Preface, p.2.

[History of Scotland Contents]

THIS Book forms a brief but complete HISTORY OF SCOTLAND to the Union of the Crowns; and is adapted for use in all classes of schools, both public and private. 

It has been objected to the small histories in common use that they are too meagre to be interesting. On the other hand one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors, while granting this, has said that if the history is not short it is difficult for children to make a good pass at examination. To remove the objection against meagre histories, a pretty full detail of events has been given. To ensure, as far as possible, a good pass, a summary of each chapter of narrative and a full chronological table of contents have been given, both of which may with advantage be committed to memory. 

The questions are adapted to test the scholars’ knowledge, and are so constructed that they cannot generally be answered by the mere repetition of a few words of the text. they may be made the basis of exercises in composition. 

Lists of the more difficult words with their meanings have been given at the end of each chapter. The position of places mentioned in the text has been indicated, so that they may be pointed put in the school maps. 

A map has been prepared specially for this History, and it contains the names of nearly all the places mentioned in it. 

Glasgow, 1881. 

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