The Order of the Royall Feaste, pp.124-126.

[Historical Works Contents – Original]

The supper was keipt in the archbishopes grate; hall and the table rached from the one end therof to the other. 

The King sate in the midest of the table, serued by my Lord the Grate Prior, quho represented the grate masters persone; befor him ther marched a number of drumes, trumpetts and clarions, accompanied with Monseur de Beaumont, Grate Steuart of the Kinges housse, and 23 other Steuarts of his Maiesties houssehold, with ther stawes in ther handes. 

The meatt was carried by my Lordes, Princes, Duckes, Peeres, and Marishalls of France, and followed by the gentlemen of the courte, and ther seruantes. 

Monseur de Janweile seruid as grate pantler, Monseur the Ducke of Elbuiffe as cupbearir, and my Lord the Earle of Harcourte as caruer. 

The Queine mother sate one the right hand of the King, and was serued by my Lordes the Duckes of Belgarde, Du’ Zais and Luxembourge. 

The Queeine herselue one the right hand of the Queine mother, serued by my Lordes the Duckes of D’Aluin, Brissack and de Chaune. 

The Queine of Grate Brittane sate on the Kinges left hand, serued by the Marishall de Witrey, as grate pantler, the Marishall de Aubeterre as cupebearire, and my Lord Bassompiere as caruer. 

The extraordinarey ambassadors of Grate Brittane sate nixt to the Duck of Cheuerusse, quho was serued by the Lord Rocheforte. 

My Lord the Kinges brother sate neir wnto the Queine, and nixt to him all the princes, serued in most magnifiq: maner. 

The marriage being thus solemnized at Paris by proxie, the King of Englands shipes attendit Bulloigne the cominge of the Queine; and the weeke befor Witsontyde, King Charles went to Canterburey, quher he stayed her Heighnes arriual at Douer, wich was vpone Trinity Sunday, in the eiuening. Wpon knowledge quherof, the nixt morning his Maiestie, being attendit by the cheiffe nobilitie and others, rode to Dower, and entertaind her Heighnes with state and kindnesse; and the same day it was made knowen in London, for ioy quherof all churches range ther bells, and the streets wer filled with bonefyres. 

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