King Charles, the First of that Name (1626-1627), pp.134-153.

[Historical Works Contents – Original]

In Appryle this zeire, 1626, the parliament presents the King with a remonstrance aganist the Duck of Buckinghame, and charges him in the housse of peeirs one, 13 artickells. 

First quberof was tuochning his plurality of offices wich he had inhansed, to the dishonor of the King and detriment of the realme, and that for hes auene commodity and benefitt. 

Secundo, tuoching his baying the place of Lord Admirall of England, 16o Jacobj. 

Tertio, tuoching his baying the vardinshipe of the Cinq: Ports, 22o Jacobj. 

Quarto, tuoching his not gaurdinge the narrow seas. 

Quinto, tuoching his vniust stay of the schipe of Newhauen, called St Peiter, after sentence. 

Sexto, tuoching his extortione of 10,000 lb. starling from the East India Companey, with the abusse of the parliament. 

Septimo, tuochinge his putting of the schipes royall into the handes of the Frenche; quherto he anssuers, that they wer lent to the Frenche King by his knowledge. 

Octauo, tuoching his practisse of the imployment of thesse shipes aganist the Rochell, and for suppressing them of the reformed religion. 

Nono, tuoching his compelling the Lord Robarts to bay honors. 

Decimo, tuoching his selling of places of iudicature. 

Undecimo, anent hes procuring of honors for his poore kinred. 

Duodecimo, tuoching his exhausting, intercepting, and misimploying of the Kinges rewenewes. 

Decimo-tertio, his transcendent presumptione in giwing phisicke to King James. 

To all wich charge the Duck anssuered werey cautelously, subtilie wringing himselue out of the parliaments handes at this tyme, by causing the King one a suddaine disolue the parliament, to the no small greiffe of the weill affected people of England. 

The 23 of Maij, this zeire, his Maiestie wreatts to his priuey counsaill, to causse his thesaurer deliuer to Sr Heughe Wallace of Craigie, the some of 10,000 lib. pound Scottes, for the heritable right of the Balzirie of Kyle, wich he had purchesed from him. 

About this tyme, his Maiestie wrettes to his priuey counsaill, that he resolued to follow his fathers deseinge in making and creatting a competent number of Knight Barronetts, quhosse dignities shall be heritable as in England, for plantatione of that pairt of America called New Scotland, formerly Canada; and therfor commandes them, by ther proclamation, to invite to that generous interprysse, the heads of the best families of the gentrey of the kingdome. 

Tuelffe Artickells.

The 14 of Junij, Capitane Alexander Settone, at the Kings command, getts a commissione from the Lordes of his Maiesties priuey counsaill, to leuey 500 men for the King of Denmarkes seruice. 

The same 14 of Junij, his Maiesty wreattes to the toune counsaill of Edinbrughe, that according to the promisse formerly made to him in ther names, they prowyde each one of ther ministers to a hundereth pound starling zeirlie stipend; with a sufficient duelling housse for the wsse of eurey minister; and that the said counsellers, as it wes formerly intendit, weare read gounnes; and that they causse a suord to be carried befor ther prouest, at tymes and places conuenient, according to the custome of the most ciuill burgesses and citties. 

The last of this mounthe of Junij, lykwayes, Sr James Lesley getts a commissione to leuey 1000 men for the assistance of Count Mansfeild. 

The 1 of Julij, 1626, his Matie wreatts to the Lords of Session, that it is his pleasure that his aduocatts plead befor them with couered heades. 

His Maiestie bayes three shippes, this zeire, for securing the Scottes coastes, wiche stood him 5200 Ib. starling, as his warrant directed, to the Earle of Nidisdaill, Collector of the Taxatione, to pay the same to Sr James Balzie, Thesaurer of the Nauey, beares, 1 July, 1626. 

Second of Julij, his Maiestie wreatts to his priuey counsaill his full intentione, in effecte a declaratione of his purpois anent his reuocation. 

His Majesty, by his letter of the 11 of Julij, 1626, to Spotswood, Archbischope of St. Andrewes, thankes him for his paines in his seruice, in especiall for promoueing and wsseing the wttermost of his endeuors for effectuatting of thosse ends wich he himselffe had recommendit to him, (as the letter speakes) and bidds him rest confident that he resolued punctually to follow and prosecute the same; as also, he wold be myndefull of his paines takin in that bussines. 

The bussines meint in this letter of his Maiesties to the bischope, was that bussines, the so much aduancing quherof since, hes not onlie rootted out the bischopes rotte and branche, bot also ruined the King and his haill family. Thir wnhappey bischopes they wer eiuell counsellers, bot worsse musitians; for they tempered ther stringes to such a cleiffe of ambition and superstitious foolriy, that befor euer they zeildit aney sound, they burst all in peices. 

The Earle Marishall, by his Maties commissione, is made commander in cheiffe of the 3 shippes for defending the Scottes coastes; bot notwithstanding of diuersse letters wrettin to him by his Maiestie for setting to sea, for preseruing of the merchant trade spoyled by Dunkirkers, my Lord wold neuer boate, bot gaue trust to Achmutie, Douglas and Murray, the 3 capitans of them shippes, quho dranke and made good cheire, bot wold not offend the enimey. 

The 12 of Julij, this zeire, Sr Jhone Hamilton of Magdelands, Clercke of Register, his Maiesty being better adwysed, wes, by warrant, putt againe vpone the exchequer. 

His Maiesty, by his letter to his priuy counsaill from Wanstaid, the 12 of Julij, commandes that the Archbischope of St. Andrewes, Primat and Metrapolitane of Scotland, may haue the place of præcedencey befor the Lord Chanceler of Scotland, and so consequently befor all others; wich notwithstanding, the Lord Chanceler Hay, a gallant, stout man, wold neuer condescend too, nor euer suffer him to haue place of him, doe quhat he could, all the dayes of his lyffetyme. I remember that K. Charles sent me to the Lord Chanceler (being then Earle of Kinoule) the day of his coronatione, in the morning, in Ao 1633, to shew him that it wes his will and pleasure, bot onlie for that day, that he wold ceed and giue place to the archbischope; bot he returnid by me to his Maiestie a werey bruske anssuer, wich wes, that since his Maiesty had beine pleased to continew him in that office of chanceler, wich by his meines, his vorthey father, of happey memorie, had bestowed wpone him, he was redey in all humility to lay it doune at his Maiesties feete; bot since it was his royall will, he should enioy it with the knowen præuilidges of the same, neuer a ston’d preist in Scotland should sett a foote befor him so long as his blood wes hotte. Quhen I had relatted his anssuer to the Kinge, he said, weel Lyone, letts goe to bussines, I will not medle furder with that olde canckered goottishe man, at quhosse handes ther is nothing to be gained bot soure wordes. 

Immediatly after the letter for Archischope Spotswoods præcedencey, ther arriued heir from courte, with Bischope Lindesay of Rosse, some artickells subscriued with the King, of the dait at Wainstaid, the 12 of Julij, 1626. 

First, You shall declair to your brethrin the bischopes and archebischopes, that wee are pleased that they suffer suche of the ministry, as being admitted therto befor the 5 canons war made at St. Johnestoune, and hauing befor that tyme taught and instructed ther parishoners wtherwayes, doe nou make scruple to practisse aney of the canons, especially that concerning geniculation; and that out of ther charity towardes ther brethren, and loue to the peace of the churche, spare them a tyme till they be better resolued, prowyding they wtter no doctrine publickly aganist our authority, the church gouerniment, nor canons therof. 

2. That they shall dissuade no wthers nather priuatly nor publickly, from the obedience therof; nor shall manteine reasoning aganist the same; nor shall refusse the communion to aney crauing the same, kneeling. That they shall not receaue aney persons of ther neighbours congregatione to the communion without the testimoniall of ther ministers; and that for esshewing of schissemes and confusion, prowyding if aney of the saides elder ministers haue practissed aney of the saides canons at aney tyme befor, that they be not exempted from practizing them therafter; that they shall not wreatt aney reasons aganist the saids canons ore church gouerniment. 

3. That the brethrin that are banished haue libertie to returne, and be placed at churches againe; and the brethreen confynned or suspendit for ther disconformity, be inlarged, and placed againe in the ministry, prowyding they all giue security for obseruing of the former conditions, and wee be made acquainted therwith, and warrants be procured from ws seuerally in ther fauors, vpone the petitione of the archbischope of the prouince, and bischope of the diocey, and his auen. 

4. That you desyre your brethreen to make all the ministers that are admitted within ther seuerall dioceis, since the 5 canons wer made, to obey and practisse the same, wtherwayes to censure them, according to the tenor of ther bands subscriued by them at the tyme of ther admissione; and in caisse aney haue beine admitted since the making of the said canons, without subscriuing ane band of conformity, lett ws be adwertissed in quosse diocey that minister duells, to the effecte wee may eausse the bischope therof to be punished for admitting aney without a band of conformity; and that the said minister be urged to subscriue the band, wich at his entrie should haue beine subscriued be him. 

5. That a comon band of conformitie be formed, that all the archbischopes and bischopes shall causse to be subscriued be eurey minister within ther diocey at ther admissione, wiche wee declaire wee will haue eurey archebischope and bischope causse be done, wnder the paine of lossing ther places and benefices. 

6. That all bischopes make residence at ther diocesse at ther cathedrall church, with diligence, except suche as shall be employed aboute our seruice and publicke employment; and the bischopes not resident, ther names to be dilated to ws be the archbischope of the prouince, to the effecte wee may signifie our pleasure concerninge the same. 

7. That you deall with the archebischope, and others quhome it may concerne, that the Earle of Nidisdaill be not troubled for his religion, wnlesse he giue some publicke offence, till wee be first acquanted therwith. 

8. That all the bischopes and archbischopes wsse ordinarey wisitations, and in the tyme therof they plante scooles in eurey parochin, and causse weekly catichize the people, by eurey minister, for remoueing ignorance, barbarity and atheisme; and that also they take order for intertaining the poore in ilk parochin. 

9. You shall desyre Mr Peitter Hay of Naughton to deliuer his booke to be perwssed by the Archebischope of St. Andrewes and you; and quhen you haue reformed suche thinges as you thinke fitting, that you causse putt the same to the presse and publishe it. 

10. Ze shall certifie the said Mr Peitter from ws, that wee haue takin notice of his good seruice done to our laite deire father, and of his ability and sufficiencey to serue ws; and quhen fitting occassione shall offer, wee shall not be forgetfull, bot haue a caire of his preferment. Sic subscribitur, 


To this same purpois, and of the same dait, his Maiesty wreat a particular letter to the archbischope and bischopes, shewing them that he wold haue the artickells sent by the Bischope of Rosse punetually obserued. 

His Maiesty, by his letter from his courte at Ottelands, of the 28 of Julij, this zeir, to his priuey counsaill wreatts that it is his will and pleasure that knight barronetts, at ther creatione, pay no fees to the herauldes; bot that ther eldest sonnes, quhen they atteine to perfyte age, and requyres knighthood, that they pay the fees as all wther knights doe in all tyme cominge. 

Sr William Alexander, Secretarey of Estait, wreatts, at his Maiesties command, to the Archebischope of Glasgow, not to trouble the Earle of Abercorne and his mother for ther religion, prowyding the giue no publicke scandell nor offence, wntill his Maiestie be first adwertissed. 

His Maiesty recommends to his counsell the peace of the kingdome; and that the jelosies betuix the Marques of Huntley and the Earle of Murray, anent the said earles commission aganist the Clan-chattan and ther resaitters, disturbe not the same; wich wes thought that Murray wssed with too much rigor, contrair his promisse to the King. 25 of Agust, 1626. 

About this same tyme, his Maiesty sent instructions to his aduocatts, in 6 artickells, commanding them to insist by sumonds (befor the Judge Ordinarey) of improbation and reductione, aganist all quho come wnder the compasse of his reuocatione, in matters of erections, heritable offices, &c. 

The 21 of September, this zeire, his Maiesty wretts to his priuey counsaill heir to make stay of all shippes bound for France; and commands to recall such as are gone, to prewent the danger that some of them may happin to incurre by goinge to France, in regaird, as he wretts, of some lait differences betueen him and the Frenche Kinge: and at this same tyme, all the seruiceable shipps within the kingdome wer arrested for his Maiesties, and at his command. 

Sr Johne Scott, Director of the Chancelerey, aboute this same tyme, a bussie man in foule wether, and one quhosse coueteousnesse far exceidit his honesty, did exhibit some artickells to his Matie anent the alteratione of tenurs and haldinges, and the omissione of marriages, wich by the King wes recommendit to Sr Thomas Hope, one of his aduocats, to be put to a trayell, and to prosecut the same to his Maiesties profitt and comodity. 

Thursday the 9 of November, this zeire, Sr Randall Crew, Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Kinges Benche, was commandit to forbeare his sitting in the courte; and the nixt day, by wreat, he was descharged from his office. 

The 10 of Nouember this zeire, 1626, his Maiesty wretts to the Lordes of Sessione, that he had sent doune some instructions with ther præsident, Sr James Skeene, wich he wold impart to them; to the performance quherof he wills and commands them to extend ther wttermost endeuoire. 


His Maiesty, by his warrant to his Thesaurers principall and deputey, of the dait 22 Nouember, giues 4000 pound Scottes to the reparatione of the abbey churche of Holyrudhousse. 

In the end of Nouember, this zeire, commissioners are chosen to goe to the King, and make resonable offers anent his sumonds of reductione one his reuotione; they are debarred approching to the courte by Secretary Alexander, at his Maiesties command, onlie ther petition is receaued. Olde Melross wreatts to his Maiestie and counsells him to call a parliament, as the onlie way to giue his Maiesty content, and to setle the feares and jelosies of his subiects. The King returns him anssuer from Whithall, 4 December, 1626, that he wolde first heir ther resonable offers to him, and the particulars wich wer to be demandit, granted and secured, befor he wold call a parliament; and therfor desyres him to be a good instrument for promowęing his contentment in the bussines. 

His Maiesties determinatione and sentence published by proclamatione, that eurey man haue his auen tithes, and pay therfor conforme to his decreitt; Nober: 1626. 

Tuesday the 28 of Nouember, Sr Thomas Richardsone, the Kinges Seriant at Law, was suorne Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Comon Pleas. 

The cittey of Edinbrughe, the 4 of December, this zeire, 1626, is diwydit in 4 paroches, and they to haue eght ministers; and one his Maiesties letter to his priuey counsaill, of the same dait, ther issewed out a proclamation, commanding the inhabitants of the said brugh eache of them to keepe their auen pariche churche, and contribute to the mantinence of the minister therof. 

The 12 of December, this zeire, his Maiesty wretts to his priuey counsaill, inhibitting the importatione of aney wynnes from France, ore to haue aney trade or trafique with it. 

The commissioners that wer sent from thesse that had intrest in the reuocatione, this zeire, 1626, wer Johne, Earle of Rothes, Alexander, Earle of Linlithgow, and Johne, Lord Loudon. They wer stayed at Stamford wnapproching the courte (as I wreat befor) for a tyme; 14 December, his Maiestie storm’d at ther petition, as of too heigh a straine for subiects and petitioners; bot shortly therafter, one the acknowledgment of ther error, they obetein pardon and licience to come to the courte. 

The 27 of December, Jhone Grhame, Earle of Menteith, Lord Kilpont, one his Maiesties especiall warrant to the Lordes of his priuey counsaill, is suorne and admitted a priuey counseller, and one of the commissioners of the exchequer. 

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