Negotiations Following the Treaty of Northampton Agree to Return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland, p. 64.

[Scotland’s Scrap Contents]

   AFTER Edward I stole the Stone of Destiny from Scone Abbey in 1296 there followed Scotland’s successful War of Independence. After the theft of the Stone from Arbroath Abbey in 1951 a renewed struggle for Scottish Freedom is needed. The Church of England at Westminster Abbey has no right to the Stone. 

   When the Scots and English commissioners had agreed on the Treaty of Northampton (4th May, 1328), Edward III, at the meeting of his Parliament in that town, arranged for the return of the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. A writ under the English Privy Seal was issued, instructing the Dean abd Chapter of Westminster to hand back the Stone. This writ was dated 1st July, 1328. The Stone was to be given first to the Sheriffs of London and by them to the Queen-Mother for dispatch to Scotland. – (Lord Hailes, vol. i, p. 158 note.) 

   The Stone was taken from Westminster Abbey and was on its way home, when the London rabble forced its return to the Abbey. – (Chronicle of Lanercost, p. 261.) 


   UNTIL the Stone of Destiny is placed in a Scottish National shrine, and until Scotland’s right to Self-Government is implemented, Scots men and women should boycott all British functions, military displays, royalty, and meetings addressed by English Cabinet Ministers in Scotland. An attitude of non-violent non-co-operation should be adopted towards those who do London’s bidding without considering Scotland’s true interests. 

[It’s been at Edinburgh Castle since 1996.] 

3 thoughts on “Negotiations Following the Treaty of Northampton Agree to Return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland, p. 64.

  1. It should be returned to Arbroath Abbey, in a modern safe, secure out-building, with digital interpretation features that tel the story of the Stone of Destiny in multi-language form. Somewhere people can visit and see the Stone, that would encourage people to visit the town and the Abbey, potentially increasing trade and tourism in the wider area.

    1. Have to agree there Stephen, Edinburgh castle is garrisoned by the English is it not, and only those who pay to visit get to see the stone.
      The book, The Flag in the Wind is excellent, and the film Stone of Destiny is very good, watched it a couple of times.

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