King Charles, the First of that Name (1627-1630), pp.153-177.

[Historical Works Contents – Original]


The 12 of Januarij this zeire, 1627, Alexander, Earle of Linlithgow, during the minority and lesse age of James, Duck of Lennox, is commissionat to be Admirall of Scotland. This commissione wes accompanied with a letter from his Maiesty, of the 15 of this same mounthe, to his priuey counsaill, to assist the said admirall in his office. 

The 17 of this same mounthe, ther came a letter from the King to the Lordes of Session, wpon the petition of the Scottes commissioners, Rothes, Linlithgow and Loudoun, that the registratione of his Maiesties reuocation, formerly commandit to be in ther sederunt bookes, be delayed wntill his furder pleasur be knowen. 

Thursday the first of Februarij, 1627, Sr Nicolas Hyde, of the Midle Temple, was made Seriant at Law; and the 8 of Februarij, this same zeire, he was suorne Lord Chieffe Justice of the Kinges Benche. One thesse courte changes, and one Hydes suddaine preferment, one played thus – 

Justice of lait hath lost her witts, 

Or else the staite doth tak strang fitts, 

For from graue, lie and honest crew, 

Suistlie away shoe madlie flew; 

With learnid Cooke shoe wold not stay, 

And Montegu put her away. 

Not knowing then quher to abyde, 

At last shoe creipt into a Hyde; 

Then neids must buttes and shoes be deire, 

Since Hydes are rissin so this zeire. 

The 8 of Februarij, this zeire, his Maiestie directs a warrant to his priuey counsaill, that they causse the Earle of Nidisdaill pay to himselffe, the Lord Spynie and Sr James St. Claire of Murkill, in Cathnes, the soume of 8000 pound starling, for lewying of three regiments of footte, of 3000 men a peice, for his vnckell the King of Denmarkes seruice. 

The 8 of this same mounthe, his Matie shewes his counsaill, that he is credibly informed of the misbehauiour of papists, and off the publick scandall they giue; and commands them to causse the heigh commissione to take preceisse order with all Romanists, especially with semenarie preists and iesuittes, who giues publicke scandall; and that they of his counsaill assist the said commissione heirin; bot withall desyres them to spare suche of the Romishe religion as liues conforme to the lawes, not giuing offence publickly, bot carreyes themselues ciuilly and obedient to our lawes. Our intentione (sayes the letter) being rather to saue ther soules than ruine ther estaites. 

Sr James Learmouth of Balcomy, and Sr James Lockart of Lee, being sent commissioners by the gentrie, bayers of tythes, to his Maiesty, and hauing purchessed a warrant for ther conueining and meitting togider to consult anent matters of tythes and superiorities, diuersse possesors and sellers did intrude themselues in ther meittinges, for ther auen ends; wich his Maiestie being informed off, by his letter to his priuey counsaill, from Ottelands, dit prohibit. 

This zeire, at the feast of St. George, it was ordained that the Souerainge and Knights of the order of the Garter, should weare one the left syde and shoulder of ther clockes and ryding coattes, the crosse of St. George within the garter, and certaine beames of siluer, such as the Knights of the Holy Goste in France does weare, wich beames doe spread in forme of a crosse. 

His Maiesty, by his letter of the 3d of Maij, 1627, chydes the archbischopes and bischopes, as men woyde of charity, bezond measure timorous without a causse, in respecte they had wrettin a letter to him some dayes befor, shewinng that quhat was intendit by his Maiesty for a helpe to the churche, was lykly to proue the wtter wndoing therof. 

The bischopes, in Maij this zeire, sends wpe commissioners to the King, Adam Bellenden, Bischope of Dumblaine, and Mr Johne Maxswoll, one of the ministers of Edinbrughe, all of them be possesid with fears that the commissione of surranders wolde wndoe the churche; wherwpone his Maiesty, by his letter to the said commissioners, of the 18 of Maij this zeire, explaines the said commissione, and declairs that his will was and is, that churches allredey not sufficiently prowydit, be suppleid; that eurey propriator of lands might haue hes own tythes woon a reasonable condition; as also that his rewenews might be incressed and augmented. 


This zeire, his Maiesty causes make a new grate seall for Scotland. Nicolas Briott, a Frencheman made it, and the old wes brokin, 5 Julij, 1627. 

This bypast sommer, aboue 120 sayle of Scottes and Englishe shipes in the tyme of wintage, went vnto sundrey pairts of France, and being arriued at Burdeaux and other places, the Frenche King caussed arrest them all; onlie the Scottes shipes, in respecte of the ancient leauge, wer dismissed: quherwpone the citicens of London, according to the Kinges command, sent out 20 shipes of varre, weill appoynted, to scoure the seas and costes, and to take suche Frenche shipes as they could meitt with all; quho hauing takin a grate maney prizes, and endured grate tempests of thunder and lightning, one the 4 of Januarij, 1627, they returned.

As 3tius Regis Carolj, et Sal: 1627. 

In Apprile this zeire, 1627, Doctor Neill, Bischope of Durseme, and Doctor Laude, Bischope of Bathe and Welles, wer suorne priuey counsellers; and shortly therafter, the saide Doctor Laude was made Bischope of London. 

Vedinsday the 27 of Junij, this zeire, the Duck of Buckinghame, with a werey royall nauey, consisting of diuersse of the shipes royall and maney of the shipes of warre, to the number almost of 100, with 10 regiments of Englishe and 1 regiment of Scottes, consisting of 3000 Scottes, commandit by William, Earle of Morton. They lowsed from the Ile of Wight, and arrived at the Ile of Rae, neir Rochell, and tooke it, with the litle toune of St. Martine, bot could not carey the forte, commandit by Monseur de Torax, and a regiment of Frenches. The Englishe possesed the ile wntill the 29 of October, at wich tyme, by night, the Frenche did land from the maine into the ile, a grate maney regiments of horsse and foote, and forced the Ducke to make a werey foule and dishonorable retrait out of the iland abord of his shippes, with the losse of maney braue commanders and souldiers; and so, with shame and disgrace, returned to the west of England, aboute the 12 of the mounthe of Nouember, this same zeire. The courte talked of this woyage as ther affections and passions led them; bot the good countreymen and weill sighted statesmen did cleirly see the Duckes trecherey and disaffectione to the protestant causse and reformed religione: and this brauade to affe sett purposse onlie intendit (and so waickly prosecute) for the ruine of all the professors of the reformed religion in France, and the strenthning of the popeische partey ther.


Monday, 17 of Marche, 1628, the King, with the nobility and cleargie, rode in grate staite from Whithall to the parliament housse, quher he signified to the nobility and comons the causse of his calling them in this present parliament, in thesse wordes: 

   My Lords and Gentrey, 

   Thesse tymes are for actione, quherfor, for exemples saicke, I meine not to spend aney tyme in wordes, expecting accordingly, that as I houpe your good resolutions will be speidey, not spending wnnecessarley tyme, or that I may better say dangerously, for tedious consultations at this coniuncture of tyme, is als hurtefull as eiuill resolutions. 

   I am sure ze expecte from me both to know the causse of your meitting, and quhat to resolue one. Zet I think ther is none heire bot knowes that comon danger is the causse of this parliament, and that supplie at this tyme is the cheiffe end of it. So that I neid bot poynt to you quhat to doe: I will wsse bot few persuasions; for if to mateine your adwysses as now the caisse standes, by the following therof the treu religione, the liberties of stait, the just defence of our trew frindes and alliances, be not sufficient, noe eloquence of man or angell can prewaile; onlie lett me remember you, that my deutey most of all, and eurey one of yours, according to your degree, is to seicke the mantinence of this churche and comonwealthe; and certanlie ther was neuer tyme in wich this deutey was more necessarly requyred then now. I therfor, iudgeing a parliament to be the ancientest, speidest, and best way in this tyme of comon danger, to giue suche suplie as to secure ourselues and save our frindes from eminent ruines, have called you togider; eurey man must doe according to his auen conscience, quherfor if you (wich God forbid) should not doe your deuties in contributting quhat this staite at this tyme neides, I must, in discharge of my conscience, wsse thesse other meines wich God hathe put in my handes, to saue that wich the foollies of other particular men may otherwayes hazard to losse. 

   Take not this as a thretting; for I scorne to threttin aney bot my equalls; bot one admonitione from one that bothe out of nature and deutie hes most caire of your præseruatione and prosperity, and hou pes that your demanour at this tyme will be suche as shall not only approue your former counsells, bot lay one me suche obligations as shall tay me by way of thankfulnes to meitt oftin with you; for be assurit that nothing can be more pleasant to me then to keepe a good correspondence with you. 

I will only adde one thing more, and then leave my Lord Keeper to make a short paraphrasse vpon the text I haue deliuered you, wich is to remember a thing to the end wee may forgett it. Ze may imagine I cam heithir with a doubte of good successe of quhat I desyre, remembring the distractions at our last meitting; bot I assure you, I shall werey easily and gladlie forgive and forgett quhat is past, so that you will at this tyme leaue the former wayes of distractiones, and follow the way laitly giuen you, to manteine the wnitie of the spirite in the bond of peace. So that the 8 day of this parliament did begin the 4 zeire of the Kinges rainge.

As 4tius Regis Carolj, et Sal: 1628. 

Thursday the 12 of Junij, this zeire, 1628, Doctor Laude, Bischope of London, wes accused by the Housse of Comons for warranting the printing of Doctor Manverings sermons, and the said Doctor wes brought to anssuer the comons charge aganist him: 

First, that he laboured to infusse into the myde of his Maiestie the persuasion of a power not bounding itselue with lawes, wich King James, of famous memorey, calls in his speich to the parliament, 1619, tyraney, zea tiraney accompanied with periurey: 

Secondly, He endeuors to persuade the conscience of the subiects, that they are bound to obey illegal commandes; zea, he damneth them for not obaying them: 

Thridly, He robes the subiects of the proprietie of ther goodes: 

Fourtly, He brandes them that will not losse this propriety with most odious and scandalous tytilles, to make them hatefull both to prince and people; and so to sett a diuisione between the head and members themselues: 

Fyftly, To the same end, and not muche vnlyke to Fauxe and hes fellowes, he seekes to blow ype the parliament and parliamentarey power. 

One this charge, Manueringe was, by the parliament, deseruedly censured, 14 Junij; bot this censure of his proued the causse of his aduancement therafter, as ze will heire. 

In the mounthe of Appryle, this zeire, James, Earle of Carleill, was by his Maiesty sent ambassador to the Duckes of Sauoy, Loraine, Florence, and to the republicke of Venice; he went with a grate traine of Englishe, Scotts gentlemen. 

In Maij, this zeire, the parliament continewed disputting ther liberties with his Maiesties prærogatiue; neuerthelesse they obteined a confirmatione both of ther magna carta, and chartter of the forrests, with ane anssuer to the petition of right, as they call it. 

In the begining of Junij, this zeire, the Venetian ambassador, Contarein, had publicke audience of his Maiesty at Whithall, in his chalmber of presence, at 3 a clocke in the afternoone. 

This same day, the Duck of Sauoyes ambassador had audience priuatly. 

One Fryday the 13 of Junij, one Doctor Lambe, a phisitian, a pryme counsellour, and follouer of the Ducke of Buckinghame, a wicced fellow, formerly accussed and arrainged for sorcerey and witchcraft, (by wulgar named) the Duckes Witche, going to see a play at the fortune, wes assailed by the multitude at a cookes housse within Moregate, quher he, decerning the danger of ther hatred, they hauing perseued him in diuersse streites, and throughe the feildes, espaying certaine saylers, he called them in and gaue them money to gaurd him, quho, by stronge hand, gydit him throughe Colman Streeit, quher for shelter he entred into a tauerne, the saylers defending the dore; bot the enraged multitude, with stones and durte beatt the saylers, and breacke the windowes of the housse, so that the hoste was forced to conuay him furth at a backe dore leading wnto the Olde Jurey, quher the route mett him againe, and one, with a grate stone, strooke ouer the eye, and fellid him to the ground; and then he arrosse vpe to crosse the streitt, bot with that and ther blowes, he fell into the kennell, quher being still beattin and woundit, he remained senssles, and then was caried to the counter in the Poultrie, quher he deyed at night. 

The 17 of this mounthe of Junij, the housse of comons presented to his Maiesty, at Whitthall, a remonstrance aganist George, Duck of Buckinghame, consisting of 17 artickells:- 

1. Alteratione of religione; 

2. Alteratione of gouerniment; 

3. Billiting of souldiers; 

4. For taking of tonage and pounadge without law, wich was neuer befor bot by parliament; 

5. Disasters in the enterpryses to Cadize, St. Martine, and Rochell, and to sundrie other places; 

6. Mansfeldes iorney, with the losse of ten thousand men to no purpois; 

7. Of Englishe shipes, to the noumber of 240, besydes mariners, lost; 

8. For not gaurding the narrow seas; 

9. The especiall forces of the kingdome suffred to decay; 

10. Placing of papist officers in especiall places of strenthe; 

11. For not prowyding pouder and shotte as befor; 

12. For selling of aboue 400 tunes of pouder out of the Touer; 

13. For sending for Dutche horssemen; 

14. Displacing honest sufficient officers; 

15. For breaking vpe of parliaments, wiche breides nouations in the stait; 

16. For suffring papists and Irishemen to lay one the fronteires and especiall places of strenthe, quho has ther cousins and neire kinsmen seruing the Archduckes; 

17. That the command both at sea and land are in one mans hand, viz. in the Duck of Buckinghames, wich was neuer befor. 

And with all they humbley desyre, that his Maiestie will be pleassed to consider thesse thinges, and according to his wysse and judicious deliberation, to helpe them. 

After the presenting of this remonstrance by the Lower Housse to his Maiestie, in the Banquetting housse at Whithall, one the 17 of Junij, his Maiestie spoke to them thus:- 

I did litle expecte, Master Speaker, the good ansuer I gaue to your last petitione, that you should haue gone one with such a remonstrance, the particulars quherof, (being matters of gouerniment in staite and religion) I doe, as I conceaue, wnderstand better then you doe; and now since you handled them, I perceaue that you wnderstand them lesse then I did thinke you did. I shall take your remonstrance wnto consideratione, and shall doe in it auen tyme as it deserues. 

The 26 of Junij, this zeire, the Kinges Maiestie cam to the parliament housse, and prorouged it wntill the 20 day of October follouing; bot it satt not doune wntill the 20 of Januarij in the subsequent zeire, at wich tyme it againe begane, and continewed till Marche following, bot concludit nothing; and vpone Vedinsday, the 2d of Marche, the King by proclamation dissolued the parliament, and on the morrou therafter went in stait to the parliament housse, by barge, and ther, in presence of the nobility and comons, dissolued the parliament. 

This parliament granted to the King 5 inteire subsidies, to be payed within a zeire. 

The 9 of Julij, the tuo Danishe ambassadors, after ther returne from France, had audience of the King at Whithall, and ther dispatche was referred to the Duck of Buckinghame, the Earles of Pembrocke, Montgomerey, the Lord Carletone, Secretarey of Estait, and to the President of the priuey counsaill, quho ather wold not ore could not meitt togider; the imputatione of the ambassadors hinderance being layed one the Duck of Buckinghames wnwillingnes to furder the affaires of Denmark. 

The 10 of Julij, the King and Duck of Buckingbame being playing at boulles, in the bouling aley in the Spring Garden, accompanied with many noblemen and gentlemen of the courte, and wthers; the Duck speaking to the King with his hatt one his head, (a Scottsman, Androw Vilson by name,) quho was laitly robbed by the Dunkirkers, cominge from Poland, came in behind the Ducke, and flinges offe his hatt, biding him remember himselue with and to quhome he spoke (so presumptuoslie) with his hatte one his head; he departed therafter out of the alley, and being asked by some of the by standers how he durst attempt suche a thing, replayed, that if he did see aney man so standing with his Prince, he wold teache him better maners; and especially suche a one that did wndoe his Maiesties quholl dominions; so without more he went out, bot imediatly being sought for, could not be found. Diuersse about the Duck told him that this was a werey ominous thing, and prætendit some grate disaster to him; he did lauche at them. 

About the end of Julij, this zeire, did resolue to come to Scotland to be crouned heir, and for that purpois did wreatt letters to the counsaill heir, indicting a parliament to hold at Edinbrughe, the 15 day of September, this same zeire; bot in respecte his Maiesties housses and wther thinges necessarey aganist that tyme, could not be in redinesse, the Lordes of his priuey counsaill intreatted him to deferr his iorney wntill Maij in the follouing zeire, 1629, to wich his Matie condescendit, and sent his commandes for contineuing the parliament wntill that tyme. His desinge was to haue come doune post; bot the Lord Chanceler, Hay, diswadit him from that, as a coursse derogatorey from his honor and gratenes, that with a few seruants he should goe post to a kingdome he had neuer bean in since his chyldhood, and that in a worsse fashon then his father King James did, in Ao 1617; bot rather in grater pompe and stait, being aboute to receaue his croune, as also to make his first entrey amongest his natiue people. The King tooke this adwysse werey kyndlie, and applaudit the Lord Chanceler heighly for giuing it. 

In the begning of Aguste, this zeire, Endymeon Porter, one of the groumes of his Maiesties bed-chalmber, went to Rome, and then Venice, with letters to the Earle of Carleile, his Maiesties ambassador ther; bot his commissions to Rome were not diwulged. 

The nauey royall wes in preparing this mounthe, and wer mett to the noumber of 150 sayle, to haue gone wnder the command of the Duck of Buckinghame, Lord Admirall of England, to reliue the toune of Rochell, beseidged by Lewes the 13, ther King; bot it wes credibly thought, that the Duck had some other deseing in his head, then the releiffe of the poore oppressed protestants of France, in respecte of 6 regiments of footte, quherof ther was one of Scottes, commandit by William, Earle of Morton, consisting of 3000 men. 

In the begining of this same mounth of Aguste, Buckinghame had out of the exchequer, of thesse subsidies granted by the last parliament, 100 and 40 thousand pound starling, notwithstanding of the protestatione takin by 9 members of the housse of comons, for wich they wer committed to diuersse prisons. 

The Duckes not giuing order to pay the mariners the wadges, did breid grate mutines amongest them, sua that he going throughe toune of Portesmouthe, one Thursday the 21 of Aguste, in his cotche, the saylers flocked about, and one that was appoynted spokesman for the rest rayled one him, calling him traiter, and a betrayer of his King and countrey, and a bloodsucker of the poore, in respecte by detaining ther pay, they wer almost all starued for mantinence. The Duck in a rage stepes ouer the coatch, befor the lackey could lett doune the butte therof, runs straight towardes the fellow that had railled one him, amidest the furious multitude, and runs he throughe with hes suord, so that the fellow falls doune dead; they craying that they wold be reuenged on the Duckes persone, quho had killed ther speaker. The presse so augmented, that the Ducke was forced to returne with speed to his lodgeing, for his auen saftie. The cheiffe ringleaders of this tumulte, he causses tuo of them the morrow to be hanged one a gibett, and sex of them to be shutte vpe in a closse prissone; his best frindes disapproued this temerity of his, since it rather augmented the mutiney then appeased it; and they wer of the oppinon, that the Duck had done more prudently to haue opined the thesaurey, and distribute a litle money amongest them. By this acte of his he shew himselue to be a stoute souldier, rather then a wysse generall. 

One Saterday the 23 of Aguste, betuix nyne and ten of the clocke in the morning, the Duck of Buckinghame, being in Capitane Massons housse, quher he lodged, and hauing brackfast in the hall, and reteiring himselue to his withdrawing chamber, a colonell being taking his leiue of him, vnexpectedly, Johne Feltone, a leiuetenant of foote, watching his opportunity, comes closse behind the said colonell, and ouer the duckes right shoulder, (quho had bowed his bodey in embracing the colonell,) strickes him a terrible blow, a litle aboue the lefte pape, with a tuo-edged knyffe, made for the purpois; the bloode immediatly issewing out at his mouthe and nosse, and putting his hand to the knyffe to pull it oute, so sayes, the willane hath killed me; and so stagring fell doune dead, being supported by the commanders ther present, his bodey layed all alonge one the table in the dyning roume. Feltone, quho had killed him, in the midest of so grate a confussione and astonishment of all that wer present, he quietly withdrew himselue doune staires to the kitchin, and in his passing by the dore crayes, some Frencheman heth killed the Duck; and from thence, not seeing aney way to escape, stopes doune into a little garden, and ther walkes vpe and doune. The fray arrysing within the housse quho it should be that committed the facte, eurey one woundring at ane other; at last they come to the litle garden, quher they find Feltone walking vpe and doune all alone, one calls, Sira, is it you that hes committed this creuel murther, in stabing my Lord Duck? quho replayes, I am the man; and with that pulls out his suord, and putting his backe to the wall, sayes, Come one, and I will dye lyk a souldier; bot they seinng him in dispaire, and willing to be killed, with spitts from the kitchin, and some partisans, they beat doune his suord, and takes him, quho without any cunctation, ingenously confesses that he had sett himselue to kill him 3 mounthes befor, and till now could neuer haue the oportunity. He said that he had often besought God one his knees to diuert him from it, bot the Lord had not hard his supplications; bot sayes he, within this fortnight I haue continually, night and day, besought God to directe my hand aright. Sayes one standing by, to tray him, The treuth is, my Lord hes gottin a grate wound, zet not deadly, and I houpe he will recouer; Noe, anssuers Feltone, lett that alone, the turne is done, for God hath hard my prayers. This Feltone was Leiuetenant to Capitane Courtney, quho was killed in the Ile of Rees, and according to the law of armes, should haue succidit his Capitaine, and had the companey. Bot by the Duck being putt by it, and ane other placed one the head of the same, the Ducke, to giue him content, promissed him the first vaickand place, wich neuerthelesse of his promisse, he did not performe. Bot seeing himselue deludit, he did expostulat with the Duck of breache of promisse made to him, from quhome he reseaued no other satisfaction then bitter and reprochfull threattes, wich cast the gentleman in a desperat melancholey, and thinking quhen he had killed the Duck he should himselue beine fourthwith killed, did wreat thesse wordes one a peice of paper, and pinne it to the lyning of his hatte within – 

   That man is couardlie base, and deserues nather the name of a gentleman ore souldier, that will not sacrifisse his lyffe for the honor of God and saftie of his Prince and countrey. – Lett no man commend me for doing of it; bot rather discommend themselues; for if God had not takin away our hartes for our sinnes, he could not haue gone so longe vnpunished. 

Jo: FELTONE.    

At this tyme, the King and courte lay at Southwicke, some sex miles from Portsmouthe; with maney teares he lamented the Duckes vntymous death; zet in his passion, was not hard to wtter aney worsse expressions then, Quho can vithstand the hand of heauen. 

The Ducke of Buckinghames corpes wer brought to London one Saterday the penult of Agust, by torche light, and laid done in Wallingfoord housse, ouer aganist Whithall, and from thence wer, one the 18 of September, by night, interred in the chapelle royall at Westminster. 

Immediatley after the Duckes death, the Earle of Lindesay was made generall of the fleeit, quho sett sayle from the coaste of England aboute the 10 of September, with resolutione to releiue the distressed Rochellers; bot befor ther approache, the Frenche King had gained the toune, so that this fleeit, wich had stood the stait in a vast soume of money, be hudgly shakene with tempests by sea, returned about the midle of Nouember. 

Thursday 27, of Nouember, Johne Feltone, that had killed the Duck of Buckinghame, was brought from the Tower, and arrainned at the Kings Benche, quher he werey pointedly confessed the facte, and receaued iudgement to be hanged; wich sentence was executte at Tyburne one Saterday therafter, and hes dead bodey was sent by cotche to Portsmouthe, and ther hanged one a gibett in iron chaines. 

At this same tyme, one Mr James, ane attender one Sr Robert Cotton, a grate louer of his countrey, and a hatter of all suche as he supposed enimes to the same, was called in question for wretting some lynes, wich he named a statue to the memorey of that vorthey patriot S. Johne Feltone. The lynnes wer thesse:- 

Imortall man of glorie, whose braue hand 

Hath once begune to disenchant the land 

From magiq; thraldome! one proud man did mate 

The nobles, gentles, comons of the staite; 

Stroke peace and varre, at pleasure hurled doune all 

That to his idole grateness vould not fall 

Vith grouelinge adoration: sacred rent 

Of Brittan, Saxon, Norman princes spent 

He one his panders, minions, pimps, and whoares, 

Whilst ther grate royall offspring vanted doares 

To shut out hunger, had not the kind whelpe 

Of good Elizaes lion gaue them helpe. 

The seates of iustice forc’t to say the lye 

Vnto our ancient Englishe libertie: 

The staine of honor, vich to deedes of praise 

And heigh atchievment should braue spirits raise: 

The shipes, the men, the money cast away, 

Vnder his onlie all confounding suaye: 

Iliads of greif; one tope of wich he bore 

Himselue triumphant; neithe traind in lore 

Of artes or armes, yet in a haughtie taste 

Debordment of ambitione: now in haiste, 

The coming Hondthrist must transported be, 

To make him ther restorer, Mercurie 

In ane heroique paintinge, vhen befor 

Antwerpian Rubens best skill made him soare, 

Rauisht by heauenlie powers, vnto the skie, 

Opening, and ready him to deifie 

In a bright blisfull pallace, faerie isle. 

Nought bot illusion wer we, till this guile 

Was by thy hand cut of, stoute Machabee. 

Nor they, nor Rome, nor did Greece euer see 

A grater glorie. To the neighbour flood 

Then sinck olde fables of olde Brute and Lud, 

And giue thy statue place: in spight of charme 

Of vitche or wizzard, thy more mightie arme, 

With zeal and iustice arm’d, hath in treuth vonne 

The prize of patriotts to a Brittishe sonne. 

About the 16 of Nouember, this zeire, artiued at London, Michael Pheodorowiche, ambassador from the Emperour of Russia; as also from the Patriarche Philobert Necheteck of Mosco and all Russia; his name was Vassilowiche Demetrewick, quho is styled, in the Emperours letter, a gentleman of his princely housse, of note, and weill respected. His ambassey was to congratulat his Maiesties happey succession to his crouns of Grate Brittane, France and Irland. He was honorablie receaued, and his Maiestie did giue him audience the 7 of December this same zeire. 

The 14 of December, the Lord Viscount, Principall Secretarey of Estait, was made Lord President of the Priuey Counsaill; and in his place, the Lord Viscount Dorchester was suorne Secretarey at Whithall.

As 5tius Regis Carolj, et Sal: 1629.

The 10 of Maij, this zeire, 1629, that delusiue warr, so muche destructione to the protestant religion with France, being hatched wpe in pace, was proclaimed with grate solemnity. 

The 13 of Maij, the Queine was brought to bed of a sone at Greinwitche, quho, by resson of his weeknes, was immediatly christned Charles, and the same morning deyed, and the nixt day therafter was solemly interrid in the chapell royall at Westminster. 

Sunday the 6 of September, at Vindesore, the King solemly tooke the othe for obseruing the artickells of the leauge with France, and ther feasted the Frenche ambassador werey royally. 

Aboute the end of October, this same zeire, Sr Francis Cottingtone, knight, Chanceler of the Exchequer, was sent to treat of a peace, ambassador to Spaine. 

Tuesday the 10 of Nouember, 1629, Samuell Harsnett, Archbischope of Zorke, William Comptone, Earle of Northampton, President of the Marches, and the Lord Viscount Ventworthe, President of the Northe, wer all three suorne priuey counsellers at Whithall. 

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