more new and dangerous deseasses in the bodey, nor his corrupt affections produceth daylie new disorders in the staite; wich more necessarlie requyre speedie cure from the caire and wisdome of the prince, nor bodelie infirmities neideth the helpe of skilfull and faithfull phisitians. 

   Wee wer therby possesed with ane earnist desyre and resolutione, to haue this zeire, in our auen persone, keipt our parliament in that our kingdome; that so wee might haue rather seine nor hard the desyres of our louinge subiectes, and they felte the accustumed fruittes of our fatherly caire of ther good. Bot the combustions of christiandome (to wich maney out of creuell and malitious intentions, adde oyle and few haue ather suche caire or crydet for quenching therof, as ouerselue) haue forced ws to preferre the necessity of procuring the peace of Europe, and safftie of the professors of trew religione, mercilessley persecutted be gratest powars, to our auen weightiest affaires, and most earnist desyres. And neuerthelesse, lest the progresse of disorders and delay of ther redresse, might make the deseasse dangerous, if not disperat, befor our being ther (wich wee wndoubtedly intend, by Gods grace, this nixt zeire) wee haue directed our Rt trustie and Rt weill-beloued cousin and counseller, the Marques of Hamilton, as our commissioner, to supplie our absence in this present parliament; wich our nobilitie and counsaill, by ther earniste letters, haue earnistly desyred ws to indicte this present zeire; and haue commandit him to signifie wnto you, that the cheiffe causse of his imployment, is to giue consent in our name to the redresse of such disorders as ze shall propone, requyring present reformatione; and to declare to you our pleasure anent the expeding of suche actes as wee (out of our naturall and wounted zealle to religion and justice) haue thought expediant for good order and policie, both in churche and staite. Wee haue also directed him to make knowen to our estaites the present conditione, not only of our auen affaires, bot also of forraine princes and staites; and with quhat incessant sollicitude wee haue delt with the ambassadors of neighboure princes and republiques, resident at our courte, to procure free and saue exercisse of religion to thosse that are ioyned with ws in profession of the trew gospell, and restitutione of the estaits forcibly vusurped by ther pouerfull neighbours; and haue performed the lyke offices be our ordinarey and extraordinarey ambassadors, sent at our infinitt charges, to the most pairt of the princes and staites of christiandome, quherin, albeit, coniuction in religion hes beine our cheiffe respecte; zet the distressed estait of our son in law, adding ane particular intrest of nature and honor, hes compelled ws to bestow excessiue soumes of money, both for the charge of his mantinence, and of our darrest daughter, and of ther maney hopefull children; and lykwayes, for the Electrice Douager, his mother, since the pouer of ther enimies hath dispossesed them of the gratest pairt of ther patrimoney – hes forced them for ther sauetie to retire to the low countries. How extraordinar thir burdens are to ws, hardlie can eurey man consider, bot eurey man knoweth it is impossible to beare them, without the large helpe of faithfull subiects weill affected to our juste coursses. It is almost a zeire since wee signified to our nobility and counsaill, the necessity of supplie in this vrgent occasione, quhosse anssuers, by ther letters to be read to you, will expresse the causse of the delay, and assurance of ther affectione. Wee haue hard a lait, that some, ather not weill affected to the causse, or ignorant of the trew estait of affaires, haue trauelled to possess our people with ane opinion, that since, by trewes procured by ws, the charges of warre are diminished, that ther is litle neide of contributione; bot faithfull subiects will wyssly consider how exorbitant our bypast charges haue beine, and how exorbitant oure debte contracted vpone that necessitie is, and how it daylie groweth by the numbers of ambassadors sent by ws to all princes; and that the debt muste ather be repayed, or our crydit and honor so woundit, as quhen wee shall haue most to doe, wee shall find to such supplie as the souerty off our subiects and estaites may requyre. Some ther are that dare say, that wee, being in peace with our neighbour princes, haue no neide to furnishe charges to the warres of others, quhom wee take to be no better then traitors and atheists; for since the varre doeth in pairte concerne our sone in law and our grand children, wee must disclaime nature, if wee shall not partake of that varre, if by our mediatione we can procure ther peace and restitutione of ther estaites; besydes, that religion being assulted by that varre, and the varres in France and the low countries, must we not confesse, if they continew to grow – Nostra agitur tunc res paries, cum proximus ardet. Others more headie ar more bold to say, that this contributione might haue beine more redey, if in tyme we had embraced the varre, quho merite no other anssuer bot – Dulce bellum inexpertis, et nullum bellum iustum, nisi quod necessarium; and since peace must be the end of varre, princes haue euer beine thought more wysse and iust, quho haue manteined peace, and preuented, and in tyme pacified varres, nor suche, as after that scourge and desolations of Gods wrathe, haue not thoght of peace, till destruction of men by suord, pest and famin; the dewastions of tounes, churches, and quholl countries; the violatted chastitey of woomen of all sortes and ages; and the bloode of sucking babes had poluted, desolated and dispeopled the land, of men, goodes, and all thinges necessarey for humaine societey; and so disabled thosse bruttishe princes, borne for the mischeiffe of mankynd, longer to prosecute the wnbrydled and wnbounded malice of ther auaritious and ambitious myndes. The last assault giuen to the good affections of our subiects is, the representing of the pouertie of that our kingdome, and the scarsitie of moneyes, quherof wee are sorey, and have directed our commissioner to concure with you in the meines of remead therof, willing you to consider, that it is not so muche the importance of the soumes wich ze are able to contribute that wee respecte, as the trayell of your affections, your straining of yourselues to your wtermost abilities, may giue exemple to your neighboures of grater wealthe, to doe the Iyke in ther dew proportione. Quhen ze shall weighe the necessity of the caisses of our desyres, the importance of the affaires, both for religione and stait, and shall remember quhat obligations of retributione are imposed vpone you, by oure maney graces, fauors and liberalities, not onlie to the most pairt of all the subiects of that oure kingdome, in ther particular, bot to euerey stait and quhole bodey of the kingdome, in generall; wee are confident, that at this occasione, (more necessarey then at aney other occasione that occurred in oure lyffe) ze will encresse your wounted contributione, as the estait of the affaires requyres. And as ze are bound to ws, quho for your sauetie and peace, enclyne to the counsell giuen by the oracle to Philipe of Macedon, to make warres with money, wich is rather to preuent and quenche warre with grate charges, nor vnnecessarly manteine it with incomprehensible harmes, incident to that pest. Maney other thinges concerning our affaires, and your good, are by our directions to be imparted to you be our said commissioner, quhome wee requyre you to trust, and to respecte, as one quho, being neire to our persone, and acquanted with our affaires, and good intentions, hath seimed most fitt to ws for this present charge. And as by him wee shall know your proceidings, we shall remember and reward your deuties according to your deseruinges; wich wee houpe and vish to proue according to our deseinges and deallings towardes you; and so bid you hartlie fairweill. Giuen at our Manor of Theobalds, 13 of Julij, 1621. 

I can not forgett, how at the ryding of this parliament, the noblemen and commissioners wer forced to allight from ther horses, and save themselues from a fearfull tempest of raine, accompanied with fyre, thunder and darkness, to the grate astonishment of all that wer present. This tempest being no quher ells, made the people (for diuersse respects) call this the Black Parliament. 

Mr Alexander Simpsone, and Mr Androw Duncane, ministers, quho had protested aganist the ratificatione of the 5 artickells of Perths Assembly at this parliament, wer, by his Maiesties commissioner, comitted prissoners to Dumbrittone castle; bot therafter, one ther suplicatione, by hes Maiesties command to the Lordes of hes priuey counsaill, wer releassed the tent of October this zeire. 

In the mounthe of Aguste, this zeire, ther was a voluntarey contributione collected through the haill paroche churches of this kingdome, for releiffe of the Scotts prissoners in Thunis and Algeires; wich amounted to a werey considerable soume. 

Becaus ther wer a new brood and generatione of the Clan-gregor rissen vpe, quho are begune to goe in troupes and companies athorte the countrey, armed with offensiue veapons, ther was a proclamatione publisht, this 28 of Aguste, that non quho carries the name of Mac-gregor shall weare aney armour, bot ane poyntlesse kynffe to eat ther meat with, wnder the paine of death. 

Thursday the 30 of Januarij this zeire, 1621, the King and Prince, in grate staite, roade to the parliament housse, being accompanied with the bischopes and all the nobility. This session held till Tuesday the 27 of Marche, in wich wer tuo subsidies granted, and the parliament was then adiorned wntill Tuesday the 17 of Appryle. The cleargie gaue also three subsedies, and the parliament continewed wntill Monday the 4 of Junij, and was then by commissione adiorned wntill Vedinsday the 14 of Nouember, 1621. 

In this parliament Sr Geilles Mompeson was sentenced to be degraded, disnobled, and disabled to beare aney office in the comon weill, for practising sundrey abusses, in erecting and settinge vpe new innes and ailehousses, and exacting grate soumes of money off the people, by pretence of letters patents granted to him for that purpois; bot he suddainly fled the land, and Sr Francis Michell, one of his cheiffe agents, was lykwayes sentenced in the same maner, and to remaine perpetually in Finsburrey goale; vpone quhome the sentence of degradatione was executted in the Kinges Benche befor the Earle Marishall. 

Lykwayes in this parliament, Francis, Viscount of St. Albane, Lord Chanceler of England, wes depossed and committed to the Touer, quher he remained prissoner diuersse dayes, and then was enlarged. 

Monday the 18 of Junij, this zeire, Doctor Williams, Deane of Westminster, was suorne a priuey counseller; and one Tuesday, the 10 of Julij, he was made Lord Keeiper of the Grate Seall of England; and after that, Bischope of Lincolne. It was rumored eurey quher, that hes too grate familiaritey with Buckinghames mother, procured him thesse grate fauors and preferments one a suddaine. 

This same zeire, in the begning of Julij, the Lord Darcey of Essex, was created Viscount Colchester; and the Lord Hunsdon, Viscount Rocheford; and Sr Lyonell Cranefeild, knight, Master of the Wardes and of the Wardrobe, wes created Lord Cranfeild of Cranfeild, in Bedfordshyre. 

Vedinsday, 18 of Julij, Henrey, Earle of Northumberland, was discharged the Touer. 

Vpone Michelmisse eine, Viscount Mandeweill, Lord Thesaurer of England, surrandred hes office to the King, and was made President of the priuey counsaill; and the second day therafter, the Lord Cranefeild was made Lord Thesaurer. 

The 10 of October, this zeire, the parliament was adiorned wntill the 8 of Februarij in the following zeire; bot after by a proclamatione, according to the sumons therof, they sate againe in parliament vpone the 20 day of Nouember, and so continewed wntill the 19 of December this zeire, and then brooke vpe, of purpois to sitt againe the 8 of Februarij in the succiding zeire. Bot the 9 of Januarij, the King by proclamatione dissolued the parliament, so that in Februarij ther was no meitting. 

As 56 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1622. 

The 16 of Junij this zeire, 1622, betuix 6 and 7 houres in the morning, at Pinkie, in Lothean, deyed Alexander, Earle of Dumfermling, Lord Chanceler of Scotland. Immediatly after quhosse death, the Grate Seall was deliuered to the Lordes of hes Maiesties priuey counsaill. 

Sr George Hay of Kinfauns, knight, [Clerke] of Register, in Julij this zeire, is made Lord Chanceler of Scotland, by letters patents, bearing dait at Woodstocke in England, this same zeire; and the Earle of Vinton, at the deliuerey vpe to him of hes Maiesties casshett and grate seall, wpone hes petitione to the counsaill, and by hes Maiesties especiall command, receaues ample letters of approbatione of hes vnckell, the lait Lord Chancelers good and faithfull seruice, wich the Lord Chanceler Hay, his successor, did for the firste acte of his office expeed. 

In Nouember, this zeire, Sr Archbald Naper of Merchistone, knight, was made Thesaurer depute; and in the mounthe of December gaues hes othe de fideli administratione, and was lykwayes, that same day, suorne and admitted a priuey counseller. 

This zeire, lykwayes, Johne Murray of Lochmaben, one of his Maiesties bed-chamber, and keiper of his priuey pursse, was creatted Lord Murray of Lochmaben, and Viscount Anand. 

In the mounthe of September this zeire, 1622, the King made foure Earles, viz. James Hay, Lord Viscount Doncaster, was creatted Earle of Carleill; the Lord Viscount Feildinge was creatted Earle of Denbighe; and the Lord Digby was creatted Earle of Bristow, he being then ambassador from his Maiestie to the King of Spaine, and was sent thither this last summer. Also the Lord Cranfeild, Lord Thesaurer of England, was at this same tyme creatted Earle of Midelesex. 

Fryday the 29 of Nouember, this zeire, Sr Johne Bennett, Judge of the Prerogatiue Courte, vas found guiltey of brybrie and other foule corruptions; and was sentenced in the star chamber to pay 20,000 pound starlinge; and disabled from bearing aney office in the comon wealthe; and to remaine prisoner during the Kinges pleasure. His caisse was 4 quholl dayes in heiring in the star chamber. 

As 57 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1623. 

In Januarij this zeire, 1623, Lord Colueill takes iorney to France, to craue the re-establishment of the Scottes Gaurde and Companey of Scottesmen at Armes, according to ther first institutione, and the Frenche Kinges promisse oftin tymes made to that effecte; wich negotiatione of his, the Lordes of the priuey counsaill earnistly recommends to his Maiesty; and that he wold be gratiously pleassed, in earnist maner, particularly to recommend the said Lord and hes bussines, not only to his leidger ambassador in France, bot also to the Frenche King himselue; wiche his Maiesty willingly performed. 

In Februarij, this zeire, for the bussines of the woole, ther was ane commissione giuen by the estaits of the kingdome to 

Lodouick, Duck of Lennox and Richmond, 

James, Marques Hamilton, Earle of Arrane and Cambridge &c. 

Thomas, Earle of Kelley, Viscount Fenton, Lord Dirltone, 

James, Earle of Carleill, Viscount Doncaster, Lord Sala, 

Sr Androw Murray of Baluaird, knight, and to 

Mr Johne Hay, Clercke Depute of Edinbrughe, 

to treat with the Englishe commissioners in that bussines; for England desyred that all the wooll that was not drapped and made vsse off within the kingdome, should not be transported and sold to aney bot to them. This trettey tooke bot small effecte, after much tampring made therin by his Maiesty, moued therto by the daylie and importunat clamors of the Englishe. 

The 9 of Appryle, this zeire, about sex in the morning, deyed Mr Thomas Murray, some 12 dayes after he was cutt of the stone; he was first master, and therafter secretarey to Prince Charles; and becausse he lyked not the Prince iorney to Spaine, nor matche with Spaine, he was remoued from his office of secretarey to the Prince, and Sr Francis Cottingtone was put in his place; a professed Roman, and one maney hundereth degrees inferior to him, bothe in loue and integritie to his master, and honesty to all men; being the Duck of Buckinghames suorne slaue, by quhosse meins he was only preferred, as the onlie fitt man he coulde pitche one, quhosse nature and breeding did best agree with the Spanishe aire. 

In Junij, this zeire, deyed Cockburne of Ormestone, knight, Justice Clercke, and one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice; and to him, in both his places, succidit Sr Archbald Naper of Merchiston, Deputey Thesaurer. 

Tuesday the 18 of Februarij, this zeire, Charles, Prince of Walles, being accompanied with George, Marques of Buckinghame, Endimion Porter, a groome of the Kinges bed chamber, and Sr Francis Cottingtone, the Princes secretarey, sett foruard from Douer, arriued at Bolloinge, and from thence be Paris, rode post wnto Madrill in Spaine. 

Sunday the 5 of October, 1623, Prince Charles, with the Ducke of Buckinghame and ther retinew, with 11 of the Kinges shipes, and 6 merchantes, arriued at Portsmouth, aboute 8 a clocke in the eiuining. Nixt day he cam to Zorke Housse, in the Strand, quher he dyned; and aboute 11 a clocke he tooke cotche, and went to Roystone to the King. That day ther was ioy in London, and ouer all places quho knew of the Princes saue arriuell, with shoutting of canons, ringing of bells, and putting out of bonefyres. 

Sunday the 24 of October, this same zeire, about 4 a clocke in the afternoone, a Roman priest preached at Hunsdone housse, in the Black Friars, in London, in ane vpper chamber, quher wer assembled aboue 300 men, woomen and youthes; and aboute the midle of the sermon, a grate pairt of the flooure breacke and fell doune, and all that stood ther one. It fell doune with suche violence, that it bruke doune the nixt floore wnder it; the cheiffe summer therof was aboute 24 inches. In wich fall wer slaine the preacher, and almost a hundereth of his auditorey, and als maney more hurte. The nixt night therafter, the Frenche ambassador leidger, duelling in Hunsdone housse, burried 47 of them in his courte yairde and in his garden; the rest wer burried in sundrey places, by ther frindes; and diuers that wer ther, and had escaped, perished by sundrie accidents within few dayes after. 

As 58 Ja: 6, et Sal: 1624. 

In Julij this zeire, 1624, by his Maiesties especiall commandiment, a proclamatione was publisht at the mercat crosse of Edinbrugh, inhibitting all conwentickells, and priuey meittinges in housses by night, for deuotione, wich is the only introducer of schisime, and all sortes of damnable heresies in Godes churche. 

I did almost forgett, how, one the 25 day of Maij, this same zeire, the toune of Dumfermling, in Fyffeshyre, was in foure houres space burnid. The fyre was werey fearfull and terrible; for in that tyme the quholl bodey of the toune, wich did consist of 120 tenements, and 287 families, was brunt and consumed, with the quholl furniture of the housses, besydes the barnnes aboute the toune, quherin wer 500 bols of victuall. 

In Junij, this zeire, William Rige, one of the balzies of Edinbrughe, for being refractarey the churche gouerniment, and for hanting of priuey meittinges and conuentickells, was comitted to prisone in the castle of Blacknes, fynned in a grate soume of money, and sentenced by the Lordes of the priuey counsaill, (at hes Maiesties command) for euer incapable to beare office in the toune of Edinbrughe. 

Monday the 16 of Februarij this zeire, 1624, the King, with the nobilitey, prepared to goe to the parliament; bot that morning earlie deyed Lodowick Steuarte, Duck of Lentrox and Richmond, Lord Stewarte of his Maiesties houshold, sodantlie, at his lodgeing at the courte of Whithall; quhervpone the King deferrid his going to the parliament till Thursday the 19 of Februarij, quher he made a soleme speache to the barons, knights and burgesses, in wich his Maiestie expressed the causes of conuinng that parliament; and vpone Monday the 19 of Appryle, the corpes of the said Duck with all magnificence, wer brought from Ely housse, in Holburne, to Westminster abbey, and ther honorabley interrid. 

One Saterday the 29 of Maij, this zeire, the Englishe parliament brack vpe,. and was adiorned till the 2d of Nouember nixt follouing. In this parliament, Lionell, Earle of Midlesex, was depossed from his office of Lord Thesaurer of England, and sentenced to pay the King 50,000 pound Starling, and imprisonement during the Kinges pleasure. This parliament granted to the King 3 subsidies and 3 fyueteines; and the clergie gaue the King 4 subsidies. 

Sunday, 21 of Nouember, this zeire, ther was grate mirth in London, with bonefyres, shootting of ordinance, and ringing of bells, for ioy of the conclusione of the trettey of marriage betueen Prince Charles, Prince of Walles, and Ladey Marey Henrietta, daughter to the lait Frenche King, Henrey the 4, and sister to Lewes the 13, that now raingeth. 

In this same mounthe of Nouember, lykwayes, there was a grate presse throughe the most shyres in England, and the citey of London, for the lewinng of 10,000 souldiers. By the end of December, the quhole armey mett, and wer assembled at Douer, quher Count Mansfeild, the appointed generall, tooke ther muster, and trained them; and in Januarij therafter, they wer transported to Holland, quher the most pairt of them deyed miserablie with cold and hunger; and thesse that liued wer put in garisone tounes. 

The zounge Duck of Brunswicke, being at Chrismisse last made Knight of the Garter, went leiutenant general of this armey. 

At this tyme, Sr James Lee, knight, Lord Cheiffe Justice, was made Lord Thesaurer of England. 

This same zeire, Johne Murray, Viscount of Anand, wes creatted Earle of Anandaill, by letters patents, bearing dait at Wansteade, in England, 10 Nouembris, 1624. 

Neire this same tyme, also, hes Maiesty creatted Johne, Viscount Lauderdaill, Earle of Lauderdaill, by letters pattents, bearing dait at Theobalds, in England, 12 Nouembris, in Ao 1624. 

As 59 Regni Jacobi Sexti, et Sal: 1625. 

The second of Marche this zeir, 1625, deyed James, Marques of Hamiltone, Lord Steuarte of the Kings houshold, and Knight of the order of the Garter, at Whithall, in England. His corpes wer enbalmd, coffind in lead, sent to Scotland, and solemlie interred amongest his prædicessors at Hamilton. 

Sunday the 27 of Marche, this zeire, in the fornoone, deyed K. James, of most famous and vorthey memorey, surnamed the Kinge of Peace, honored and admired by the gratest Kinges of the worlde, for his wisdome and prudent gouerniment; not without grate and pregnant suspitione of poysone. The maner of his deathe, publisht to the worlde by one of the ordinarey phisitians to his auen person, quho had seruid his Maiesty in that place some 10 zeires befor, for the readers better informatione, I thought good heir to inserte. The Ducke of Buckinghame (says he) beinge in Spaine adwertissed by letters how that the King begoude to censure him freely in his absence; and that maney spoke boldly to the Kinge aganist him; and how the King had intelligence from Spayne of his wnworthey carriage ther; and how the Marques Hamilton, vpone the suddaine newes of the Prince deperture, had noblely reprehendit the King for sending the Prince with suche a younge man, vithout experience, and in such a priuat and suddain maner, without acquainting the nobility and counsaill therwith; wrotte a werey bitter letter to the Lord Marques of Hamilton; conceiued new ambitious courses of his auen; and vssed all the deuices he could to disgust the Prince his mynde of the matche with Spayne, so farre intendit by the King; made haste home, where, quhen he came, he so carried himselue, that quhatsoeuer the King commanded in his bed chalmber, he controled in the nixt chalmber; zea, receaued packetts to the King from forraine princes, and dispatched anssuers without acquanting the King therwith, not in a grate tyme therafter. Wherat, perceauing the King heighlie offended, and that the Kinges mynd was begining to alter towardes him, suffring him to be quarrelled and affronted in his Maiesties presence; and obserwing that the King reseruid the Earle of Bristow to be a rod for him, vrging daylie his dispatche for France; and expecting daylie the Counte of Gondomar his cominng to England, in his absence, feared muche that Gondomar, quho as it seimed was gratlie esteeimed, and wounderfully crydeted by the King, wold second my Lord of Bristowes accusations aganist him. He knew also, that the King had vowed, that in despite of all the deuills of hell, he wold bring the Spanische matche aboute againe; and that the Marquis of Enechosa had giuen the King bad impressions of him, by quhosse artickells of accusatione, the King himselue had examined some of the nobility and priuey counsaill, and found out in the examination, that Buckinghame had sayed, after hes coming from Spayne, that the King was ane old man, it was now tyme for him to be at his rest; and to be confyned to some parke to passe the rest of his tyme in hunting, and the Prince to be crouned. The more the King vrged him to be gone to France, the more shiftes he made to stay; for he did euidently see that the King was fully resolued to rid himselue of the oppression quherin he held him. 

The King being sicke of a tertian ague, and that in the spring, wich was of itselue neuer found deadlie, the Ducke tooke his opportunitie, quhen all the Kings doctors of phisicke wer at dinner, vpone the Mounday befor the King dyed, without ther knouledge or consent, offred to the King a white pouder to take, the wiche the King a long tyme refussed, bot, ouercome by his flatring opportunity, at lenth tooke it, drunke it in wine, and immediatly became worsse and worsse, falling into maney soundinges and paines, and violent fluxes of the belley, so tormented, that his Maiesty crayed oute aloud, O this white pouder! this white pouder! wold to God I had neuer takin it; it will cost me my lyffe. In lyke maner the Countesse of Buckinghame, my Lord of Buckinghams mother, wpone the Fryday therafter, the phisitians being also absent at dinner, and not made acquainted with her doinges, applayed a plaister to the Kinges harte and breist, whervpone his Maiestie grew faint, short breathed, and in grate agonie. Some of the phisitians after dinner returning to see the King, by the offensiue smell of the plaister, perceaued some thing to be aboute the Kinge hurtefull to him, and searched quhat it could be, found it out, and exclaimed, that the King wes poysoned. Then Buckinghame entring, commandit the phisitians out of the roume; caused one to be committed prissoner to his auen chamber, and ane other to remove from courte; quarreled others of the Kings seruants in the seicke Kings auen presence, so farre that he offred to draw hes suord aganist them in the Kinges sight; and Buckinghams mother, kneeling befor the King, with a brazen face crayed out, Justice, justice, Sr; I demand justice of your Maiestie: the King asking, for quhat? shoe ansuered, for that wich ther liues is no sufficient satisfaction: for saying that my sone and I haue poysoned your Maiestie. Poysoned me, said the King; with that he, turning himselue, soundit, and shoe was remoued. The Sunday therafter the King dyed; and Buckinghame desyred the phisitians quho attended the King to seing with ther hand wreatts, a testimonie that the pouder wich he gaue the King, was a good and saue medicine, wich they refussed to doe. Buckinghams cretures did spred abrod a rumor in London, that Buckinghame was so sorey at the Kinges death, that he could haue dyed, that he wold haue killed himselue if they had not hindred him; bot in effecte he was no more moued then if ther had neuer hapned either sicknes ore death to the King. One day quhen the King was in grate extremitie, he rode post to London, to persew his sister in law to haue her stand in sackclothe at Paules, for adultrey; ane other tyme of the Kinges agonie, he was bussie contriuing and concluding a marriage for one of his cousins. Immediatly after the Kinges death, the phisitian quho was commanded to his chamber, vas sett at libertie with a caueat to hold his peace; the others thretned, if they keept not good toungs in ther heades. Bot in the meane tyme, the Kinges bodey and head suelled aboue measure; his haire, with the skin of his head, stuck to the pillow; his nailles became loosse vpon his fingers and toes. 

He departed this lyffe at his Manor of Theobalds. That same afternoone, about 6 a clocke, his sone, Prince Charles, was proclaimed King, both at Whytehall and Charing Crosse, Cheapsyde Crosse and other places. 

His bodey was brought from Theobaldes one Monday the 4 of Apryle, and came to London about 10 a clocke at night, being mett one the way by the nobilitie and cleargie, the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London, with thousandes of torches lighted, and was placed in Denmarke housse, in the Strand, quher the bodie remained till the funerall day. A passant charrecter of him ze may take from a country poet of our auen, wrettin some zeirs befor his deathe:- 

O vertewes paterne, glorie of our tymes, 

Sent of past dayes to expiat the crymes; 

Grate King – bot better farre then thow arte grate – 

Whom staite not honors, bot who honors staite. 

By wounder borne, by vounder first install’d, 

By wounder after to new kingdomes call’d; 

Young keipte by vounder, neare home bred alarmes, 

Olde saue’d by wounder, from olde traitors harmes – 

To be for this thy rainge, wich vounders bringes 

A King of wounder, vounder vnto Kings. 

As also a more lively one, from a frind, (quho wes one of his meniall seruants), quho at the closse of the Annall of this Kings lyffe, sent me the subsequent charecter wnder his hand, and desyred me, if I so pleased, to insert the same at the end of K. James the 6 his lyffe and raign, in my Annalls; wich you may be pleased to ouerlooke, it being a werey exacte charecter of that grate King. 

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